We had a chat with Paul Brown regarding his promise to expand the Geraldton Regional Hospital. (Answers edited for brevity. Questions from Everything Geraldton in bold.)
An improved hospital has been promised in the past. Why didn’t Minister Terry Redman make it happen over the last three years?
There was no commitment made in the past. The previous commitment that everyone keeps referring to is the commitment by Shane Van Styn when he was running for the federal seat of Durack. He did not win that seat. Melissa Price won that seat, and has not been able to achieve any funding from the Federal Government. In fact, last year when I met with Susan Ley, Minister for Health, and Melissa Price was at that meeting, she categorically ruled out any funding from the Federal Government into the Geraldton Regional Hospital.
... Shane Van Styn was a candidate when he made that election commitment; he didn't win. So therefore, it was a Federal Election campaign commitment, he was unsuccessful, so this is my commitment. Terry and I made an (earlier) commitment of $50 million. We were looking for dollar for dollar funding from the Federal Minister, and at that time she ruled out funding. So now, a year later, I have been able to convince Terry (Redman) and Brendan (Grylls) of the need, and certainly I've listened to the people of Geraldton and the Mid West and they are demanding an upgrade.
If we are elected next year, we will ensure that through Royalties for Regions funding that ... we move immediately ahead with the redevelopment and expansion.
Shane (Van Styn) also ran for the (State) seat of Geraldton at the last state election, and he also didn't win that, granted. But he also brought up "vote for me if you want the hospital upgraded"... Now Shane didn't win that election, so you could hardly hold Shane accountable, however...
Shane was a candidate, and the difference is I am a member of Parliament, and I've been representing this area for four years and I've spoken to the people... I've been able to go and convince my Nationals colleagues and the Minister for Regional Development. So this is a commitment that's not made in a vacuum, we have a great understanding of the need, and we've made a $115 million commitment to the people of Geraldton and the Mid West.
If I'm not successful, I'd be saying to you and to the people of Geraldton you need to go and speak to Ian Blayney and Lara Dalton (Labor candidate) and see what their commitments are to the people of Geraldton. Ian has been in office for eight years, and has been able to achieve zero focus on development of a hospital. I've been able to convince my partners and my colleagues in Government at the National Party to invest in the hospital.
If Terry Redman, the Minister for Regional Development, has his fingers on the purse strings for Royalties for Region funding, couldn't he have funded the hospital redevelopment over the last three years?
We've funded an enormous amount of hospital infrastructure across regional Western Australia; Busselton, Bunbury, Albany, Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Narrogin, Northam, Katanning, Carnarvon, ...Karratha, Port Hedland Health Campus, and we've also introduced the Southern Inland Health initiative... to improve the health outcomes of people in the Wheatbelt. So I don't think anyone can say we haven't done enough in the health space. I would say, what conversations has Ian Blayney had with the Minister for Regional Development about focussing attention on to Geraldton and the health outcomes for Geraldton?
The Nats won't win Government in their own right. Isn't this commitment a waste of time unless the Liberal party also back it?
We're a balance of power party. We secured the balance of power in 2008, and with the balance of power we were able to secure a billion dollars a year for regional WA through the Royalties for Regions funds. We have fundamentally changed ... investment into communities in our regions. That is what balance of power brings. Balance of power is a very powerful bargaining chip when someone is looking at forming government with us after the next election. All indications are the Nationals will have the balance of power after the next election. We will use that to ensure a better outcome for regional WA.
If we win the balance of power, then we are in a fantastic negotiating position.
If the Nats win balance of power, but do NOT win the Geraldton seat, will Terry Redman still make the hospital upgrade happen?
That's a conversation you would need to have with Ian Blayney. My commitment is, if I win...
I have it on very good authority, from Brendan and from Terry, that he (Ian Blayney) has never had a conversation with them, about investment into Geraldton.
Hospital promises are starting to feel a bit like Oakajee to Geraldton residents. Every election, federal or state, we see photos of politicians standing in front of the hospital making commitments. Why should people pay attention to this announcement from the Nationals?
Because this is the first commitment I've made. I'm based here in Geraldton. My family lives here. My kids go to school here. I live, work and play in this town. I am leaving a safe upper house seat that I could sit in for the next 20 years, to run for the seat of Geraldton. This is my commitment to the people of Geraldton...
Shane made a commitment as a member for Durack, and he wasn't successful. The people of Geraldton and the Mid West need to look at that. They didn't back Shane, they backed Melissa (Price, Liberal party), and four years later we're still having a conversation about the Geraldton Regional Hospital when she said it was the top of her wish list. She has not been able to go and get funding...
A better hospital ultimately will mean better health outcomes for Mid West residents. What do you say to locals who feel like something as important as their HEALTH seems to have become a political negotiation tool?
Well I don't believe it has become a political negotiation tool. I've made a commitment. They can see that for what it is. I've made an honest, transparent commitment, so has my leader, Brendan Grylls. Terry Redman has supported that being Minister for Regional Development. And on the weekend, our whole party membership at the convention unanimously supported redevelopment of the Geraldton Regional Hospital. That is now National Party policy, not just a promise from me and Brendan. Take that for what it is.
It's not a political football. I'm not into horse trading with the Liberals or Labor about this. I've made a rock solid commitment...
If it comes to it, are you saying you're willing to form Government with Labor if the Liberal party won't come to the table on this matter?
We haven't ruled anything out. We've had eight years of good partnership with the Liberal party, but we have not ruled out forming government, and we are happy to negotiate with all those parties. That will be up to the leadership of the party to determine what that outcome is. All I will say is Mark McGowan has said categorically he would not form government with the National party, but we have not ruled that out ourselves. We are a balance of power party, and we seek to use the balance of power judiciously, for the best outcome for regional WA.
Shane Van Styn appears in photos of your recent announcement. Was he there in his capacity as Mayor, or as a Nationals member?
In his capacity as Mayor of City of Greater Geraldton. He is no longer on the executive of the Nationals. He is the Mayor, and he was invited by me as the Mayor of Geraldton, because this is a very important announcement for the people of Geraldton.