An update on the Yellow Submarine
/Back in September 2015 CGG said:
The City of Greater Geraldton is advising the public that the ‘Yellow Submarine’ located beside the Geraldton Visitor Centre will be moved into a secure storage facility to safeguard it during the construction of the Multi User Facility and Youth Space in the West End of the CBD.
The submarine will be securely stored off site until funds have been sourced to complete its restoration and relocation.
When we originally shared the information about the Yellow Submarine, residents were concerned about whether or not it was actually coming back to the foreshore.
Here are some of the comments from that Facebook post:
But Mayor Van Styn was quick to reassure the doubters that it would indeed be back:
By February we were still getting swamped with enquiries from concerned locals wondering where their Yellow Submarine had gone.
Some were relieved to know it would be heading back soon, some still doubted.
After hearing about the submarine for some time, EG asked the public if they still wanted it returned. The results were overwhelmingly in favour of it being returned to the foreshore, as promised. Click here to read some of the 279 comments.
But Mayor Van Styn sure seemed to have changed his tune.
Everything Geraldton asked the City of Greater Geraldton what the current situation was with the much beloved Yellow Submarine.
EG: What is the current status of the yellow submarine and what is the time frame for it being returned to foreshore?
CGG: The Yellow Submarine was removed from its former location to make way for the Youth Precinct Playground and has been stored at the City’s depot.
The submarine had suffered extensive corrosion damage because of its proximity to the ocean and will require substantial remediation works to make it safe.
The City is currently liaising with a community group who wish to remediate and incorporate the yellow submarine as an entry statement in a community rest area off of the highway.
No decision has been made in relation to its long term use.
EG: Are you able to clarify which Highway is being referred to, and how far out of Geraldton this rest stop is, or is it in Geraldton?
CGG: No response.
Update: Response from CGG: The highway being referred to is Northwest Coastal Highway north of Geraldton and it would be in an existing rest stop close to town.
Some interesting facts about the Yellow Submarine, from the plaque that stood beside it:
The Yellow Submarine was made available to the City of Greater Geraldton by Geraldton local Max Cramer, and was restored in 2008 by Maicon Engineering with funding provided by Lotterywest.
This submarine was invented by another Geraldton local Severn Graham, who was commissioned to invent a prototype cray fishing submarine for the M G Kailis Fishing Group.
The vessel was submerged for its inaugural launch in Geraldton on September 6, 1969.
The submarine was designed to test the feasibility of establishing a fishery for green crayfish which abound in the tropical waters north of Learmouth. The submarine never entered operational service as it was discovered that gas emissions from the batteries caused major technical problems.
A 9cm thick laminated Perspex viewing port fitted into the box of the submarine was designed to enable the two-man crew to navigate and manipulate external fishing equipment.
The submarine became an icon in Geraldton and was painted yellow after the Beatles famous song. Severn Graham made two prototypes, one of which has been donated by the original owners to the Derby Museum.