Geraldton Business Directory
Sporting Associations & Clubs
Alicat Dance
0407 773 704
Australs Hockey Club
0437 056 816
C/- Geraldton Hockey Association, Hockey Stadium, Eigth Street, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Aztecs Netball Club
Jury Millward Netball Centre, Eighth Street, WA 6530
Batavia Coast Gymnastics
0439 617 133
29 Sanford St, Geraldton, W.A 6530 Australia
Bullsharks Golden Oldies Rugby
0418 502 214
Casuals / Swans Hockey Club
0418 643 844
8th Street Wonthella, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Chapman Valley Golf Club
0427 383182
Chapman Valley Junior Football Club
0475 950 184
Chapman Valley Rifle Club
0430 084 337
Nabawa, Nabawa
Chapman Valley Western Riding Club
CNR McCagh Rd & Chapman Valley Road, Nanson, WA 6532 Australia
0477 008 195
Geraldton Amateur Swimming Club
08 9965 9606
Geraldton Aquarena, Pass Street, Geraldton, WA, 6530,
Geraldton Bridge Club Inc.
0427 668 880
Eighth St Wonthella (behind Wonthella Bowling Club) Geraldton, WA 6530
Geraldton Combined Equestrian Club
0418 930 344
Dayana Drive, Woorree, Geraldton (PO Box 2569), WA 6531 Western Australia
Geraldton Croquet Club
08 9921 6749
39 Maitland Street Cnr. Carson Tce. Geraldton, WA 6530
Geraldton Golf Club
08 9964 1911
30 Pass Street, GERALDTON, WA 6530 AUSTRALIA
Geraldton Greenough Rifle Club
0429 087 304
Cnr McCartney and Company Roads, Greenough, WA 6530
Geraldton Gymnastics Club
U2/74 North West Coastal Highway
Geraldton Harriers Club
0427 354 772
Geraldton Hockey Association (Inc.)
08 9956 2185
GHA Office Level 1, 268 Foreshore Drive Geraldton, WA 6530
Geraldton Judo Club
0427 383 828
104 Flores Road, Webberton, Geraldton WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Junior And Senior Motocross Club
0481 186 590
Geraldton Netball Association
08 99642 752
258 Eighth Street, Wonthella, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Off Road Model Car Club
0410 070 645
Geraldton City Speedway, PO BOX 1400, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Premier Cheerleading
0427 836 255
Geraldton Roller Derby
0428 286 064
Geraldton Rovers Soccer Club
Rovers Clubhouse, Alexander Park, Utakarra, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
0439 300 135
Geraldton Rugby Union Club
0450 530 869
Cnr Green St and Chapman Rd Spalding Park, Bluff Point, Geraldton, 6530
Geraldton Softball Association
0417 187 702
1 Utakarra Road, Utakarra Ball Park, Utakarra, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Squash Club
0490 766 270
288 Eighth Street, Wonthella, Geraldton, W.A. 6530 Australia
Geraldton Surf Life Saving Club
08 9921 3403
260 Willcock Drive, Geraldton, Western Australia 6530 Australia
Geraldton Table Tennis Association
0408 643 744
Sun City Christian Centre, Assen St, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Tennis Club
0427 912 685
257 Eighth Street, Wonthella, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Turf Club
08 9921 8366
71 Eastward Road, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Geraldton Water Polo Association
0427 381 280
Aquarena Pass Street Greraldton, WA 6530 Western Australia
Geraldton Yacht Club
08 9964 1664
214 Marine Tce, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
GNFL Umpires Association
0439 019 405
Greenough Archery Club Inc
9964 6716
Company Road Greenough, Geraldton, W.A 6530 Australia
Hawks Basketball Club
0419 214 376
Active West Stadium, Eighth St, WA 6530
International Jui-Jitsu Foundation
0427 850 525
Kazuals Netball Club (Inc)
0427 912 685
Eighth Street Wonthella, PO Box 5101 Wonthella, WA 6530 Australia
La Fiamma Sporting Club (Inc.)
0427 645 362
Salvatore Sciuto Stadium, Eighth Street, Wonthella, Western Australia 6530 Australia
Ladies Social Badminton
0428 421 454
Phyllis Jupp Centre, Eighth Street, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Little Bulldogs Teeball Club
0427 481 007
Utakarra, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Martians Softball Club Inc
0428 645 163
Midwest Enduro & Trail Riders Club
0417 318 230
111 Fitzgerald St,Geraldton, WA 6530
Midwest Kart Club
0428 939 098
Geraldton Mt Magnet rd Moonyoonooka, Geraldton
MidWest Marlin's
0427 481 007
Midwest Practical Pistol Club Inc
Northampton Pistol Club, WA
Midwest Wado Ryu Karate
0409 116 383
Allendale Primary School Hall, Wittenoom St., Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Moonyoonooka Horse & Pony Club
0418 957 755
Bernie Clune Drv, Moonyoonooka, Geraldton, WA 6530
Moonyoonooka Polocrosse Club
Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road, Moonyoonooka WA 6530
PCYC Geraldton
08 9921 1317
105 Pass Street Geraldton, WA 6530
PI's Softball Club Inc
0407 986 939
Utakarra Ball Park, WA 6530 Australia
Rover Football Club
0417 983 641
Cnr Horwood and Davies Road, Woorree, WA 6530 Australia
Rover Junior Football Club
0417 983 641
Lot 45 Davies Rd Woorree Geraldton 6530, PO Box 1204, Geraldton, Western Australia 6531
Rovers Cardinals Hockey Club
Spalding Park Golf Club
08 9923 2700
Green Street, Spalding. Geraldton, WA 6530
Spalding Park Tennis Club
Chapman Rd, Bluff Point, WA 6530 Australia
Sunrise Self Defence
0427 383 828
104 Flores Rd Webberton WA 6530 Australia
TSKF Geraldton Karate Academy
0419 953 811
Carson Street Campus Gymnasium, Geraldton Senior College, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Wonthella Bowling Club
0899 212 970
258 Eighth Street, Wonthella, WA 6530 Australia
Woorree Park BMX Club
Rowan Road & Dayana Drive, Woorree, Geraldton, WA 6530 Australia
Yacht Club Hockey Club
0439 907 136
Mitchell & Brown Hockey Stadium, Eighth Street, Wonthella, Geraldton, WA
Kitewest Water Sports & Tours
0449 021 784
On the Foreshore Geraldton, WA 6530