Ladies Indulgence Evening!

The 2014 Ladies Indulgence Evening proudly bought to you by “Its All Sorted”!

Date: Friday 24th of October 2014
Time: 6:30pm until 11:30pm
Venue: Towns Football Club
Dress: Cocktail
Theme: Indulgence
Conditions: 18+

Ladies come dressed in your favourite cocktail dress for a night of glamour and indulgence.

Champagne on arrival with live music provided by popular local artist Yasmin Dost, accompanied by Clinton and Kieron.

Throughout the evening you will be treated to gourmet cocktail food - brought to you by handsome gentlemen, on hand to wait on our guests - plus gifts, a stylish photo booth, a bar available of course and more.

Lingerie, clothing, candles, jewellery, make up and many more products will be showcased throughout the evening, plus a few raffles for your chance to win some fabulous prizes too!

Tickets available at: or for more information please visit our facebook event at

Introducing the new look Everything Geraldton website

We'd like to take a moment to introduce the new look Everything Geraldton website. 

For the last 3 weeks we've been working around the clock to get this site ready, and we're very pleased with the result. 

All the features you know and love are still here, including News, Job Vacancies, Rental Properties, Business Directory, Geraldton Events Calendar and others. And lots that were buried on the old site are now much easier to find, such as the "I'm new to Geraldton" section. 

Popular services that had to be accessed through the Business Directory are now only one click away, such as Accommodation, Cafés, and 'Food and Dining'.

There a heap of new features, such as the Best of Geraldton section, which will feature community feedback on what places you think are the "best", like best coffee, or best steak. There's the new Things to do Blog, which we're super excited to get rolling. 

New sections include:

  • Buy and Sell
  • Lost Geraldton (now part of this website)
  • Births Deaths Marriages
  • Community Questions (dedicated section)
  • Council Information
  • Employment Wanted (many requests for this one)
  • Facebook Groups
  • Garage Sales
  • Gig guide (free to post on)
  • Letters to the editor
  • Lost and Found
  • Public notices
  • Surf Report (well, it's a link, not a section)
  • Weather (back with bells on)
  • News archives (easy to browse by date, category or author)
  • Things to do Blog

Plus we're working on some more great features we plan on rolling out over the coming months.

To coincide with the revamp, we've refreshed our logo and colour scheme. Updates to the apps are on the way. 


In addition to all the new content, we've made it easier than ever subscribe to just the content that interests you. Head to the "Subscribe to EG" section to choose from 11 different emails to subscribe to, as well as RSS feeds (if you know what the heck an RSS feed is).

So why the heck did you change it?

It's always frustrating when you know how to use a particular website, then they go and move the buttons... and with 15,000 weekly users of this site we're sure some of you will be frustrated by having to find things again. Sorry. 

These are the reasons we have changed the website:

1. The old platform was a pain in the butt

The platform our previous site was built on was called Wordpress. It's the most popular CMS for websites in the world, and is a powerful and flexible service. But the large number of different services we offer on Everything Geraldton meant constantly configuring and reconfiguring plugins and themes and installing updates, fixing hosting issues, fending of a constant barrage of hackers, finding and fixing bugs etc etc etc. We spent more time and energy in keeping the website alive than generating the news and content that you actually come here for. 

This new website is built on a platform that reduces our workload considerably, so we can spend more time getting you the information you want. 

2.  We want to be much more than just a news service

The home page of the previous website was very news centric. While keeping you informed of the latest news is certainly one of our core aims, Everything Geraldton's goal is to give you easy access to everything to do with Geraldton in one convenient location. 

The way the old site was laid out meant any new features or services we introduced simply got buried in submenus, never to see the light of day. 

Our new layout gives us the flexibility to introduce a lot more features without having them hidden, and its clean look means users don't feel overwhelmed when visiting. 

Everything is laid out in a logical fashion, with a very limited number of menus; there's one menu along the left hand side of the site (top on a phone), and there's a couple of links at the bottom of the site. And that's it. 

Apart from the very top and bottom, the menu is in alphabetical order for ease of use. 

Some more tips for the new site

Comments - At the bottom of each article is the comments section. You can comment anonymously, like a post by clicking on the heart, and if you want you can subscribe by email to the comments. If there's a discussion you want to follow, just click Subscribe by email above the comment box, and follow the prompts. 

Home Page - The home page displays a selection of content from the site. Above each row of images is a couple of small arrows you can click to scroll and see more headlines, without having to leave the home page. See something you like? Click the image or title. 

More - The menu option "More" expands when you hover your mouse over it, or if on a mobile device, just click it to reveal extra items. 

Categories - Beneath each article is the list of categories that apply to it. To see more items in the same category, just click on the category. If you want to browse all news by category, head to the news archives section which is under "More".

Feature requests - We'd love to know what you'd like added to the site. Head to the contact us page and let us know your suggestions. 

We hope this website will be a very useful tool to serve residents, new-comers and visitors to Geraldton. 

Everything Geraldton
Everything to do with Geraldton in one location. 

Why councillors should be paid a lot more

Recent news about a small increase to the allowance paid by councillors and the Mayor was met with a collective shrug by Geraldton residents. 

The press release from the city was careful to emphasise how little the increase is, and how small the overall amount councillors receive relative to the work they do and the time they contribute. 

But should councillors be receiving so little that they still need to keep their day jobs? Would they not be able to do a better job and devote more time to their work if they were actually paid a decent amount?

Giving money to politicians or elected officials rates only slightly less distasteful than letting paedophiles out of prison, in the minds of many Australians. But our cultural distrust for what are essentially public servants is mostly unmerited in my mind. 

We asked these people to do a job for us that we don't have time to do, namely, facilitating the day to day running of our city and associated services. They're not dictators, monarchs or overlords. They're school teachers, mums, dad, grandparents, small business owners, accountants... everyday local residents like you and me that put their hand up to have a go and help out.

Yet in day to day conversation around town about "the council", more vitriol is thrown towards these everyday people than is warranted. We demand they do a better job, provide more services, get in touch with the public more effectively, reduce rates and cure cancer. 

All the while they must maintain their full time jobs, keep their respective relationships with their significant others in tact, raise children, and remember to get their suits dry-cleaned for the upcoming council meeting in a week's time. 

By not paying councillors a liveable wage, we're depriving ourselves of the very thing we need; dedicated, focused individuals with skin in the game who are available to us and can better inform themselves of the myriad of issues that come across their desks/email inboxes each week. 

It's a thankless task at the best of times, and the care factor level one needs to run for council is much higher than what the average resident posses. Two thirds of us couldn't even be stuffed to go and vote at the last local election. 

It's up to the state government to set the maximum amounts a councillor can be compensated, and at the moment it's not enough to be a full time wage.

And if it were ever increased, we may increase the risk of political parties entering the local government scene like happens over east. 

But I for one would love to know the councillors I elected were actually at the council offices most of the time, providing assistance and guidance to staff as needed.

While I certainly don't have a problem criticising specific decisions made by council, I tip my hat to anyone dedicated enough to put their hand up and have a go at serving the public through this demanding role. 



City Rangers finalists in State award

The City of Greater Geraldton’s Community Law and Safety Team have been selected as finalists in the WA Ranger Association Team of the Year award.

CEO Ken Diehm said he was extremely proud of the work the City’s rangers undertook and to be recognised as being finalists in a State award is a huge step in terms of recognition.

“The City’s Rangers can work under the most stressful of circumstances. Whilst the majority of people in our community treat them with respect, sometimes it can be very difficult to carry out their duties without being harassed,” he said.

“The team have made a huge effort to make sure Geraldton is well serviced in community law and safety issues.”

City of Greater Geraldton Community Law and Safety Manager, Konrad Seidl, said to be finalists for the award is a great team achievement.

“Being part of the Law and Safety team is one of the hardest jobs in the council,” he said.

“The job can be very demanding and we have the highest amount of customer requests, but this doesn’t stop the great culture we have in our team.”

A Rangers day can vary from dealing with dogs, cats and livestock, to matters of parking, camping, litter and off road vehicles.

Law and Safety also deal with City Crime Prevention activities including CCTV and Emergency Management and all bush fire responsibilities.

Much of the work in the field creates work in the office giving each member their fair share in front of the community or a computer screen. No day is ever the same.

Mr Seidl said it’s very rewarding to achieve so many goals on a daily basis. “We work together to make a significant contribution to keeping Greater Geraldton safe,” he said.

“I’m proud of how far the team has come and if we’re not successful this round, I’m sure we will be nominated again for our services.”

Mr Seidl will be presenting at a conference on Wednesday September 10 about a new approach to the City’s Ranger Services and Emergency Management Exercise. He will also be attending the awards presentation taking place that same day.

Help out with a Bucket Brigade on McHappy Day!

McHappy Day - Image - Bucket Brigade - 2014 (small)

McHappy Day® is coming up fast and Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) is calling on Geraldton community groups to get behind the big day by forming a ‘Bucket Brigade’ on Saturday 18th October, to help raise more than $3 million for the charity.

The event will take place at McDonald's restaurants in Geraldton and local groups including local businesses, dance groups, the fire brigade and ambulance services, are encouraged to get involved by volunteering their time to help collect donations in fundraising buckets at their local restaurant on the day.

This year’s fundraising target equates to over 23,000 nights’ accommodation in a Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. Funds raised on the day will go towards a range of RMHC programs including Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, the Ronald McDonald Learning Program and Ronald McDonald Family Retreats Program.

“One in eight people either have been or know someone who has been affected by childhood illness so I am sure there are people in the local community who can relate to the heartache and stress of having a child with a serious illness,” said Mike Hanlon, licensee, McDonald's Geraldton.

“The Bucket Brigades are a simple and easy way for people in the community to get involved and help families with seriously ill children. We are very passionate about reaching our target of $3 million this year."

There are currently 14 Ronald McDonald Houses in Australia but sadly hundreds of families are turned away each month as there is a shortage of rooms to accommodate them all. All funds raised on McHappy Day goes directly to RMHC, and are used to help these Houses expand in order to help more families remain close during challenging times.

A number of Australian celebrities will be doing their bit for McHappy Day to help raise awareness and funds across Australia. Why not join them?

To form a ‘Bucket Brigade’ or get involved at your local McDonald’s please contact the McHappy Day Project Office by e-mailing

Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the Week


Meet best friends, Pepsi and Aspen.

Pepsi and Apsen are two 10 month old females. Aspen is very shy but once she learns she can trust you, she’s a very sweet girl with a very fluffy tail! Pepsi is also a very shy girl who needs a lot of love, but once she trusts you she is very kind. They both have very shy personalities and need a home together with lots of love, plenty of cuddles and patience. Would suit a home with adults or the elderly who would enjoy some quiet, sweet company.They both have sweet personalities, love plenty of cuddles and pats.

Mid West Cat Shelter's bonded-pair Cats of the Week are available for $200 to the right home.

If you would like to adopt Pepsi and Aspen, or any of the other cats or kittens, phone 0487 193 244 to speak to a co-ordinator.

$600 taken via Pay Wave on stolen debit card


A local man has lost $600 when someone stole his debit card and used the Pay Wave feature last week.

Colin posted to Everything Geraldton, "Just like to let everyone know please don't do what I did today and lose my wallet just after putting my tax cheque in the bank I went to SJOG Hospital to have my bloods done and afterwards I thought I'd get a coffee and walking back to the car I lost my wallet."

"Thanks to someone who found my wallet and decided to use my Westpac card 7 times on Pay Wave and took out my $600 that I just put in the bank so if you have a Pay Wave bank card please be extremely careful."

Colin's wife Lyn also urged people to be wary of the Pay Wave feature.

"Within 1/2 hour they had taken 7 debits out of our account all under $100 and we lost $600 so we now have requested that we don't want Pay Wave and were told sorry," Lyn said.

"I believe we should have the right to be able to get the card we want as customers.

"The bank will replace the money in 14 bank work days but please be careful."

Lyn also mentioned that the money was to be used for a trip to Perth for her husband's cancer treatment.

The Biggest Comedy Show On Earth, In the SPIEGELTENT!


You won’t want to miss The Comedy Emporium’s show on October 10th, with your favourite local comedians and THREE headliners performing in the one and only Spiegeltent! It will be the biggest comedy show on earth (or at least in Geraldton)... In a tent.

“This is absolutely the most amazing venue you will ever get to be in!” says The Comedy Emporium’s Coordinator Emma Howell, “Oh - the comedy will be pretty good too.”

The Comedy Emporium has partnered with Gfest to perform in the Spiegeltent and produce this once- off show.

“You can even get tickets cheaper to both events! Comedy show tickets are only $25 if you get your Gfest ticket at the same time,” says Emma. “The tent can only fit so many people... So make sure you get your tickets ASAP! There will be no repeats.”

There are three headline comedy acts ready to go - the theatrical John Robertson from the UK, the hilarious International Touring Comedian Matthew Dyktynski and the wonderful Joel Bryant who was awarded best show at the 2013 Brisbane Fringe Comedy Festival! “I am not really sure how we can afford three headliners, but it will be an amazing show even if it means I have no job next week,” says Howell.

Your favourite local acts will be on show again, with teenage comedian Jackson Canny looking forward to the show.

"Last time when I performed I forgot my set, which made it even funnier?" He said.

There will also be two comedy first timers to sacrifice, and one of the originals to welcome back - James Butson. “After two shows absent it will be great to have my comeback in a tent where I can really clown out to my crowd!” Said James.

Doors open 6.30pm, live music from 7.15pm, comedy from 8pm. For more information and tickets head to or QPT.

Tickets on sale now for $29 each presale $35 at the door. For enquiries please ring 0458 306 111. No BYO alcohol. Bar available.


John Robertson in The Dark Room, publicity photo

John is a Renaissance man with a Black Plague wit. A comedian, playwright, YouTube visionary and clown, he's performed everywhere from rained- out bomb shelters in Hungary to legendary comedy clubs in London and packed theatres in Sydney. He's had fans dress as him, been concussed by well- meaning punters and generally made the world a louder, more frightening place.

"Brilliant - you could do worse than see John's show, but you'll rarely do better." - Chortle AU Trivia: John's sadistic YouTube game "The Dark Room" has been played over 4,000,000 times worldwide. He has stage- dived off the roof of a theatre with Brendon Burns and a purple puppet. He will either carefully construct material, or make shows up as he goes. He owns many swords. Likes Star Trek, frock coats and top hats. Also pro wrestling. Doesn't drink wine. Comedy through fear. John is also the official MC of the Supanova Pop Culture Expo, Wai- Con Anime Convention and Madman National Cosplay Competition. Wherever he goes, he brings the nerd love, manic slapstick and smart cynicism.


Joel Bryant

“There’s something wonderful about watching an intelligent and articulate person, point out how bizarre the world is.” “I couldn’t get offended... I was too busy laughing.” “There’s a beautiful message in what you do.”

Joel thinks they are the loveliest things ever said about his show. Joel has established a reputation as a quality act as well as having worked with acts of the calibre of Anthony Jeselnik, Ted Alexandro, Greg Fleet, Fiona O’Loughlin, Chris Wainhouse, Geraldine Hickey, Steddy Eddie and Austen Tayshus to name but a few. With the rare ability to adapt his act and establish an instant rapport with all, Joel never fails to leave audiences filled with his infectious energy and passion. Joel dreams of a world where we laugh because it’s funny... Not because we need to. He enjoys gardening, beer, a good hug and pondering why we treat each other like shit. When he grows up he plans to stamp his feet and yell “No!”


Matt D

Matt Dyktynski is a comedian. Matt is an actor. Matt is also a Cancerian. Matt can cook reasonably well.

As an actor Matt Dyktynski has starred in films such as Love and other Catastrophes, Takeaway and the critically acclaimed, Japanese Story and in TV series like Shockjock and Raw FM. As a Stand-Up Comic, Matt spent years based in London, becoming a regular on the highly demanding UK circuit. All over Britain and Ireland and with gigs as far flung as Poland and Croatia, Matt has weaved his warm style to drunks everywhere and now is home in OZ looking forward to making his own people laugh and hopefully getting out of the gig alive.

“... has a show that other stand-up comics would kill for.” Malcolm Hay Time Out. London.

The asylum seeker boat is being donated to WA Museum

The Western Australian Museum today thanked the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service for donating the wooden asylum seeker boat that arrived into Geraldton in April 2013, to its collection. WA Museum CEO Alec Coles said the vessel and its story were part of contemporary Australian history, and the Museum was committed to documenting the historical record through the collection of significant objects that explored the history of WA and connected people to its past, present and future.

“Of the criteria that define what contemporary material any museum should collect, one tries to imagine how significant that material might be viewed in 100 years’ time,” Mr Coles said.

The WA Museum joins a number of Australian museums that have asylum seeker vessels as part of their collections, including the National Museum, the National Maritime Museum, and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.

An assessment of the vessel is being conducted with a view to transporting it from its current location in Geraldton to Perth, for conservation, storage and preparation for eventual display.

Exploring Western Australia is one of the WA Museum’s key themes, now and into the future, as the $428.3 million redeveloped New Museum for Western Australia takes shape. This includes exploring our relationship with the Indian Ocean and how that has contributed to the development of the State.


The WA Museum already houses the most significant collection of excavated maritime archaeological material in the world today, collected off the WA coast. The acquisition of this vessel represents the latest chapter in centuries of documented Indian Ocean history.

Geraldton Dog Rescue Dog of the Week


Meet Chev!

Chev is a very cute 4 month old puppy with lots of growing to do as it appears he will be a large dog when fully grown. He is very playful and will need a lot of socializing as well as some training to make him a pleasant and social boy in the future. He is learning all about cats in his foster home and is getting along well with both large and small dogs as playmates. Chev is learning basic manners in his foster home and how to walk on a lead. He will make a wonderful addition to any family.

Geraldton Dog Rescue is a not for profit organization run solely by volunteers. All GDR dogs cost $350 and have been bathed and flea treated, vet checked, vaccinated, wormed, micro-chipped and de-sexed. If you would like to view a dog or become a volunteer please call 0400 219 719. Geraldton Dog Rescue can also be contacted via their website or you can find them on Facebook.

Storm hits Geraldton


There was a weather warning in place for Geraldton last night and this morning as a storm hit the Midwest and surrounding areas.

From 1.55 pm yesterday, September 7, the Bureau of Meteorology advised a passage of a strong cold front from Sunday evening was  expected to cause widespread damaging winds to 100 kilometres per hour that could result in damage to homes and property.

We had reports of some damage in local homes, power was out is some homes, traffic lights are out in the Geraldton CBD and some fences were blown down.

Weather Warning

If you live south west of a line from Kalbarri to Mount Magnet to Kalgoorlie to Forrest you need to get ready now for dangerous weather coming tonight and into tomorrow morning.
This includes people in Kalbarri, Northampton, Geraldton, Jurien Bay, Dalwallinu, Southern Cross, Kalgoorlie, the Perth Metropolitan area, Mandurah, York, Narrogin, Katanning, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Bridgetown, Albany, Esperance, Eucla and surrounding areas.
This type of weather only occurs once or twice a year and is likely to cause major damage to homes and make travel dangerous.

WHAT TO DO: DFES has these tips to help you and your family get ready now: • Store or weigh down loose objects around your home like outdoor furniture that could be picked up and thrown by strong winds, causing damage or injury • Ensure your emergency kit is complete including a battery operated radio, torch, spare batteries and first aid kit • Ensure pets and animals are in a safe area • Move vehicles under cover • Boat owners should securely moor their boats • Campers should find safe shelter away from trees, powerlines, storm water drains and streams If you are away from home contact family or friends to prepare your property

WEATHER DETAILS: As at 1.55 pm on Sunday 7 September 2014 the Bureau of Meteorology advises the passage of a strong cold front from Sunday evening is expected to cause widespread damaging winds to 100 kilometres per hour that could result in damage to homes and property.
Damaging winds are likely to develop over the Southwest Capes from about 8pm Sunday night and extend to the Perth Metropolitan area around 10pm. The risk will then extend eastwards to reach Kalgoorlie and Esperance by about 5am Monday morning and Forrest and Eucla after 8am Monday morning.
In isolated areas southwest of a line from Jurien Bay to Merredin to Bremer Bay, dangerous gusts in excess of 125 kilometres per hour could cause significant localised damage or destruction to homes and property with the passage of the front.
Thunderstorms and small hail are also forecast along the southern coastline and extending north to Perth.
Tides will be higher than normal in coastal parts from Kalbarri to Eucla and may result in flooding of low-lying coastal areas. Dangerous surf conditions are likely which could cause beach erosion.
The passage of this cold front will be followed by another strong cold front on Monday afternoon. This is also likely to produce severe weather over southwest parts of the state and a separate Severe Weather Warning will be issued for this event on Monday morning.
These two strong cold fronts are expected to be windier than typical fronts and are likely to produce the kind of weather that is only seen once or twice a year over southern WA.
IMPORTANT NUMBERS: • If your home has been badly damaged by a storm call the SES on 132 500 • In a life threatening situation call 000 • For the latest weather information visit or call 1300 659 213

After a storm State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers make temporary repairs to homes that have been badly damaged, such as roofs that have been ripped off or large fallen trees on homes and cars. Please contact your insurance company to organise permanent repairs.

KEEP UP TO DATE: Visit, call 13 DFES (13 3337), follow DFES on Twitter @dfes_wa or listen to news bulletins.

Everything Geraldton Father's Day Competition

Happy Father's Day! We ran a competition this week with people telling us why their Dad is the best Dad in the world! Sponsored by Tackleworld Country, two winners have won a $100 voucher and a Tackleworld gift bag. Congratulations to winners Andy Goodings and Brian Clinch! E-mail or call 0434 476 332 to claim your prize :)

We had some awesome entrants, check them out below!


Hello my name is Lili and I think my Dad Frank should win  the the best dad award because he works away for 2 weeks and he would do anything for me and my siblings he has always been there for me and always will and I always say I will take care of him when he is old and grey even though he embarrasses me. -Lili Sorgiovanni


Our dad is the best because he drives us to sport, buys us choclate and lollies, has fun and is silly with us on a Sunday and most of all he is always there for us every step of the way. This is why our dad is the best. And we couldn't get one any better! -Kaylee, Ashlyn and Zayne Gray


This is a picture of my little boy with his daddy who is just over the moon and the most proudest dad I have ever seen :-)  I think if our little man could he would nominate his dad (Ben Murray)! I have never seen a dad so happy, proud and so hands on with the changing of nappies even waking through the night with me and his newborn baby! -Aimy Coyle


Hi, my name is Kallum and I'm almost 3. This is a picture of dad and I at the footy. My dad is the best dad in the world because we do everything together... We ride motorbikes, play footy, go fishing, play at the park and he stays at daycare with me in the mornings to make sure I am ok. My dad (Andy) even looks after me when mum goes away for work sometimes. -Kallum Goodings


Hello, my name's De'mi Ramshaw, and this is my Dad. My Dad is the best in the world because he's Brad Ramshaw.

He works hard for the Geraldton Shire and give his all to everything he does. He tries hard and even when things are looking hopeless, he manages to get through it. My dad is a champion and has had to put up with a lot in his life, from both of his kids and that's part of the reason why I'm entering this contest. I appreciate my Dad more than he thinks and he deserves all the best in life.

Brad Ramshaw is The Best Dad in The World! -De'mi Ramshaw


My dad is the best dad in the world, because he chose to be my father when I was a year old. Not being blood related he took me on as his own. Gave me his last name and even though he and my mother went on to have 3 more kids (my brothers) I was always his little girl. I have the best dad in the world because he is now moving over from Nz to be closer to me and my little one and to give me a hand with everything. My dad has been a very hard worker his entire life working as a police officer in the worst spot in Nz he has seen and dealt with a lot of things no normal person should have to deal with. My dad absolutely looooves fishing, and spends every spare minute he has watching fishing videos and when he came over to visit me in May he spent most of his time at Tackleworld haha. He definitely deserves this voucher as being a father to a child who isn't yours takes a real man. He is definitely the best dad in the world. -Amanda Ujudur


My dad is the best dad in the world because, he is my hero and my role model why? When I was younger my mum was not fit to look after my sisters or my brothers so we were all sent to foster homes, we all got separated and eventually a few of us got put into the same homes, my mum and dad were divorced at the time as she was granted custody this is why we were first in her care. My dad spent alot of money going through the courts to get custody,heart breaking years but eventually got custody one by one of 4 of his kids. He could have given up and left us.

My dad gave up everything for my siblings and myself. My dad ended up leaving New Zealand, he left his friends and the life he made there to give us kids a new start. Even though my dad knew we were to young to understand why he made us leave our mum and our other half siblings, he done it for the better. I did resent my dad until I was old enough to understand why he did what he did, if it wasn't for him I would be exactly the same as my mum, drugs and prostitution.My dad never once spoke horrible about my mum even though she put herself before her kids, she did not once attend a visit to see her kids. If everyone had a heart the size of my father's the world would be a better place.


My name is James, I am 12 years old and this is a photo of me and my Dad.

My Dad is the best Dad.

He helps me all the time.

He lets me go to work with him sometimes and I get to drive the bobcat.

Dad is my favourite person, number 1. -James Cassin


My husband is the best dad in the world for his two boys Ari (6) and Oskar (2). Aside from working a full week protecting and serving the people of Geraldton he still finds time to play with his boys!! Photo attached is of him taking Oskar to the Chapman river to catch (and release) his first fish!! -Tarn


My dad is the best because he takes me fishing on his big boat and we always catch big fish. I love my dad I want to be just like him when I'm big. -Reeve & Sully Sheldon


My dad's the best in the world because although he has three kids biologically he still had heaps of time and love to raise three extra daughters when he married my mum. Without him my childhood for all six of us kids wouldn't have been fun, full of love and laughter. He didn't have to but my step dad is the best dad because he has so much love to give to any child. -Ashley Hogermeer


We have the best dad in the world! He takes us camping and fishing and bike riding and always looks after us! We have so much fun with him all the time! He's the coolest but some of his dad jokes aren't the best! Love you dad, love Bayley and Taliah xx -Bayley and Taliah


Our dad is the best dad in the world because he cuddles us at night time when we can't sleep. -Azlina and Azuria Sekodel


My dad is the best dad in the world because i've always been a daddy's girl and I do everything with him like fishing, riding motorbikes and traveling together. Dad has always been there for my brother and I ever since they split, but dad has always put on a brave smile and he always puts our needs before himself. I think my dad is the best dad in the world because I wouldnt be the person that I am today and he's the one person that keeps me going with my head held high, my dad deserves an amazing fathers day :) -Caitlyn Boath


I think my dads the best in the world because he always looked after my nana when she got sick as well as me and my sister when my mum left to come to WA. He raised us to become independent, strong minded and courages young women that we are today. Not only that, but he is the best poppa !! Always has goodies in his cupboard and fridge and loves taking them for rides on the bus when he picks up the school kids. He misses us so much because we are all over here and he's still back home in NZ, but that doesn't stop him from ringing us every week and sending parcels  he's always been there for us and still continues to do so. Love him so much and wouldn't change him for anyone else !! -NatashaWhare N TanioraNikora


My daddy is the best because he makes me feel so special. He lets me read to Him every night even tho it takes a long time! He has so much patience with me and takes me to story time every Friday. I love my Dad. -Blake Mitchell


My name is bodhi and my daddy is the BEST because he gave me his hair style!! How lucky am I!!?? -Bodhi Jeffery


Our names are Logan and Bryce and we love our dad Jordan, because he isn't in fact our dad but makes us feel as if he was. He is the best step dad we could ever wish for, we play hide and seek and collect chicken eggs together, he also reads us stories and tucks us in at bed time :) -Logan and Bryce


This man is not my biological father, but has been a dad to me since I was a year old. He's not one for hugs and affection but he knows when you need one. He's a typical joker, always making my siblings and I laugh. I wasn't the best teenager to have in the house, and like all fathers we butted heads, but as an adult I'm able to see all the things he did for me and that he was keeping me on track. He's the first person I go to for help and I'm honoured to have such a man walk me down the aisle. He's not my biological father, but he's the best dad I could ever ask for. -Kara Payne


Jon isn't exactly my father. He is my aunties partner. Throughout the years I have known Jon, he has certainly encouraged me to take on new challenges. Jon is a Paramedic, and works very long and hard hours. He always finds time to give me a hand repairing my car, go fishing, four wheel driving or just something as simple as lighting a fire and having a few beers. I see Jon as more of a father figure, than an uncle. He has the biggest heart with the biggest smile to go with it. -Cameron Williams


My dad is the best because he's an amazing support person and is always there for me in timea of need, so hard working-  he runs the farm with mum, helps us out for our business if we need without asking for anything in return!

He's also a fun and very loving granddad to 4 grandkids and cherishes them more than anything! -Claire Darcy


My dad is the best because he takes me  everywhere like camping. Cameron is pictured with his dad Matt on their Easter camping/fishing trip to Lucky Bay. -Cameron


I've never grown up with my father so I look to my pop as a father figure, he has looked after me most of my childhood while mums been working away, we have such a special bond together! He is the best father figure because you can tell me anything and he will understand and listen, he loves finishing and exploring, when I go to see him in QLD we go finishing all the time, he is such a hard working man his 68 and still works everyday, he is so strong! His such a big inspiration to me I look up to him. Here's a photo of me and him together last year. -Dana Clarke


Our new dad Damo (Damien Thomas) is the greatest dad!

We moved to Geraldton to live with him in March and our new sister was born in May.

Damo is her real dad but he is our dad to.

Since we moved here he has taught us to ride our bikes and all about fishing. Even how to cast.

He teaches us so much and is the best dad.

-Sunny and Kiki Negovetic


This is my awesome dad he is the best dad in the world and I love him very much he always says his proud of me and I'm proud of him to because he is a amazing person . He is very funny and makes me laugh when I'm sad. I want this Father's Day to be wonderful for my dad because he really deserves it. He is always there for me when I need help and never let's me down my dad is my hero and I don't know what I would do with out him I love him very much as I like to say he is a cooool cat. I think my dad is a exceptional man and is very special to me and makes my life better and I fell safe and protected when I'm around him I love my dad very much with all my heart and this is why my dad is the best dad in the world .... -Jessica Willcox


This is my father Keith Capewell. He is the best dad, he goes above and beyond for me and my children. He quite often has my children for school holidays. This was him taking my eldest boy for a hike. Teaching him about bush tucker and tracking while he's at it. -Bec Caratti Capewell


This is my dad . He is the best. When i lived interstate, he flew all the way to sydney to see me for 2 days over my 30th birthday!!! That made my weekend!! I love my dad to bits xxx -Danielle Sweetman


My Step-dad, Brian Clinch has been such an amazing father figure. Since the age of 4, Brian has raised me like his own. He has helped me with homework, school, work, social dramas and is there whenever I have a problem. It takes a strong person to raise a child, but an even stronger person to raise someone else's child. It's been 17years and he is the best father I could have ever asked for. He always puts us (kids) first before himself and as a result he doesn't usually get to enjoy those little extra happy things life has to offer, even though he is content with the small things.

Even if he doesn't win, he is still a winner in my eyes.

Love ya dad! xo -Emily Della Marianna


This is my dad, Steve. I think he is the best dad in the world. He taught me how to fish, and that's still a passion we share, even though we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. Whenever we get the chance we go out on the boat and I am constantly learning new things from him. He has been a great role model to me and my two brothers and I will always admire him! -Josie Bradbury


Our Dad is the best because he does anything for us and especially loves to teach us about fishing! -Mathias and Miah Cross


My dad would love this ... sadly he wouldnt be able to use it as he's fighting cancer and loosing the battle ... however, despite being so very sick, he still stepped up to help me fight another battle - one against depression, anxiety and suicide by putting on a tutu and letting me photograph him for my "a tutu for blue" project .... -Pene Stevens


The reason I think my dad is the best dad in the world is because he has put his whole life towards bringing up me, my brother and my sister. When I was very young my mum and dad split, & all of us kids went with my dad. He was an alcoholic and hard a very hard time raising 3 children all by himself that were all under the ages of 6. After a while he decided to get help to stop drinking and depression. He went to tafe and got his certificates and is now a qualified youth worker and helps young troubled teens at STAY in Geraldton. I do not see my mum by choice, my dad never said negative things about her, he let us all make up our own mind about her. He let her contact us and let us contact her, but in the end we did not want much to do with her. My mum does not pay child support and my dad doesn't take her to court for it because he is to much of a good guy to do that to her. It may sound like my life is sad but I have the best life ever!! I may not have had a chance to grow up with my mother but I am so close with my father!! I tell him everything, he is an inspiration and that why I think he is the best dad ever!!!! -Rhehal Burhess


My step-Dad is the best Dad in the world because he poses as my model and supports my passions. He always has a Dad joke ready to fire, a sarcastic comment that always makes you feel better and a cheesy grin to pair! He's been with us through thick and thin. -Taylor Isastrat


Our Dad is the most incredible Dad and Husband there is! His love and care for his whole family is  forever inspiring. His lame Dad jokes, silly humor, story telling, knowledge, helpfulness and compassion are some of his best traits. You have supported our whole family from day one, you are truly a hard working and successful man within family and work!

We all admire the way you love us and how much care you share with us and the world. We are all growing up to be such great people because of your warm and wonderful personality and knowledge. You are the best Dad anyone could ask for. Thank you for making our family the wonderful bunch we are! Never grow old Dad!

-Love your 5 hilarious children and Wife, Sally, Julian, Mitchell, April, Louis and Oli.


My Daddy is the best because every time he goes fishing he always catches something. He catches mulloway and sharks and bream but he is the best because he takes me on the quad bike and always puts the fish he catches back because it makes me sad when they are in a bucket and not the ocean. -From Chloe Joynes (9yrs old)


My old boy is the best Dad going around because he takes me shopping at Tackle World Geraldton for my bday present!!

-Kate Kalajzich


My daddy is the best, because he buys me toys & gives me lots of cuddles. he loves me & I love him, HEAPS!!

-Keira Lucken, eighteen months.


My Dad David is the best in the world because he brought us from the cold and rain in Wales to live in the most beautiful and best place in the world, Geraldton.

-Lola and Alana Tandy


My Dad is the best dad in the world, not only because he's the biggest dork in the world but because he has made me the person I am today. Like father like daughter.

-Meg Quarrington

Hi, I just wanted to enter my dad into the Father's Day comp.. My dad has always done everything and anything he could for us, father of us girls Always worked really really hard! He deserves all the happiness in the world as he always says family is all that matters, but I think sometimes you just gotta show people your appreciated my dad deserves this prize, he also loves fishing! -Danielle Had Pratt-Jenkin


This is my dad and he is actually one of the most AMAZING dads in the world. He cares so much about me and my family, he basically supports us all. If we didn't have him, we probably wouldn't have a nice home or any money. Like he buys us everything and just wow - I didn't think people like him even existed. I know he loves us SO MUCH!!! -Finlay Clarke


This is me and my dad. My dad should win the Father's Day competition because he works out on the mines for 2 weeks and is home for a week and all he does is fish and spend time with his kids outdoors. He is awesome and deserves this prize. -Maddy


My Dad is the best because he coaches my under 5 soccer team. -Max


I think my dad is the best dad in the world because he has worked hard and long everyday from 6-6 and earns very little money but tries his hardest to work. We have just been introduced to fishing and I love going out with my Dad fishing. I hope this win. His name is Craig Bishop. -Matthew Bishop

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My Dad (Chris Bonny) is the best dad in the world because he gave me the best experience of my life! When I was 8 he took me and my mum to live in Papua New Guinea, where we stayed for 3 years. We are back home now but I would love to go back. It was the best experience I have ever had and I will never have it again -Maggie Bonny

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This is my Dad Scott. He is the best dad in the world. He is also the funniest man in the whole world. Dad always pushes me to be the greatest person I can be and to make the most of life. My dad is such an inspiration to me and I love him so much. If dads were flowers I'd pick him.

-Joely Carroll


‘Johnno’ is the best dad in the world because he loves us unconditionally and is the best ‘Pa Bear’ to my 6 year old son that he can be. He often sits on the couch with Reilly and tells him wonderful stories of the scarecrow family that live under his chiller in the backyard. He roped his best mate into helping him build a cubby up in the trees that my son can play in. He draws pictures, plays hide and seek, takes us camping, fixes flat tyres and makes toys. He comes over with his ute and pulls out big scratchy bougainvillea and he even cooked us all dinner when we got back late from the eastern states – and he can’t cook! -Anne Finlay

ABC’s gardening presenter helping local community design sustainable landscapes


Award winning ABC local radio and TV gardening presenter Chris Ferreira recently presented Heavenly Hectares Property Planning Course in Geraldton to local life-style block owners and hobby farmers. This popular short-course helped participants design productive and sustainable blocks.

Mr Ferreira said, “In over 20 years of teaching I have never got tired of seeing the enthusiasm and excitement participants have for wanting to transform their properties to make them more sustainable, safe and productive. It is a real pleasure and it leaves me with the overwhelming sense that our land is in good hands”.

Partnering with NACC, Mr Ferreira’s presentation was tailored to help local blockers understand the landscape a whole lot better so that they can make the right decisions and gain the most from the rural experience.

According to Mr Ferreira, “for the trained eye the landscape is literally bursting with clues on what are the strengths, weaknesses and other characteristics of your land, what productive potential it has, what may be wrong with it and what will be needed to make it work effectively. All of which starts with being able to read your landscape.”

Mr Ferreira’s ‘whopper tips’ on how to read and manage your landscape include:

  • For land with rocks near surface – it means sloppy ground prone to erosion that can be difficult and expensive to work, and hard to make a go of grazing and cropping, but it may be ok for returning to bush or perhaps selected tree crops such as bush foods and nut tree crops.
  • For hard, uneven ground – it is an indication of heavy clay that is prone to waterlogging, so draining and choice of crops, seeding, fertiliser and weed control are usually needed.
  • Bare sandy soils – it means the land has been overgrazed and has low fertility level, often drought prone, water repellent and prone to erosion.
  • Pricky weeds – indicates nasty mismanagement of the land. They will usually mean the soil is degraded, so some serious charity work will be needed to bring this place back to black.
  • Dying trees can be symptomatic of a whole range of problems including waterlogging, salinity, overgrazing or dieback disease, drought stress, climate change – all suggesting that the land has been worked hard and that some careful management and repair work will be needed. 

Sledge hammer used in chemist burglary in Mullewa

A 22-year-old man allegedly used a sledge hammer to smash the front doors of the Mullewa Chemist and steal medication.

At about 2am on Thursday September 4, the burglary took place with 300 Diazepam tablets stolen.

Police arrested the Mullewa man later that afternoon and the stolen medication was recovered.

He will appear in the next Mullewa Magistrates Court charged with Burglary and Stealing offences.


Big Sky and the Wild Blue Yonder beckons to a literary line up

Popular crime thriller writer Michael Rowbotham credits the Geraldton Big Sky Readers and Writers Festival for the release of his latest book Life or Death. According to a recent interview in the West Australian newspaper, he said it was while he was taking part in last year’s Big Sky festival in Geraldton, Western Australia, that fellow guest author Toni Jordan reckoned he was incapable of writing a love story. He set out to prove her wrong, and it seems, has succeeded.

This sort of camaraderie at Big Sky is what makes authors and guests want to return, and this year sees the return of author Liz Byrski and Geraldine Mellett as MC, for the festival from September 12-14.

First time guests taking a leap of faith into the Wild Blue Yonder – the theme of this year’s Big Sky Readers and Writers Festival – are well known comedian and writer, Tim Ferguson (fresh from a Doug Anthony Allstars show in Perth), children’s author Sally Murphy, Pemberton chef Sophie Zalokar to keep the foodies entertained and fed, Annamaria Weldon who will provide poetry in the pub at the Hampton Arms Inn, Gabrielle Carey (co-author with Kathy Lette of Puberty Blues), who is infatuated with the late Geraldton-born writer Randolph Stow – the list is long and you can find the full program of authors and events at

A reading of Annamaria Weldon’s poem Birthbed from her book The Lake’s Apprentice will be read on ABC Radio National on the same day she conducts a workshop for the Big Sky festival.

Two other guest authors, Dawn Barker and Sarah Drummond, are both shortlisted in the WA Emerging Writers category of the WA Premier’s Book Awards of which winners will be announced on September 22.

A book launch for Search for HMAS Sydney: An Australian Story will be held at the WA Museum -Geraldton on Saturday September 13. The book has been edited by Finding Sydney Foundation past directors and commemorates the 645 lives lost when the HMAS Sydney II was sunk in 1941.

The festival has a diverse line up of events – held at various venues – for all ages including youth.

Beach wrack causing smell


If you've noticed that our beaches have been a bit smelly lately, this is why.

The usual blankets of seaweed and seagrass are again covering our local beaches in abundance.

This mix of seaweed and seagrass, (collectively known as beach wrack) creates smells that can be considered a nuisance by some beach goers.

The Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (NACC),  says beach wrack plays a vital role in our coastal ecosystem by recycling nutrients back into food chains that include popular recreational fish species such as herring. Wrack also helps protect beaches from erosion by stopping waves washing sand away and assisting the formation of protective dunes.

Top 5 Geraldton images shared with us this week


Sheree Loane sent in this stunning picture of a Geraldton sunset taken from Tarcoola Beach.


Emma Hutton shared this shot with us captioned, "There's still so many amazing wildflowers around at the moment."


Shane Day sent in a series of awesome photographs from around Geraldton. This one was taken in Marine Terrace


Beau Gleghorn took this beauty on the boat 'Renegade'. Colours are just stunning.


This little guy was spotted at the Back Beach showers by Mia Gleghorn.

Post your pics in the Everything Geraldton app, the Everything Geraldton Facebook Page or email them to We’d love to share them.

Midwest Fishing Report by Tackleworld Country

BEACHES Tailor and mulloway have been running well at the S-Bend up though to Greenough, South gate is also holding nice tailor from 35-50cm and yellow fin whiting to 30cm, Herring can be found at Pages beach and the town beaches along with small Flathead and Whiting

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Dhuies are plentiful at African reef along with Coral Trout around the 60cm, Snapper can be found at Midreef  along with Mack Tuna, and dhu fish to 7kg.

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Yellow Fin Tuna are schooling up SW of town in the 40m marks with reports of Amber Jacks and Kingies as well. Big Sambos have had anglers puzzled on how to stop them with fish topping the 20kg+ mark around Anchor Berth A1 in 20-25m of water.

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The Fishermen's harbour is fishing well with solid Bream to 30cm and Cod to 50cm, with the Ecooda live shrimp doing the damage! The harbour has had some good fish taken late with a solid 45cm mangrove jack, there are also nice size bream and tailor around the rock walls.

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Geraldton Crime Forum

Federal Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Federal Member for Durack Melissa Price, want to hear your thoughts on what action can be taken locally to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the Geraldton community. Date: Thursday 18th September 2014 Time 11.00am for a 11.30am start Location Queens Park Theatre, Cathedral Avenue GERALDTON WA 6531 RSVP: By COB Monday 15th September 2014 PH: 08 9964 2195 or via email to 

For any enquiries, please contact Melissa Price’s office on 08 9964 2195.

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