Opus bringing joy through music

Quinten (front) with Opus Manager Colin and worker Casey. 

Last week I was beatboxing and rapping with a young guy who has Down Syndrome and I gotta tell ya, we were pretty damn good!
— Ash, Opus owner

The energy and passion of Opus Music owner Ash shines through when he talks about what he loves.

Ash and the team at Opus teach music to many locals living with a disability.

"We have heaps of crew that come in here and love hanging out with us," Ash said.

"We have kids from Holland Street School, and people with all different disabilities come in here and learn music."

One of their regulars is 31-year-old Quinten. 

Quinten has been going to Opus for over 2 years and the smile on his face when he is there says it all.

Quinten's Support Worker Dave says the hardest thing about going to Opus is leaving.

"Quinten loves music, his favourite instruments are the guitar and the drums," Dave said.

"He had instruments at home and has always loved music but he loves going into Opus every week."

Ash says he loves to be able to bring joy to those working with people living with a disability through music.

He has plans in the future to spread the joy to sick children in local hospitals.

DFES Midwest position made redundant

The Government has come under fire after confirmation that a position within the Department of Fire and Safety (DFES) Geraldton has been made redundant.

Labor Party's Darren West MLC questioned the redundancy of the position in Parliament on September 25th.

Mr West asked, “Can the minister confirm this position has been made redundant? If yes to, what is the rationale for making the job redundant?”

Minister for commerce, Michael Mischin replied, “Yes, the temporary contract position will cease as of 30 November 2014.

“The community emergency services manager position was fully funded by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services in 2009 as a two-year contract position through to 2011 to provide assistance and support to local governments and pastoralists in the Murchison Gascoyne region,” he said.

“This was with the intent that, during this period, the five local Governments serviced by the CESM position would consider co-funding it as a permanent local government authority–DFES position, as is the case with the other 24 CESM positions throughout Western Australia.

“Unfortunately, the five local governments have advised that they are not able to financially contribute to this proposal. DFES has in good faith continued to fund the position and extend the contract on an annual basis since 2011.”

Mr West expressed his concern as to who would now provide land management advice in the Midwest.

Mr Mischin assured Mr West that there would still be other permanent staff members based in the Midwest.

“The DFES Midwest Gascoyne region has six other permanent LGA–DFES co-funded CESMs and nine DFES operational employees who are based within the Midwest Gascoyne region and will continue to assist DFES with the regional preparedness, prevention, response and recovery support to all local governments and pastoralists in the region,” Mr Mischin said.

Mr Mischin also said that the full-time equivalent position had not been transferred to a metropolitan area.

Rotary and Bunnings give local family a backyard

4-year-old Micah enjoying his new backyard. 

A local family is over the moon with a brand new backyard thanks to Rotary and Bunnings.

Parents of two, Rachel and Emiel Bressington, said they couldn't thank the Rotary Club of Geraldton and Bunnings enough for a new backyard for their young children.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the Rotary Club of Geraldton and Bunnings who have blessed our family with a fantastic back yard which is now safe for my son who has Fragile X and young daughter,” Rachel said.

“Without both Rotary and Bunnings our yard would be still unsafe. Thank you from a very grateful family.”

Rachel’s backyard had sump holes and no grass, just sand, making it too unsafe for her 4-year-old son Micah to play outside.

Micah, who will turn 5 next month, was born with Fragile X, an intellectual disability. 

With funding from Better Start, the Bressington family purchased play equipment and Rotary and Bunnings supplied turf and now the backyard is fully enclosed with fencing.

“Micah is absolutely loving it now that it is safe enough to play outside,” Rachel said.

Around 20 Rotarians and workers from Bunnings pitched in to make the backyard a reality. 

Geraldton to only catch end of tonight's lunar eclipse

Geraldton Astronomy Group have clarified that Geraldton will only catch the end of tonight's lunar eclipse. 

In a Facebook post to Everything Geraldton the local group stated, "No we will not to be able to see the lunar eclipse in totality here in Geraldton on Wednesday. Totality will be happening during Moonrise so we will only to be able to see the end of the eclipse low on the horizon."

Tonight's lunar eclipse is the second and last one for 2014. It will be visible throughout most of Australia.

S-Bend to be realigned

Part 2 of the Brand Highway realignment will be the straightening of the Brand Highway S-Bend.

The design has already been completed and authorities are currently trying to acquire the land for the project.

Transport Minister Dean Nalder was in Geraldton last week to officially open the new Greenough River traffic bridge, which was stage one of the Brand Highway realignment project.

“The State Government has committed $18million to this whole project and there are 3 stages," Mr Nalder said.

"The first stage which was the Greenough River Bridge which was about $8.1 million so it leaves us roughly $10 million for the other two stages.

“The design for Stage 2, which will focus on the realignment of Brand Highway through the S-Bend curves to join up with the existing highway south of the S-Bend Caravan Park, is now finalised and land requirements are being finalised.”

Main Roads Regional Gascoyne Manager Bernie Miller, said they had started a notice of intention process which will conclude in February 2015.

The S-Bend section of the highway is used by approximately 2,800 vehicles daily and since 2007 there have 20 crashes resulting in 5 fatalities.

“We want to straighten the S-Bend to take out the risks of those curves,” Mr Nalder said.

Mr Nalder could not give an exact timeline as to when to project would get underway.

The final stage of the Brand Highway realignment will include realigning the road from the S-Bend Caravan Park to south of Bookara East Road. 

Basketball fees increase to include entry fee

The Geraldton Amateur Basketball Association season commenced on Monday with a significant change in fee structure.

Both juniors and seniors have incurred a price rise when signing up for the 14/15 season as the season's fees now incorporate stadium entry fees. 

Players and spectators no longer have to pay when they walk into the stadium, except during finals. 

Depending on the club, some junior fees have increased $80, and senior fees up to $90 from last season. 

With approximately 21 games in a season for a senior, and last season's door entry for seniors being $5 per game, it would have cost over $100 a year for door entry. So with an appoximate increase of $90 to fees and not paying every time you walk in, a player is actually saving money, should they attended all of their games.

Actual fee increases to individuals are set by the clubs and not GABA, and include other variables including how many players are on the team. 

GABA president Peter Brown said he hadn’t received complaints about the price changes and that many seemed happy with the change.

GABA numbers show that there are 10 more junior teams nominated this season year but 4-less senior teams.

Mr Brown also said that GABA had extended the time that fees had to be paid by clubs.

Here how the GABA's fees to clubs differ from last year:

2013/14 Season
Junior Team Nomination: $600 per team
Player Levy: $20

Senior team nomination Div 1: $1200 per team
Senior team nomination Div 2: $1100 per team
Senior team nomination other div: $1000 per team

Entry Fees:
Friday: $3 for players and spectators
Saturday/Sunday: $2 for players and spectators
Senior Players: $5
Senior Spectators: $3

2014/15 Season
Junior Team Nomination: $1,040 per team
Player Levy: $20

Senior team nomination Div 1: $2,090 per team
Senior team nomination Div 2: $1,970 per team
Senior team nomination other div: $1,850 per team

Entry Fees:  
FREE entry for spectators and players for the whole season, excluding finals, for Junior and Seniors.

All Finals for Juniors – Spectators and players: $3 each
All Finals for Seniors – Spectators and players: $5 each


Here's why you'll love this new bike shop in Geraldton

Geraldton Bikes and Boards owner Leighton Thomas has his eyes set on more than just bike sales and service. 

He wants Geraldton to become a cycling revolution.

“I want to promote Geraldton, cycling, fitness, health, commuting and the green side of riding,” Leighton said.

“I want to encourage more recreational cyclists and I will do whatever I can to get someone on a recreational bike and introduce them to cycling.”

Leighton has spent time working in Perth and Sydney and has now travelled the globe working with bikes.

But after a tour through Geraldton last year, he decided to move back to his home town.

Leighton grew up in Geraldton and said he couldn’t be prouder to be back working in Geraldton. 

“I've worked overseas and learnt some amazing things and to be back in Geraldton fixing bikes is something I’m proud of,” he said.

“Coming back here with this amazing blue sky and amazing view is just great.”

Leighton has a goal to give back to the community and has already donated bikes to several local events.

But it’s not all about bikes.

By Christmas, the store will also be hiring out bikes as well as stand up paddle boards.

Leighton said this will add an element to Geraldton’s tourism.

“I think Geraldton has an incredible draw card for tourism and I think it is completely untapped,” he said.

“The winter here is unbelievable and it’s a great alternative for people in the South West to travel up here in the winter months.

“What we have in Geraldton is a winter where you can walk around in shorts and swim in the ocean, and it’s important for Geraldton to capitalise on the beaches, the surrounds, the climate and capture that tourist dollar.

 “We are on the same latitude as Byron Bay and Byron Bay is out of control with tourists.”

Not only is Leighton hoping to ramp up the tourism side of things, but also the sporting aspect. 

“Geraldton needs to be a sports development regional capital in WA, especially for outdoor sports because you can train everyday here,” Leighton said. 

“And I think Geraldton is a great breeding ground for triathletes because of the climate.

“I’ve worn shorts all year round and I love it.”

If you think you might like to hop onto a bike and give it a whirl, head in and see Leighton at Geraldton Bikes and Boards on Chapman Road. 

Can you help find a young boy who helped police today?

Earlier today police caught a male shoplifting in the CBD and recovered the above Hawks Premiership t-shirt, and it was all thanks to a young boy.

They young boy was in the store and saw the male offender shoplift before he exited the store and saw police outside on the footpath.  He approached the local police and gave them the information which resulted in an investigation/search and the recovery of the item.

Unfortunately by the time the officers dealt with the man, the boy had gone and they didn’t get his details.

Not only would the police like to thank this young man but the store also want to thank him for alerting the police and having the item recovered…

If you know who this young hero might be, please contact local police on 9923 4555.

Home security, you're the key!

In the latest edition of ewatch, local police are urging people to be more vigilant over the summer and holidays.

Below is a checklist to help you dramatically reduce the chances of your home being burgled. 

A quick home security appraisal: With every “yes” you answer to the following points, your home becomes more burglar proof.

  • Are all doors and windows equipped with adequate locks, including garage and shed doors?
  • Are gates kept locked when not in use?
  • Are shrubs trimmed to eliminate hiding places?
  • Do you have security sensor lights on the exterior of your home?
  • Is there a peep hole in your main door or other visual access to visitors at the front door?
  • Do you have auto timing switches for lights/TV/radio?
  • Do you have a safe for your valuables?
  • Are valuables engraved or marked for identification?
  • Have serial numbers been recorded?
  • Have you removed any keys hidden outside
  • Do you have a security alarm?
  • Do you have a dog?
  • Is your pet door properly secured when not in use?
  • Is your street number clearly visible from the street?

When leaving your home, ask yourself “Does it look like the house is empty?”


Commercial dive boat mistaken for refugee vessel

A commercial dive boat just off the coast of Geraldton today has caused quite a stir with many people alluding to the boat being a refugee vessel.

But actually, the commercial dive boat was involved in a routine inspection and cleaning of a sea water intake pipe for the Batavia Coast Maritime Institute (BCMI) this morning.

The incident is still making its way around cyberspace with many people still Facebooking and Tweeting the rumours.

ABC News 24 Tweeted statements this morning but within an hour police quashed the rumours. Although it didn't stop people from re-Tweeting them.

The commercial boat which could be seen just off Separation Point, was contracted by Durack Institute of Technology to support commercial divers involved in the annual maintenance of its sea water intake pipe used by BCMI. 

BCMI Training Director Suresh Job said the maintenance is carried out on an annual basis. The sea water intake pipe brings in up to 130 kL/hr and is an important part of the BCMI infrastructure which opens out onto Separation Point.

“BCMI aims to maintain the quality of the sea water used in the facility’s research and training programs which includes the commercial production of marine ornamental fish species, coral, Pink Snapper, and Black Bream,” Mr Job said.


Midwest girl represents Australia in Polocrosse

Midwest woman Lauren Cant has hit the big time in Polocrosse after she was chosen for the Australian Women's Polocrosse team.

The 20-year-old who has been playing for 14 years, played in the winning senior women's side at the Darwin Nationals in July of this year.

After that performance, Lauren was selected into the Australian squad.

This weekend Lauren will play in the Australia vs. New Zealand Polocrosse test here in Geraldton.

For more information about the this weekend's test, click here. 


Mike wants his music on a Mitsubishi advert

Geraldton's Mike Conroy is asking the community to back him and vote for his music to be featured on a Mitsubishi TV advertisement which will be played nation-wide. 

Mike is competing against over 200 other musicians and over 1000 songs.

He said that for the majority of the competition he has been in 3rd and 4th spot but he is hoping with the support of the Geraldton community, he can move to top spot.

"Let's put Geraldton on the map and vote for 'FLYING HIGH'," he said.

"Show your support for your local musicians by voting and sharing that you've voted.

"It takes 2 minutes and you can vote every 24 hours."

The 25-year-old plays guitar, drums, bass and piano. He has produced three songs for the competition. 

Voting ends on October 5th.

Greenough River Bridge officially opens

Today Transport Minister Dean Nalder officially declared the new Greenough River Bridge on the Brand Highway open.

The bridge is stage one of the State Government's Brand Highway development.

The new bridge was completed by contractor Georgiou Group Pty Ltd and it included 1.23kms of roadwork on both bridge approaches to realign the highway and another one kilometer of roadworks to realign the intersections with Reynolds Road and Hamersley Road.

"This new concrete bridge is much wider, longer and higher than the original structure built in 1953," Mr Nalder said.

"Opened to traffic in August, it improves safety for the almost 3000 vehicles that use this route everyday and will significantly reduce costs for the transport industry, which has previously cut off supplies to Geraldton and other nearby towns."

Mr Nalder said it was all about safety and mentioned that in 7 years there had been 20 crashes and 5 fatalities on this section of the Brand Highway.

Stage 2 of the project will include the realignment of the S-Bend.

Check out activities for the Sunshine Festival

The 2014 Geraldton Sunshine Festival is nearly upon us! Running from Saturday, October 4th to Sunday October 12th, there's something for the whole family! Check out the events below and for more information visit www.sunshinefestival.com.au.

Saturday, October 4th

Noon-6pm - Kids Fun and Activities
This year’s festival, places a whole new emphasis on family-friendly fun with plenty of free activities, games, activities and entertainment.

The bulk of entertainment will occur in Geraldton’s Maitland Park to ensure a hive of activity in one setting. There will array of exciting stalls, displays, live music, performances and loads of fun for the whole family, including your chance to meet The 501st Legion – Star Wars Storm troopers and crew! 

2-2:30pm - Toll Truck Pull Competition
Enter your group, club or team in the Toll Truck Pull competition for a chance to win $1000!

This is a fabulous team building event to take part in or just watch and cheer on. Teams will compete against each other to pull the Toll Mining Services prime movers 100m in the quickest time. Come down and cheer on the teams while you wait for the MMG Float Parade to start. Thanks to the MWCCI Future Leaders for coordinating this event. While this taking place grab a nice cold refreshment, hamburger or sausage sizzle in-between all the action. The event will take place on Cathedral Avenue in front of the QPT. Entry forms available at www.sunshinefestival.com.au

3:45pm onwards - Twin River Guard Medieval re-enactment Display & Show
Step back in time and relive history with the Twin River Guard medieval re-enactment group. The display includes arms and armour, and various arts and science examples of the period as well as interactive activities. Come along, interact with medieval re-enactors, witness Viking battles and harsh medieval justice meted out, and yell for your favourite combatant or jeer at their opponents.

-Combat display Saturday October 4 - 3.45pm onwards
-Static display from Saturday morning through to Midday Sunday
-Maitland Park, Cnr Maitland St and Cathedral Ave
-More details contact Twin River Guard direct - 0417 952 916

2:30pm - 3:30pm - MMG Float Parade
The 56th Sunshine Festival Float Parade is a highlight of the festival as entrants’ parade through Geraldton’s main street in a whirlwind of sound, colour, fun and laughter.

The parade will take the same route as last year – and commences from the foreshore near the Mid West Ports (formally Geraldton Port Authority) building, travelling along Marine Terrace, Lester Avenue, Cathedral Avenue, Carson Terrace and into Maitland Park.

Winners of the MMG Float Parade and Toll Truck Pull will be announced at Maitland Park at the conclusion of the parade and judging.

Sunday, October 5

9am-4pm - Water Corporation 21st Dragon Boat Classic
This is the 21st event to hit our shores; it’s an exciting family fun day at the beach. The community really gets behind this event and the colourful team spirits make it a wonderful and entertaining spectacle. For more details or to register your team contact the Geraldton Yacht Club on 99641664 or download the entry form @ www.sunshinefestival.com.au

9:30am-3:30pm - Patchwork and Craft Fair
Exhibition of Locally made Quilts, quilt challenge display, many new and various trading stalls. Major raffles, light refreshments available, free admission. Held at the Netball Stadium on Eighth Street. 

10am-11am - Brass on the Grass
What a fantastic way to start a Sunday!  Be entertained by the Geraldton City Band. Experience the BIG Brass band whilst soaking up the morning sun on our beautiful foreshore.

10am-2pm  - City of Greater Geraldton Community Safety Day
This is a free, fun interactive event for children, families and community providing a range of safety information to encourage a safer community. Kids’ activities on offer are paper plane & flying competition, trivia quiz and a colouring in competition. There are plenty of prizes to be won. A bouncy castle and the PCYC food stall will be present and a rock climbing wall supplied and organised by PCYC!

10am-3pm - Inline Hockey Demonstrations
Join the Geraldton Inline Hockey Association as they provide exciting demonstrations of the game in action! Stop in at the information marquee, grab a sticker or find out how to become a member. It will be held on the Geraldton Foreshore Basketball area. 

11am-1pm - Chapman Animal Pet Parade - Theme "The Circus Ring"
Roll Up… Roll Up… with your best friend! Think fancy dress, clowns, acrobats, dancers and magicians. Perhaps your pet has the fluffiest tail or longest ears and was born to entertain? Come and join in the fun and see if your pet has what it takes There is a category to fit every pet.  Please remember to have your pet on a lead, in a cage or restrained in some way. Don't forget a hat and sunscreen! $4 per entry. Location: Maitland Park.

2pm - 3:30pm Cleanskin Cowgirls with Australian writer Rachel Treasure
Geraldton Regional Library invites you to join one of Australia’s top ten bestselling authors, Rachael Treasure, as she talks about her latest book, Cleanskin Cowgirls. (Books will be in sale on the day – cash only $32.99). It will be held at the Geraldton Regional Library and afternoon tea will be served. RSVPs are essential. RSVP by Friday, October 3rd to library@cgg.wa.gov.au  or  9956 6659.

Monday, October 6th

10am-11:30am Draw like da Vinci Workshops
In this hands-on workshop artist Marina Baker helps you to discover the dynamic power of da Vinci’s innovative drawing techniques, composition and his ability to register human emotions and gestures.

  • WA Museum - Geraldton, 1 Museum Place Batavia Coast Marina
  • Age: 8+
  • Entry $5 per person
  • Bookings essential on 9921 5080


Tuesday, October 7

8:30am-11am - Colour Decor Pavement Art - Theme "Bigs and Magical Critters"
It’s a Sunshine Festival favourite for our budding young artists. The possibilities are endless…Come on down and enter for your chance to win a prize or to view an array of designs and talent as showcased at this very popular annual family friendly event. 

  • Registrations from 8.30am. Artwork commences from 9.00am – 11.00am
  • Entry per person: $2.00
  • Various age categories  
  • Stow Gardens, Town Beach near the Yellow Submarine

10am-11:30am Draw like da Vinci Workshops
In this hands-on workshop artist Marina Baker helps you to discover the dynamic power of da Vinci’s innovative drawing techniques, composition and his ability to register human emotions and gestures.

  • WA Museum - Geraldton, 1 Museum Place Batavia Coast Marina
  • Age: 8+
  • Entry $5 per person
  • Bookings essential on 9921 5080

12pm-4pm - Festival Goes Country - Create your own clay brick sculptures
Head out to the Bootenal Family Tavern for family fun with music, sausage sizzle and lots of unfired clay bricks to make sculptures in the gardens.  This favourite annual event is relaxing for the whole family.  Bring extra hand tools, a hat and a great attitude. This event is proudly supported by Geraldton Brick and the Bootenal Family Tavern.

Free entry, held at the Bootenal Family Tavern, Edwards Rd. 

2pm-3pm - Lego Workshop
Held at the Geraldton Regional Library. Bookings are essential, call 99556 6659. For ages 8+.

Wednesday, October 8

8:30am-11am - CWA Sandcastle Competition
Thanks to the CWA Bluff Point ladies, this annual event is a firm family favourite. To help create your master piece you are encouraged to bring your spade and bucket, your beach friendly decorations and your creativity. Don’t forget to be sun safe. Entry is free and will be held on the Geraldton Foreshore in front of the Yellow Submarine.

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at www.crosskids.net or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

10am-3pm -  Geraldton Bullbars SciTech Science Roadshow 
Learning for life & the wonder of science with 15 amazing interactive shows and displays will be fun for all ages.  It will take hours to see and experience the wonders of science with the SciTech Team. It will be held in the QEII Centre Upper Hall and entry is a gold coin donation.

Thursday, October 9

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at www.crosskids.net or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

10am-3pm -  Geraldton Bullbars SciTech Science Roadshow 
Learning for life & the wonder of science with 15 amazing interactive shows and displays will be fun for all ages.  It will take hours to see and experience the wonders of science with the SciTech Team. It will be held in the QEII Centre Upper Hall and entry is a gold coin donation.

10:30am-11am - Rhymetime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

6:30pm-7:30pm - Twilight Storytime
For all ages at the Geraldton Regional Library.

9am start -  Let’s Party Little Miss and Masters Sunshine Pageant 
Enjoy the Junior Festival Quest – a pageant for the young and young at heart – watch as cute contestants show their personalities and shine. Must be pre-registered. Entry forms must be in by October 3 to Lets Party. For ages 0-7. Evennt held at the QEII Seniors and Community Centre. 

5:15pm-6:15pm -  Act Belong Commit Have-A-Go ‘Community Drumming’ 
Join in and be part of the Sunshine Festival community enjoying themselves. Chairs, drums and percussion will be supplied. This event highlights Mental Health Week. Geraldton Foreshore next to the Lifesaving Tower. No registration require. 

Friday, October 10

9:30am-10:30am - Storytime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

10am-12pm - PCYC Teddy Bear Picnic
Bring your favourite fluffy friend to the PCYC Teddy Bear Picnic. Lots of interactive games, face painting and the fabulous teddy parade. Sausage sizzle, fruit and drinks for sale. For ages 0-5, held at Maitland Park. 

11am-11:30am - Rhymetime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at www.crosskids.net or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

Sunday, October 12 Festival Finale

11am-1pm -  Geraldton Sand Sculpture Workshops 
Join free workshops to learn the art of sand sculpting and be eligible to enter the Geraldton Sand Sculpture Competition on Australia Day 2015. Event is free and the minimum age to enter is 14. It will be held at the Geraldton Foreshore near the Water Park. Register with Steve Davidson via e-mail steved@cgg.wa.gov.au or visit www.cgg.wa.gov.au.

4pm-8pm - D-Trans Festival Finale
Come and join us at Maitland Park to celebrate the 56th Sunshine Festival finale with a hub of activities, free entertainment, displays, dances, performances, stalls and more… Held at Maitland Park.

7:30pm start - 2014 Iluka Skyshow 
For twelve years Iluka have sponsoring the Sunshine Festival fireworks.  Grab your picnic rug and join the crowds at Maitland Park as the Sunshine Festival puts on another magnificent skyshow over our beautiful city. Held at Maitland Park.

Head into Tackleworld for your chance to win!

Tackleworld Geraldton is giving you the chance to win a Shimano Technium 1000 FD reel matched with a Shimano Impact Nano XT 682L spin combo. 

And it’s really simple… and fun!

All you have to do is spend $25 or more on Shimano products in the shop between now and the 9th of October and you’ll have the chance to use the Shimano fish simulator.

Whoever gets the highest score on the fish simulator wins the awesome prize.

The simulator competition will be held on the 9th and 10th of October at Tackleworld after 2pm.

There will be spot prizes as well so head into Tackleworld for your chance to win!

Farewell Alex

I was lucky enough to work with Alex McKinnon.

I shared my time as a cadet journalist at the Guardian with Alex when he was the Editor in Chief.

What an amazing guy he was.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Alex and many journalists owe their budding careers and university degrees to this man.

Alex was an advocate for journalists in regional WA and he pushed to have the opportunity for people in regional areas to study a university degree in journalism.

This opened up so many opportunities for not just journalists here in Geraldton but all around the state.

I started out as a freelance photographer with the Guardian when I was just 17, that’s where I first met Alex. He was a journalist in amongst the ‘Bullpen’ AKA the newsroom, and it wasn’t long until he moved to the position of the Editor.

I remember when Alex got me to write my very first published piece. I wasn’t a journalist, just a photographer, so I was chuffed at the opportunity he had given me. Thanks to Alex, it wasn’t long until I was offered a full-time position as a Cadet Journalist. 

I’ll never forget my first official day as a full-time journalist. Alex showed fellow cadet Taylor Courtland and I around the Geraldton Newspapers offices and that morning he handed me a piece of paper with three article leads and off I was.

Taylor and I were among the first cohort of cadet journalists to start with the Guardian and we are now both nearing the end of a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Journalism through the Geraldton University Centre. And many cadets around the state have since followed us.

Alex was a mentor, a teacher and most of all, our friend. He is by far one of the most talented and intelligent people that I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with.

It never felt as though Alex was our superior. He was always on our level and was warm, easy going, easy to talk to and always knew how to have fun.

He gave me opportunities that I could never thank him enough for.

I can recall the news meetings every morning. All of the journalists would sit in Alex’s office and we would discuss our upcoming stories. Alex was always full of wonderful ideas and he pushed us to be better journalists.

His generosity and kind personality put him in great stead with so many people in the Geraldton community.

I have since moved on from the Guardian and with that decision I always had Alex’s full support. We remained friends and his encouragement and support throughout my career so far has been something that I have valued. 

Alex always had a smile on his face and was the life of the party. 

Alex was living in Vietnam when he passed away on Saturday, September 27th.

We lost a teacher, an inspiration, a mentor and a friend.

Thanks for everything Al, we’ll miss ya.

-Peta Kingdon

Police helicopter assists in car accident after driver fled the scene

On Friday night, September 26, Police responded to a single vehicle accident at the intersection of Petchell St and Levy Street in Rangeway.

It is alleged that the vehicle lost control whilst negotiating the intersection and struck wooden bollards before proceeding to strike a power pole, causing power lines to fall to the ground. 

The driver fled the scene. Police closed the area down due to the hazard of power lines down and with the assistance of Pol Air, apprehended the offender a short time later who was located hiding a short distance away. 

The 19-year-old male from Greenough was charged with driving in excess of .08, reckless driving and no authority to drive. He will appear before the Geraldton Magistrates Court on 16 October 2014. 

Help Midwest Charity Begins at Home spread the message

Midwest Charity Begins at Home Inc has been announced as a finalist in the statewide Orange Seed Project.  

The project could see see them win a prize including:

  • $50,000 marketing service package from Jack in the Box
  • $50,000 advertising sponsorship package from The West Australia, plus a $5,000 cash donation
  • $10,000 community service announcement package from Channel 7

And you can help the local charity get over the line!

Midwest Charity Begins at Home said in a statement that if they win, it will allow them to spread their message throughout the state and increase the profile of Midwest Charity Begins at Home.

"In our video we have tried to capture our sponsors, our recipients and our charity," the statement said.

"It is quite daunting to be up against so many major statewide charities, but we live in an incredible community who have been supporting us for many, many years and we need you more than ever to help us bring The Orange Seed Project to the Midwest Community."

To cast your vote, all you have to do is head to this link http://www.theorangeseedproject.com.au/view/video and VOTE for the Midwest Charity Begins at Home video.

Three burglary arrests in regards to offences in September

Two warrants executed yesterday, Monday September 29, resulted in three burglary arrests in relation to a series of stealing offences in Sunset Beach and burglary offences in Bluff Point, Spalding and Sunset Beach over the month of September. 

Warrants were executed in Strathalbyn and Bluff Point and three males were arrested and inquiries were conducted in relation to the incidents.

As a result, the following occurred:

A 16 year old male from Rangeway was charged with: 

  • 4 x Aggravated Burglary
  • 4 x Stealing
  • 1 x Trespass
  • 1 x Assault with intent to prevent arrest

He will appear in Geraldton Children's Court on October 21st 2014.

A 26 year old male from Bluff Point was charged with:

  • 1 x Trespass
  • 1 x Assault with intent to prevent arrest

He will appear before Geraldton Magistrates Court at a later date. 

A 14 year old male from Strathalbyn was charged with

  • 1 x Trespass
  • 1 x Attempted Stealing
  • 1 x Assault with intent to prevent arrest

He will appear before Geraldton Children’s Court at a later date.