Incredible footage of a humpback whale being disentangled

A whale disentanglement team from the Department of Parks and Wildlife has successfully disentangled a humpback whale north-west of Geraldton Western Australia with assistance from the Department of Fisheries and Kalbarri Volunteer Sea Rescue.

Footage provided by Department of Parks and Wildlife and Ryan Scott

(Video does go silent half way through.)

Goodness Sustainability and Innovation Festival Awards night.

We're at the Goodness Sustainability and Innovation Festival Awards Night. We'll keep you updated on the award winners below. IMG_8188.JPG


Zero Carbon Award Winner: Footprint Free on Fitzgerald Award Sponsored by Sun City Solar

Zero Waste Award Winner: Foodbank Geraldton Award Sponsored by Veolia Environmental Services

Water Award Winner: Beachlands Community Garden Sponsored by Water Corp CGG and GRC for Water Sensitives Cities

NRM Award Winner: Nicole Siemon Award Sponsored by NACC

Science award Winner: Midwest Youth Science Forum

Social Enterprise Award Winner: G-Force Contracting Award Sponsored by Bendigo Bank

Health Award Winner: Midwest Respect Love Bites Sponsored by St John of God Hospital Geraldton

Digital Award Winner: Everything Geraldton Award Sponsored by Pollinators

Leadership Award Winner: Future Leaders

Innovation Award Winner: Energy Farmers Australia Award Sponsor: Regional Development Australia

Judges Choice Award Winner: Freebies Midwest Award Sponsor: Inspire Australia

Construction professionals have the chance to meet with NBN Co

NBN Co will present a Call to Industry on the 9th of September. In conjunction with Master Builders Midwest branch – Geraldton, the sessions will give Geraldton’s construction professionals the chance to meet with NBN Co New Developments representatives.

The construction of the NBN in Geraldton will mean new construction projects can be prepared ready for high speed broadband. A group presentation runs for about an hour commencing at 11am, to provide information and to allow questions to be asked and answered.

From 1pm and through 4pm, NBN Co will remain available, for one-on-one sessions for those who would like more detail to support regular and multiple construction activities.

All sessions will be a friendly open interaction that will offer insight in to topics such as pre-qualifying which addresses have the NBN already under construction in the area, the easy online tools that make applying for fibre easy, and; technical guidance about preparing buildings and subdivisions for the NBN.

Sam Dawe and Scott Edwards from NBN Co invite construction professionals to attend the event, proudly supported and held at the offices of Master Builders West Australia.

WHEN: September 9th, 11am to 4pm. WHERE: Master Builders Association, 4 Walton Close Geraldton

City to collect data on condition of entire road network

ARRB vehicle

The City of Greater Geraldton has more than 3,800km of roads valued in excess of $500 million and they City have said it is vital the that our roads are managed responsibly.

So if you see a white Nissan Patrol four wheel drive vehicle cruising the streets with a number of cameras on the roof, and a strange box on the front, do not be alarmed, it is not Big Brother or Google Earth conducting surveillance on residents, it is a research vehicle conducting a condition assessment of the City’s roads.

The City has engaged the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) to collect data regarding the condition of the entire road network in Geraldton and Mullewa, using state-of-the-art equipment, and it will provide the City with the most accurate information in order to determine future maintenance and renewal programs.

The vehicle is fitted with a series of cameras and lasers angled towards the road for monitoring and will not intrude on anyone's privacy.

This technology is used extensively nationally and will allow the City to plan expenditure on local roads more effectively.

The vehicle is driving every sealed and unsealed road in the City, including car parks, until the end of September.

Dongara Port Denison wins tidy town award

Congrats to our friends in Dongara Port Denison who today won the Midwest-Gascoyne tidy town award for Natural Environment Conservation. Pic via Shire of Irwin Facebook page.


Rolf Harris painting to be reinstated at Dalwallinu council

rolf harrisIan Cutler from Geraldton Newspapers reports that Dalwallinu Shire Council has voted 6 - 2 to reinstate a Rolf Harris painting at a council meeting on Tuesday. According to the minutes from the meeting:

...responses from the community have been received via letters, emails and through the "Totally Locally" newsletter. There have been offers to purchase or acquire the painting from the Shire which need consideration.

This mater has opinion in support and against the display of the Rolf Harris artwork and not everyone will be pleased with the decision Council makes, however to have the painting in storage has zero benefit.

Screenshot 2014-08-29 12.40.21Click here to read the minutes in full.

Entangled whale has been freed

Sarah Taillier from the ABC reports that the whale reported on earlier in the week that was entangled has now been freed.

Top 5 Geraldton images shared with us this week


James Bailey sent in this awesome photo to us on Instagram. Taken at Tarcoola Beach.


Local photographer Karl Monaghan shared this stunning image with us!


We certainly get some spectacular sunsets in Geraldton!  Bronwyn Godfrey snapped this beauty at the Marina on Thursday evening.


Kerrin Rowe Media shared this amazing shot of the Milky Way taken over Canola Crops in Chapman Valley.


Although this was sent into us a few weeks ago, it was still gaining likes this week. Everything Geraldton user Ian sent in this photo of local legend John Luk. John has been voluntarily picking up litter in the city for ove 20 years, 3 hours a day. This photo got over 4,000 likes on the Everything Geraldton Facebook page. Such an inspiration.

Post your pics in the Everything Geraldton app, the Everything Geraldton Facebook Page or email them to We’d love to share them.

City Councillors’ fees and allowances increased

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors fees and allowances came under review at this week's Ordinary Meeting of Council after a Salaries and Allowances Tribunal determination for 2014-15.

Council endorsed a three percent increase to current fees and allowances which equates to less than $13 a week after the increase.

City Mayor, Ian Carpenter, said the increases are fair and still at 80 per cent of the recommended maximum allowed by the tribunal.

“I think the increases recommended by the tribunal are fair and our Council has agreed to limit the total remuneration at 20 per cent less than the upper band set by the tribunal,” he said.

“I’m happy that councillors are renumerated fairly for all the work they do for the local community.”

Midwest Fishing Report by Tackleworld Country


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The Abrolhos Islands has been fishing well for, bald chin and red emperor, around midreef and some around the hummock with Dhu's flowing heavily in the 35-50 metre mark, plenty of Mackie’s around the coral patches and long island between 10-20 metres

Closer to town yellow fin tuna have been take from African reef along with Amber Jacks to 15kg in 20-30m of water.

Little African has plenty of Dhu fish around the 7kg mark.The shipping moorings is holding mixed bag of fish with Dhu fish Pinkie and red throat, spangled emperor and Cod amongst them.

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The Tailor are still on the bite but angler have had to work a bit harder for their fish with

Greenough 1st and 2nd point, south gates the best spots south of town and   , there has been a few mulloway getting caught off west bank and Lucy’s, to the north Drummonds and Buller has fired up after dark with mulloway and tailor on the bite.

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Weekend Forecast

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Check out our Spring Catalogue here!




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Did you know Australians drink more than the Irish?

An interesting post by the Wall Street Journal, based on WHO data, shows where Australia ranks in terms of alcohol consumption around the world. We're not the heaviest drinkers, but consume even more than the Irish apparently, on a per capita basis.

Same sex attracted and gender questioning students are being abused more than ever


Guidelines for supporting sexual and gender diversity in schools released

Today, the 29 of August is ‘Wear it Purple Day.’ This year the student led organisation is focusing on identifying stereotypes and preconceptions to educate about sexuality and gender diversity. Allanah Lucas Commissioner for Equal Opportunity said she was proud to release the Guidelines Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools on this special day.

Ms Lucas said, “The Guidelines have been developed in line with the National Safe Schools Framework to support schools in their valued work in providing positive learning environments that are inclusive of diversity and safe from discrimination, bullying and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex difference.”

Ms Lucas commended the positive steps schools are currently taking and stated, “The Guidelines are here to encourage good practice and provide information and resources to schools and their communities.

“Many do not realise the harm and suffering that such bullying can cause.”

Ms Lucas stated, “The Guidelines had been developed with extensive consultation with public and private education sectors and related agencies in WA, together with the use of recent national research.”

Research reveals that same sex attracted and gender questioning students between 14 -21 are actually experiencing more abuse at school than in previous years: 61% reported verbal homophobic abuse, 18% reported physical homophobic abuse and 69% reported other forms. Overall, 80% experienced the abuse at school (up from 69% a decade ago).

Schools that have policies prohibiting homophobic discrimination and bullying in Tasmania and Victoria show a significant reduction in prejudice and reduced levels of bullying across the entire school community.

Ms Lucas said Australia has laws that underpin the respect, fairness and safety expected in school environments. The Commission can provide information, links to resources and training. The Guidelines are available on the Commission’s website at

Support for implementation of the Guidelines has come from a broad range of people and organisation including:

Kylie Catto President WA Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO) “The Guidelines are a positive and timely step forward in improving equality in schools.

“Every student should go to school feeling safe and confident that their individual circumstances will be respected.

“WACSSO is proud to have been part of the development of these Guidelines, which, using best practice will encourage schools to provide support, resources and strategies for LGBTI young people and their friends, siblings and parents.

“We know many schools are already doing a great job in this area and the Guidelines will help them to build upon the positive steps taken to ensure all schools are a safe and inclusive place for the whole school community.”

Geoffrey Bice Uniting Church “The Uniting Church is fully committed to human rights having promised at our inception to "oppose all forms of discrimination which infringe basic human rights and freedoms." The Social Justice Board of the Uniting Church in Western Australia believes that providing GLBTI young people with a safe school environment is a vital element in that work and is proud to endorse the Equal Opportunity Commission's GLBTI School Guidelines.”

Sue Ash UnitingCare West “UnitingCare West is proud to have been able to participate in the development of these guidelines. Our True Colours program, which offers support for LGBTI youth in Bunbury, will be involved in numerous events to raise awareness and reduce emotional and social isolation for youth in rural schools. Our hope is that these guidelines better enable school’s staff and students to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.”

Dani Wright Toussaint Freedom Centre Coordinator:= “These Guidelines will provide the crucial foundation for WA schools to equitably provide a safe school environment for the 17% of students that are LGBTIQ.

Pat Byrne President of the State School Teachers’ Union of WA “The SSTUWA is proud to have been involved in the development of the Guidelines for Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools. This is an important progression in supporting and celebrating sexuality and gender diversity within our school communities and in doing so prevent sexuality discrimination and homophobic bullying. Our schools should be a safe and affirming environment for LGBTI students, staff, parents and families.”

Domino's delivery driver robbed

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Geraldton Detectives are seeking assistance from the Geraldton Community following a robbery offence in Mount Tarcoola last night.

At about 8:00pm, a female Domino’s Pizza delivery driver was approached on her moped after making a home delivery in Shepherd Street, Mount Tarcoola.

The offender struggled with the delivery driver, stealing a red and black carry bag, containing an eftpos machine and an undisclosed quantity of cash (bag and eftpos machine are similar to those pictured).

Geraldton Detectives would like to speak with anyone who has knowledge of this offence, or the whereabouts of the stolen property items. If anyone had information please call 9923 4555.