Assistance sought in exchange for accommodation

I am a mature lady living in Geraldton.

Due to slight physical problems (mostly back pain) I am seeking a kind lady to live in my comfortable home and give me a little help.  A small room with an extremely comfortable Queen size bed is available, together with complete use of the house, sharing a bathroom.  If it becomes necessary to increase the workload a bigger air conditioned room with a lockup automated garage may be offered.  The work load is sufficiently small that a full time job could easily be held.

It is envisaged that the person would become part of the "family" both receiving and giving courtesy and consideration.

A current Police Clearance is requested.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Please complete the form below. If you cannot see it, please visit our website on your computer. 

Have you seen this blue seagull at our beach?

Several readers have mentioned they've spotted an unusual coloured seagull recently at Geraldton's beaches. We can't say we've ever seen one this colour.  

Any theories? 

Thanks Leonie for sending in these pics.  

Thanks Emily for sending these pics in.  

Do you know what this worm-like creature is? - Video

Sent in to EG:

"I would like to ask the public if anyone knows what the worm lookalike thing is as our son was was playing in the sand at camp over the weekend (just North of Buller River) and it gave him a bite - like a mozzie bite, small red lump about 3-4mm diameter but with a puncture wound on the middle like a small hole, he screamed and instant tears. I put ice and an antiseptic cream on it and it came good within a hour.
BUT, when I put this in a container, and put a stick near it, it would stand up like a snake would do defending itself, Hubby and I were like "why is it doing that" was weird. We thought worm too straight away, but we were curious to why it would defend itself like it did, and the pain and wound our Son got from it?"

- Alanna

Your say: Geraldton's High Schools

High school students in Geraldton have been the subject of a strange experiment over the last decade or so. 

There used to be two seperate public high schools in Geraldton, John Willcock and Geraldton Senior College. 

The experiment was to send just years 8 and 9 (and later year 7 as well) to John Willcock, and years 10, 11 and 12 to Geraldton Senior. 

After all this time, no one seems to have been monitoring the success of the experiment, and today the state government finally announced the experiment was over, starting from 2019. 

Have your say on what you think about the decision in the Poll above. (click here if you can't see it.)

The full press release from Ian Blayney's office follows:

Two schools to cater for students from years 7 to 12 from 2019

Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney has welcomed Education Minister Peter Collier’s announcement in relation to the future of John Willcock College and Geraldton Senior College, which will both expand to take students from years 7 to 12 from 2019.

“This is an exciting announcement.

“I’ve listened, the government has listened and the wishes of the community have been met,” said Mr Blayney.

Education Minister Peter Collier said the move followed community consultation last year about public secondary schooling in the key regional centre.

 "It was clear parents want a continuous secondary education for their children, rather than having separate middle and senior schools," Mr Collier said.

Under the changes, both colleges will offer a broad curriculum with Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) options and vocational education and training.

About $20 million will be invested in John Willcock College to provide a new arts facility and medical centre, upgrade design and technology facilities, and provide new staff areas, change rooms, toilets and a cafeteria.

 A new academic extension program for students from years 7 to 10 will start in 2020.

"The extension program will provide students with a clear direction in their studies as they move into years 11 and 12 and on to university," the Minister said.

At Geraldton Senior College, about $5 million will be spent on specialist facilities, classrooms, an upgraded heritage building, along with the refurbishment of former residential college buildings, change rooms and toilets.

New local intake boundaries for each school have been drafted, to ensure a broad mix of students at both schools.

"Each school will provide a high quality education for a cross section of the Geraldton community," Mr Collier said.

Fact File

  • John Willcock College will employ a co-ordinator for the first three years of the academic extension program
  • Each college will be an Independent Public School
  • The changes to each school will be in place for the start of 2019

Information sought regarding contamination at Eastbourne Reserve Sunset Beach


Published on behalf of Sunset Beach Community Group Inc. (SBCG).  

Can you help?

The City of Greater Geraldton (CGG) has kindly allowed members of the Sunset Beach Community Group (SBCG) to develop the Eastbourne Reserve as a community friendly Public Open Space. We have a Landscape Architect who has drawn up several concept plans for consideration by the broader Sunset Beach community.

However, there is anecdotal evidence that there may be contamination on part of the site where drums of oil and DDT were apparently stored. At the moment the group is trying to find information to that effect before any further works can be considered. There seems to be no documented records of contamination as far as we know. If anyone can help with information or photos, the SBCG can be contacted by email at or PO Box 3496, BLUFF POINT 6530

Thank you.

Do you know what this is? Found at the bottom of the ocean

Sent in to Everything Geraldton: My friend found this in the bottom of the ocean, it's very old, very heavy (cast?) and has been under water for a long time - just wondering if anyone out there could help us identify it? - Sarah

Your help needed to find sick girl's family

My 9 year old daughter is sick and the Drs need additional information from my side of the family tree which I don't have.

My name is Kristy Logan and I'm looking for anyone who may have known a man called "Ted Steers" who lived in Geraldton or near here around 35/40 years ago. I know this is a long shot. 

I wouldn't be doing this at all if it wasn't a medical emergency. This will be kept private but my daughter needs help or I wouldn't be asking.

If someone can HONESTLY help her then please call 0448387690. Please no crank calls as I have enough to deal with and am finding that going in this direction hard enough as it is. Thank you.

Anyone with info can even go through a third party so they don't have to deal with me if that is what they are more comfortable doing. I will do it any way they would like. My daughter is only 9 and doesn't have a say, so someone please, please help us. Any information on "Ted Steers" especially medical, would be a god send for us. 


Kristy Logan 


Can you help identify any of these people?

Can you help identify any of these people?

Barry Stinson, President of the Birdwood Military Museum Society asks:

The only person’s name of am aware of is the Gentleman seated 4th from the left  He is John Thomas Clarke. Ex Geraldton Councillor,  and 31 years as leading hand & stationary engine driver at the Western Australian Government Railways condenser, RSL Member who was involved in the Building of Birdwood House the home of the Geraldton City RSL.( Birdwood House opened in 1935)
I would very much like to know if anyone out there can identify any of the other individuals or knows anything about the Honour roll (unveiled September 1916) or photographs behind the group.

Barry can be contacted via: 

Ph: 08 9964 1520

Mobile: 0408 222 653