Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the Week

Gingy-037 This week's Cat of the Week this week is Gingy

Gingy has lovely colouring and a beautiful nature. He is very dog-like; he’s not very cuddly but loves pats and is very playful. Gingy does not like other cats very much so would be best suited to a single cat household. All of our cats have received their first vaccination, are micro-chipped, health checked and sterilised before going to their new homes.

If you would like to adopt Gingy or any of the other cats or kittens, phone 0487 193 244 to speak to a co-ordinator.

Anti social behaviour over the weekend

Police were called the various licensed premises over the weekend as a result of anti-social behaviour. According to police they were called to the Geraldton Basketball Stadium and the Vibe Nightclub on Saturday night.

Police attended the Geraldton Basketball stadium when 10 males were ejected from the Buccaneers game after an altercation with security staff. As a result, a 21-year-old male from Beresford was charged with breaching a licensed premises barring notice and will appear in Geraldton Magistrates Court in September.

Local police were also called to the Vibe nightclub at around midnight on Saturday after reports of 10 people fighting in the street. No arrests were made but three males were issued with move on notices.

Geraldton Police say they  wish to remind residents that under the liquor Control Act, individuals that continue to demonstrate antisocial behaviour around licensed premises will become subject to the barring notice.

These barring notices will place a total ban on entering specific or all licenced premises for a period of a month and upwards to a maximum period of 12 months.



Geraldton aims to plant one million trees


The Goodness Festival’s reach is far and wide and the Million Trees project has jumped on board to celebrate all that is good about greening our planet, well, Greater Geraldton at least.

To plant a million trees was the number one community aspiration from World Cafes held by the City of Greater Geraldton in 2010, and the momentum continues apace with more than 130,100 trees planted and accounted for to date.

A mammoth effort has been put in by Midwest Ports who have recently planted 1600 along Marine Terrace near the wharf.

City Coordinator Community Engagement, Janell Kopplhuber, said the City has been helping the community keep count of trees being planted in the city region through an online registration form.

“The City has created a registration form on our website so that anyone who has planted a tree can register it towards the million,” she said.

“We know lots of people plant trees and shrubs all the time, we just haven’t been told about them yet.”

The Million Trees project will have a presence at the Goodness Festival Expo on Saturday August 23, at the Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre in Geraldton, where people can register to get involved as every tree planted counts towards the target and can be registered on the ‘make your tree count’ page on the City’s website.

The community has embraced this project and many successful corporate and community planting days have resulted in some interesting statistics and support, including more than 350 people and 900 volunteer hours committed to the goal.

Ms Kopplhuber said volunteers have been across the board from industry, corporate organisations, community and school students.

“It has been a fantastic effort and some of the students were at many of the community tree planting days,” she said.

“The City does revegetation work each year and this year alone volunteers have helped us to plant a total of 4,508 seedling stems along the Chapman River Wildlife Corridor.”

The average amount of seedlings planted per hour was five – fertilised, tree-guarded and watered, all contributing to the tally.

“Volunteers spent an amazing 9000 hours planting seedlings this year and if we were to calculate the value of these hours it amounts to almost $180,000 worth of volunteer time,” said Ms Kopplhuber.

Ms Kopplhuber encourages everyone who plants a seedling, bush or tree to add it to the Million Trees counter and register their interest in attending future volunteer tree plantings by visiting the City’s website or Million Trees Facebook.

More information on the Goodness Sustainability and Innovation Festival which runs from August 15-31 can be found at www.goodness.org.au

Orana's Spring Selection Festival is nearly here!

Orana Cinemas is bringing the "Spring Selection Festival" to your cinema with 6 carefully hand picked movies from around the world. Films to be shown include Aboriginal inspired, Charlie's Country, the Bollywood movie Entertainment and A Most Wanted Man, which is Phillip Seymor Hoffman's last movie.

The festival commences on the 28th of August at Orana Cinemas Geraldton.

Orana Cinemas are offering a special deal for all patrons which allows 1 admission to each of these movies at any available session for only $42 ($7 per movie). This price expires on the 29th of August.

Check out all films and dates below and click here to visit the Orana Cinemas Geraldton Facebook page.


Get geared up for the Sunshine Festival parade!


Calling everyone with a sense of fun and community! The Geraldton Greenough Sunshine Festival organisers are urging everyone from individual walkers, clowns, skaters and bike riders to car clubs, sporting groups, businesses, community organisations and those with a motorised mobility scooter to sign up for this year’s Festival Float Parade sponsored by MMG.

MMG representative said “They are once again very pleased to support a long standing tradition in Geraldton to celebrate culture and diversity in the community.”

This year sees the TS Morrow Navy cadets celebrate 50th years and therefore take lead of the 2014 MMG Float Parade.

The Parade will start later in the day this year and follow the same route as past years. The parade is scheduled to commence at 2.30pm Saturday October 4 from the west end of Marine Tce (near the Midwest Ports Office), traveling along Lester Ave, Cathedral Avenue, turning right into Carson Terrace and right into Maitland Park. The 2014 Parade promises to once again be a highlight of this treasured community event.

Sunshine Festival Committee chairperson Julian Canny expects this year’s parade to be better than ever, with a new focus on individual participants as well as traditional float parade entries.

“The streets will come alive with music, dance, colour, laughter and all sorts of hilarious antics as people strut their stuff through the heart of Geraldton,” Julian said.

“We had many great float entries last year and this year we expect even more, as well as more entries from individuals and groups on foot to really add to the carnival atmosphere.

“We’re expecting veteran and vintage vehicles and a mediaeval group of swordsmen and jousters. We’ve also recruited a group of people in electric wheelchairs and gophers who will jazz up their vehicles with riotous decorations, and we’re also encouraging bike riders of all ages to decorate their bikes and take part, as well as people of different cultures in traditional dress, dancers, skateboarders – the possibilities are as big as your imagination.”

Prizes this year are: Best commercial float $500, the best community group float $500 and the best recycled theme float $500, while the individual prizes for best decorated kids bike is a new bike from Revolutions Geraldton and the best decorated gopher prize is $200.00.

Julian said the parade was an excellent way for businesses and community groups to showcase their organisation, and have a blast while they are at it.

“It’s a really fun-filled way of advertising your business or community or sporting group,” Julian said.

“And the more outrageous your entry, the more attention you’ll command.”

Entry fees are $75 for commercial and $50 for NFP/community group and entry for children’s decorated bikes and individually decorated gophers are free.

Completed float parade entry form should be lodged no later than Monday September 15. Entry forms can be downloaded from the website www.sunshinefestival.com.au or by contacting festival coordinators - Event Nation on 08 9964 6088.

Midwest Fishing Report by Tackleworld Country



Tailor have started to run big time with the best places being Greenough point, South Gates and Champion Bay. Buller and Coronation are the best spots to the north. Fish have been reported to the 1 meter mark. Best baits have been Halco rooster poppers and Strada howlers. If you're fishing baits Ganged Mulies is the way to go. Fishing at dawn and dust and during the changes of tides will improve your chances.

Tides and Wind Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 11.34.56 am


Rear captures of Pennant fish have been reported south of town in 20-30m of water with Dhu fish and Coral Trout amongst them. The 5mile marker is holding Blue Line Emperor and sized Bald Chin Groper.


For the Dingy and kayak angler big Skippy and Tailor have been taken from Point Moore and Mitchell and Brown reefs. Local Micro jigging specialist Tom caught this nice Coral Trout while fishing the inshore reefs. Nice size Squid have been on the bite around Pages beach weed bed.


Chapman river is still the place for big Bream, with anglers using soft plastics. There were reports of a nice sized Mulloway caught there also.


Greenough is still holding lots of small Bream, with nice size Yellow fin Whiting on the flats.




08 99216822

Tackleworld Country logo

40 fun and fascinating activities at Goodness Exhibition this Saturday

Exhibition_CGGMore than forty exhibitors and activities will be on show at the FREE Goodness Exhibition on Saturday 23rd August between 10 and 3pm at Queen Elizabeth II Centre on Durlacher St.

The Exhibition aims to make it easy and inspiring for anyone to learn about and use the latest environmental technologies and most beneficial social services. From telescopes to solar panels, bouncy castles to bikes, and green walls to health products…there’s something fascinating and fun for everyone.

In addition to stalls and exhibits, the exhibit will include:

  • Door prizes worth thousands of dollars,
  • Floor talks and activities on gardening, craft, engineering and technology,
  • Kids entertainment,
  • Food and drinks for sale.

Mark Canny, exhibition organiser said, “The exhibition is the single most popular event of the Goodness Festival. It’s so popular because it’s free, fun, and the best opportunity to ask questions, see new ideas and technologies first-hand, and to learn from the experts.”

This year exhibitors include:

  • Solar, wind and water efficient technology for homes and business
  • Eco-friendly cleaning, stationery and kitchen products to buy,
  • Electric vehicles and bicycles to view and test,
  • Gardening, conservation and cooking displays,
  • Recycled furniture and products for home and business,
  • Volunteering, mentoring and educational opportunities.

“This is a quite rare opportunity, to learn about and potentially win everything that the socially-responsible consumer and citizen could want, at one event.”

Geraldton’s annual Goodness Festival runs from 15th to 31st of August http://www.goodness.org.au and showcases and celebrates individuals, organisations and projects that are ‘for good’ in our community. Through awards, events, tours and exhibitions there are more than 30 opportunities for people to learn and contribute to environmental sustainability, creative community projects, technological innovations and discussions about ethical and social responsibility.

Other Goodness events across the weekend include a Spring Fair at Leaning Tree Community School, Astronomy Night, Community Garden Bus Tour, Heavenly Hectares Property Planning Course and Frack Free Frolic for Sustainability. All event details are online at http://www.goodness.org.au The major partners behind Goodness include: • National Science Week and Inspiring Australia, • Regional Development Australia Mid West Gascoyne, • City of Greater Geraldton, • Northern Agricultural Catchments Council, • Pollinators Inc.

Lite n’ Easy – Now delivering to Geraldton!

DeliverydriverLite n’ Easy makes it easy for you to eat well, whether you want to lose weight or simply stay healthy and save time.

Our recipe for healthy eating and weight loss: Step 1: Take experienced dietitians Step 2: Add professional chefs Step 3: Finish with the convenience of home delivery

At Lite n’ Easy we bring together all the essential ingredients you need to eat well and lose weight. All you have to do is order your fully prepared meals, then sit back and enjoy delicious food, great results and more free time!

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City launch Disability Campaign


You may have noticed some of the faces around town.

And now they will beam at you from posters strategically positioned in Greater Geraldton to celebrate the City’s Disability Campaign.

The City of Greater Geraldton has teamed up with local service providers to develop a series of posters which reinforce a positive, inclusive attitude across the community. The posters were developed using positive images of local people with disability in locations around the City.

The project was made possible with support of the Mid West Community Living Association, Transition Programs, Disability Services Commission and Durack Institute of Technology.

City Mayor, Ian Carpenter, officially launched the campaign on Wednesday August 2o.

“The campaign both celebrates the human condition as diverse and recognises we are all part of a community which welcomes, supports, values and celebrates diversity and our individual differences,” Mr Carpenter said.

The Night Zoo

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre - The Night Zoo by Michael Barlow In the middle of the city, in the middle of the night something fantastic is about to happen in Jamie’s room…

Jamie lives in a concrete jungle, in an apartment high above the city. Although she longs for a pet, the only animals she sees are the birds in the sky.

Join Jamie and the inhabitants of the Night Zoo for a wild adventure on a night in which all her dreams might just come true!

From Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Australia’s champion of puppetry, The Night Zoo remind us of the importance of companionship and the joy that can come from making friends with animals.

Friday 3rd October 2014, 11am & 1pm at the Queens Park Theatre. 

Tickets: Adults: $25.00, Child and Student: $15.00, Youth Groups: $10.00

Be aware: trend in local burglaries

Local police have identified an emerging trend developing in Geraldton relating to burglary offences.

Police identified that offenders are knocking on front doors of residential premises under the pretence of returning copies of the local newspapers that they have found in the front yard or driveway.

It seems the intention is to distract the occupants whilst co-offenders are going to the rear of the premises, entering through open doors and stealing items.

Other identified methods of a similar nature are that offenders may attend the front door and ask for directions or request a drink of water – again with the intention of distracting the occupants and stealing property.

Police are requesting that if members of the public are subject to persons attending addresses for these or seemingly unrelated issues to immediately contact police.

Former Geraldton man charged over death of Indonesian woman

jake Former Geraldton man Jake Drage has been charged by Indonesian police with reckless driving causing death.

The 23-year-old could face a maximum of six years in jail and/or a maximum fine of $1,100 if found guilty.

Jake was in Indonesia on a surfing trip when the accident occurred.

In a previous interview with Jake's mother, Tiena, she described the incident to Everything Geraldton.

“He was on a motor bike, behind a little truck” Tiena says.

"They were facing up a hill and the truck came to a complete stop. Jake was concerned the small truck might roll back on top of him. There were no lines or markings on the road at all.

“He’s nudged his head and the front of the bike out a small amount, perhaps a foot, to try and see if it was safe to pass the stationary truck. All of a sudden a motorbike with two people on it was there and clipped Jake’s bike.

“The bike was being driven by a 16 year old girl, and her mother was on the back not wearing a helmet.

“Jake said the girl panicked when she saw Jake. Their bike crashed an the mother on the back of the bike was taken to hospital.”

Jake has been held in Indonesian Custody since the accident which occurred on June 30th. They are awaiting a trial date.

Sources: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-19/jake-drage-charged-over-woman-death-motorcycle-crash-west-java/5681194


New Telstra mobile site turned on in Geraldton

Untitled A new Telstra mobile site has just been turned on in Geraldton and Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney, says the new site will  improve ‘in building’ coverage and increased capacity to important areas of the city.

The new mobile site coverage will provide improved in building coverage and capacity to areas such as Point Moore, Belair Caravan Park near Pages Beach, Durack Institute, the Geraldton wharf and fishing boat harbour plus importantly our two Geraldton hospitals.

Mr Blayney said Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager Tony Carmichael had advised him of the news today straight after the site was turned on.

Central Greenough declared gasfield free

Central Greenough has become the first community in WA to declare itself Gasfield Free in a clear statement to mining companies that fracking and other forms of unconventional gas extraction are not welcome in the area.
Spokesperson for Frack Free Geraldton Jo Franklin, said the declaration followed months of community consultation and doorknocking.
“We knocked on every door in Central Greenough to ask the residents if they would like to declare their road gasfield free. The result was an overwhelming yes with more than 96 per cent of people saying they supported the concept of becoming a Gasfield Free Community,” Ms Franklin said.
“Gasfield Free Communities began in northern NSW two years ago and have since spread virally around the nation with more than 3 million hectares of agricultural land already declared Gasfield Free in NSW alone.
“A Gasfield Free Community declaration means that gas companies do not have a social licence to operate in the area. Communities  around Australia are declaring themselves No Go Zones for gas drilling and exploration.
“Fracking is not safe and is not welcome. Communities like central Greenough are coming together to say “we will protect our land, our water and our future” by locking the gate to frackers and other gas miners.
“What we are witnessing is a mass social movement of ordinary people who are willing to stand up for their rights and the protection of their livelihoods and that of their grandchildren against the invasive march of the gas companies.
“Central Greenough is just the first of many communities in WA who are likely to declare their communities and their precious water resources off limits to fracking.”

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