Credit card parking payment facilities now available at Geraldton Airport

Parking at Geraldton Airport can now be paid by credit card. The facility was activated on August 13 and the new fees and charges as adopted in the City's 2014-15 Budget on July 1, have now come into effect.

Parking fees remained at the former rates until the credit card facility was activated removing the necessity for people to carry cash, and often, use the airport terminal café to withdraw money with their debit cards to pay for parking.

The new fees and charges for long term parking at the airport are now $15 per day with a minimum of $30 for the first two days, and $10 per day thereafter.

For short term parking the first hour is free and then $2 per hour thereafter to a maximum of $20 for 24 hours.

The City say fees generated from parking, and from aviation operations, are used to fund capital upgrades and ongoing operations and maintenance of the airport, removing the need to fund these activities from Rates.

The new car parking areas more than double the long term and short term car parking spaces, overcoming the problem of inadequate capacity that had been a source of complaint by the community in recent years.

The new car parks were built at a cost of $2.86M with additional works this year to complete landscaping.

To meet growing community needs the Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday August 26, awarded a contract for an extension to the Airport Lounge to local contractor, Crothers Construction at a cost of $1.861M with total project costs including customer facilities, amenities and furnishings of $2.1M. 

Midwest Charity gains with grain

Midwest Charity Begins at Home (MCBAH) in conjunction with Ten Tigers – Grain Marketing Solutions, have announced a new grain donation program, exclusive to grain growers.

MCBAH is now a registered deliverable charity with CBH which means farmers can support the charity by donating all types of grain. The accumulated grain will then be sold to buyers by Ten Tigers, a Geraldton based grain marketing advisory service which has been working for WA grain growers since 2004.

Growers can donate grain directly via their CBH Loadnet account. There will also be an opportunity to join the grain donation program at the Gala Dinner on November 29th. Growers who register with the program have a chance to win a one year Grain Marketing Package, donated by Ten Tigers.

Chris Tonkin, Director of Ten Tigers, said that grain donations are a valuable and simple way for local farmers to support Charity Begins at Home this harvest.

“We are a locally owned and operated business, and are happy to be involved with this unique charity supporting Midwest families,” Chris said.

President of Midwest Charity Begins at Home Inc, Chris Dobson said they were extremely excited to join forces with Ten Tigers on the project. 

“It’s fantastic to be able to provide an easy avenue for our grain growers to contribute to Midwest Charity Begins at Home because as a charity, we are here to support the whole Midwest region, including many of their farming communities," she said.

For more information on how you can be involved contact Ten Tigers on 9964 9905.

Geraldton students and teachers take part in cyberbully workshops

Allendale Primary School, Melissa Price Federal Member for Durack, Nola Marino Federal Member for Forrest, at Allendale Primary School where 110 students participated in the cyberbullying workshop. 

New research commissioned by the Abbott Government this year showed that one in five Australian children aged eight to 17 experiences cyberbullying each year. 

The findings confirm that cyberbullying is widespread and that there is significant community concern about whether there are adequate response mechanisms available today.

More than 470 students from Allendale Primary School, St Lawrence’s Primary School and Geraldton Senior College participated in five workshops to learn to be safe, smart and responsible when using technology. A further 50 teachers from Geraldton Senior College attended a workshop. 

Melissa Price Federal Member for Durack, hosted Nola Marino, Federal Member for Forrest, presented the workshops.

Working with local and Federal Police and being on the Joint Select Committee for Cyber-Safety, Ms Marino has been able to identify what concerns young people when using the internet. 

Ms Price said she was concerned about young people’s safety when using the internet and that Geraldton was fortunate that Ms Marino was able to conduct the cyberbullying workshops, which have helped many children and parents over the past years.

“The workshop presentation addressed the risks associated with social media like Facebook and Twitter, cyber bullying, your child’s digital footprint, what it means to be groomed online, your mobile phone and its security weaknesses such as location services and of course, scams,” Ms Price said.

“If you are being cyberbullied, you need to block the contact or ignore it, and tell a parent or responsible adult.”

The workshop participants also discussed unwanted contact, online friends, rude messages and online gaming and how to recognise the associated dangers, as well as strategies for managing them.

The Abbott Government announced funding of $10 million in the May Budget for its policy of Enhancing Online Safety for Children, including:

  • $7.5 million to assist schools to access accredited online safety programmes;
  • $2.4 million to establish and operate the Office of the Children’s e-Safety Commissioner (the Commissioner) to take a leadership role in online safety; and
  • $0.1 million to support Australian-based research and information campaigns on online safety. 

Harvest to start a fortnight earlier than usual

Harvest is set to begin today and is one of the earliest starts according to local Agronomist Simon Teakle. 

In an interview with ABC, Mr Teakle said the early harvest was due to a warm, dry winter.

"A lot of the canola was obviously sown up here on, or some of it, before ANZAC Day, so it germinated on ANZAC Day and we've had what I would call a pretty warm winter and it's ready probably two, three weeks earlier than you would expect," Mr Teakle told ABC.

"Generally speaking, it was always the first week of October when you would start to get a few deliveries and that very top end of the northern ag region would start to have a go at canola and barley - if they were growing barley - but never ever this early.

"I think most growers are prepared that they are going to have probably the earliest harvest they've ever had."

Grain handler Cooperative Bulk Handling (CBH) Geraldton Port Zone Manager Duncan Gray, says the Geraldton port terminal will open tomorrow, Tuesday morning, at 8am.

5 men removed from Grand Final - but otherwise smooth day

Local Police wish to thank members of the public who attended the 2014 GNFL Grand Final yesterday at the Recreation Ground.

Police reported that only two vehicles were turned away attempting to bring alcohol into the ground and there were no incidents at the ground outside the licenced area. 

Celebrations were marred however by an incident in the licenced area just prior to the final siren in the league game where five males were removed from the ground and issued move on notices.

A 26-year-old Utakarra man will be summonsed for disorderly conduct as a result of the incident. 

Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the Week

Mid West Cat Shelter's bonded-pair Cats of the Week are Sherry and Holly.

Holly is a very affectionate cat,  if you would like a companion cat, she is for you. Sherry is a lovely looking girl who likes pats, is always happy to be in the room with you, she is a quiet, gentle soul. Both cats have never scratched or bitten and are clean animals that always use the litter trays. Both females.

If you would like to adopt Sherry and Holly, or any of the other cats or kittens, phone 0487 193 244 to speak to a co-ordinator.

For the month of September only all available cats are $100 each, with the exception of Bonded Pair of the Week at $150 for both cats.

Russian National Dance Company to hit Geraldton

World-renowned Russian National Dance Company will be hitting the Geraldton stage next month with a "dazzling masterpiece".

KOSTROMA is a spectacular and beautiful evocation in dance of ancient Russian culture. This mesmerising event unites centuries of dramatic musical and dance tradition.

The show features 45 elite dancers, masterly techniques, 600 lavish costumes and over 15 scenes. 'KOSTROMA' takes the audience on a bewitching journey from the Arctic north to the southern Steppes, the peaks of the Caucasus to the depths of Siberia.

The show is named after the place of its birth and the cradle of the Romanov dynasty, an ancient Russian town situated on the banks of the great Volga river.

The internationally acclaimed Russian National Dance company was founded in the early 1990's by its director and producer Elena Tsarenko with Art Director and Chief Dance Master Yury Tsarenko.

The company lives and breathes the traditions of their land.

The premiere performances of KOSTROMA were presented in, Moscow, London, Paris and Rotterdam. KOSTROMA has been appearing in the Cosmos Concert Hall, Moscow since 2005.

The French call it ‘A Russian dance miracle’, the Netherlands know it as ‘The spirit of Russia’. This theatrical production with its famous image of 'The Girl in Silver', has already won the hearts of audiences in over 25 countries.

KOSTROMA will be at the Queens Park Theatre on October 11th at 7:30pm.

For tickets visit the Queen's Park Theatre website or visit the Queen's Park Theatre box office. 

Driver caught doing 161km/h in 60 zone

A 21-year-old Spalding man has had his car seized under hoon legislation when he was caught doing 161km/h in a 60km/h zone. 

At about 8:30 pm on Wednesday September 3, it is alleged a black Holden Commodore was caught by a Police speed camera on Chapman Valley Road, Waggrakine. 

The man will appear in Geraldton Magistrates Court later this month charged with reckless driving by travelling 99 km/h over the posted speed limit. 

Local artist takes Geraldton to Jeju

Geraldton artist Marianne Penberthy in her home studio with some of her contemporary Bojagi art. 

Gridlocked. Hardly, but multi-award winning, Geraldton WA practising artist, Marianne Penberthy, says she has always been attracted to grids which feature strongly in her work.

“Grids interest me,” she says, “they appear as structure in everyday life; stonework in old colonial walls, architecture, street layouts – even nature produces random grids; in a leaf, in the landscape.

“And maps, I particularly like the early Dutch maps,” Marianne tells me as she shows me one with her own grids incorporated over it.

“As a child I was interested in maps and the layout of the place where I lived.

“I have strong memories of the local street maps of my childhood place in my mind. These maps fade over time, gradually becoming overlayed with new places, people and experiences.’

Grids are what attracted her to Korean Bojagi (pronounced ‘bo-jah-ggy’) an exquisite traditional folk art wrapping cloth method made up of small cloth remnants that has its origins in Korea from 1392. It’s a method for wrapping and carrying things that has developed into a contemporary art medium Marianne has embraced and explored as it speaks to her inner grid!

“I discovered Bojagi at an exhibition at the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery in 2002 and then attended a workshop in Perth with Chunghie Lee, a textile professor in Korea and America, and Bojagi ambassador,” says Marianne.

“She kept in touch and invited me to submit work in 2011 and 2012 for two different exhibitions.” 

And now, thanks in part to a second City of Greater Geraldton Artists Opportunities Program grant, along with an Airflight Grant from the WA Department of Culture and the Arts, Marianne has taken her art from Geraldton to Jeju.

The two grants enabled her to accept an invitation to give a talk at the 2014 Korean Bojagi Forum on Jeju Island, just off the Korean Peninsula, and exhibit as part of an International exhibition in Seoul, South Korea in earlier this month (September).

“In 2013 I received a CGG Artists’ Opportunities grant which enabled me to have my artworks professionally photographed; this was such an important thing and the timing was just right,” Marianne says.

“It allowed me to present quality images in future grant applications for professional development. Professional images make a huge difference in securing an art grant.

“In December 2013, I obtained a New Work Development Grant from the WA Department of Culture and the Arts which led to investigating two Asian textile traditions, the Korean Bojagi and also Japanese Shibori.”

At the Bojagi Forum, Marianne spoke about her new work development and showed works in two exhibitions in South Korea, including a solo show of nine works.

The Geraldton Regional Art Gallery owns a piece of Marianne’s contemporary Bojagi and she is currently working on an interpretation of the Bojagi technique – and grids in the landscape.

“My concepts relate to land, sense of place and family,” she says.

“Joining remnants and the reforming of something from small pieces and bringing something back to a whole form is exciting.”

Marianne was also excited about taking Geraldton to the world at the forum that had speakers from across the globe.

“I had photos of Geraldton in my presentation,” she says, “I’m always very proud to promote my home town.”

Marianne will give a talk at Durack Institute of Technology and ACDC Gallery later this year, about her visit to South Korea.

The CGG Artist Opportunities Program offered by the City of Greater Geraldton, provides successful applicants the opportunity to undertake arts projects for the advancement of their art practice and career, and for the creative enrichment of the community.

For more information on the program visit For more information on her work or to interview Marianne call 0419 938 188. 

Public invited to view stolen property

Geraldton Police wish to invite members of the public who have been the victim of a burglary or stealing offence before August 7 2014, to attend the Police Station to view recently seized property.

The property includes laptops, mobile phones, gameboy consoles, cameras, video cameras and other miscellaneous items.

Some if the items have identifying marks as see in the photo. 

Police are attempting to identify owners of the property to further enquiries into the seizure of the items.

An identification process will be required before the items can be claimed and Police ask for patience during this process.

The items will be available for viewing at the front counter of the Geraldton Police Station between the hours of 8am and 4pm. 

Update: Sea Princess not coming to Geraldton due to mechanical issues


Update 14/9/14 6:30pm: The "Sea Princess" won't be calling into Geraldton tomorrow due to mechanical issues.

Original article below:

Cruise liner the Sea Princess, will be paying Geraldton a visit on Monday September 15.

The 15 deck, 77,499 ton Cruise ship is expected to arrive at 8am and depart at 6pm the same day, with approximately 1900 passengers on board.

Cruise Ship Meet and Greet Volunteers will be on hand to welcome passengers ashore and local markets will be set up at the Batavia Coast Marina.

The Sea Princess features luxuriously appointed amenities including a café, fitness centre, Lido Pool, main dining room, Oasis Pool, Razzmatazz Bar, Rigoletto Dining Room, Riviera Pool, Traviata Dining Room, Youth Centre, Theatre and much more.

For more information about this and other Cruise Ship visits, or to become a Meet and Greet Volunteer, contact City of Greater Geraldton Cruise Ship and Visitor Information Office, Joanne Brown, on (08) 9921 3999.

For more information about the Sea Princess and the Princess Cruises visit

Midwest Fishing Report by Tackleworld Country


With the wild weather and big swells over the weekend, it made for some tough fishing but for those who manged to get out tell me that African was the place to be with plenty of big Dhu fish up to 12kg. Closer to town there has been a lot of small Dhuies and Red throat emperor. Dhu fish and coral trout have been caught off Drummonds in 20m of water.

South west of town is producing some good Bald chin and Cod in the 20m lumps with plenty of red throats as well, Yellow fin tuna are schooling SW of town in 30 40m marks.


Strada Howlers have been doing the damage on the tailor of late with fish in the 50 to 80cm range getting caught from flat rocks, Greenough Explosives and Drummond’s cove. South gates and Drummonds producing a few good mulloway. There has been plenty of Toothy critters as well.

Weekend Forecast 

This Week's Video




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Lenci's dream for Geraldton Dog Rescue

Locals are urging people to get behind Lenci and organisation Geraldton Dog Rescue.

You can vote for the organisation's dream to win a grant to help towards the costs of building a facility for unwanted dogs until they can be re-homed.

Geraldton Dog Rescue has been operating in the Midwest for 12 years. Dogs that have not been collected from the City Pound by their owners are taken into care, have their vet work done, including sterilisation and are placed into foster homes in the community.

GDR have limited carers available and that limits the number of dogs that can be taken into care. Dogs are left behind to be euthanised simply because there is nowhere for them to be housed.

GDR is run solely by volunteers with people contributing not only in time but financially to their work. In 12 years of operation GDR has saved very close to 3000 dogs from euthanasia.

Top 5 images shared with Everything Geraldton this week

Jason Slade sent in this image of last Friday's sunset taken from the HMAS Sydney Memorial.

"This is a photo of my four year old, Samuel, who jumps on the computer and navigates around Google Earth (better than I can) searching for lighthouses. He loves them so much that we can't return home, whenever he is in the car, without first driving past the Geraldton lighthouse."
-Shaun Rose Photography

This pet sheep caused quite a stir this week when it went for a wander and was taken to the Ranger. But it was returned to its owner.

With some storms earlier in the week, Geraldton copped quite a bit of rain! Kerrin Rowe Media took this photo in Chapman Valley from the shelter of her car. 

Jas Saunders tagged us in this beauty on Instagram. 

Please feel free to inbox us on Instagram or Facebook or e-mail your photos to :)

Aggravated robbery against an 88-year-old

A 20-year-old Geraldton male will appear in the Geraldton Magistrates Court today after he was allegedly involved in an aggravated robbery offence against an 88-year-old lady in Beachlands. 

The female was returning to her home address after attending a Bingo game when it is alleged the male snatched the handbag from her shoulder. The elderly lady suffered a minor injury as a result of the offence. 

The male was apprehended a short distance away hiding under a vehicle.

An Everything Geraldton user Cheryl shared her similar story with us on the Everything Geraldton app yesterday.

"Earlier this afternoon I had my bag snatched from Stirlings Shopping Centre. I gave chase shouting at the top of my lungs through to McDonald's but he was a lot quicker than me!" she said.

"I believe that he has now been caught after doing the same thing to an elderly lady.

"There is a lot more I could say! But please just be careful and watchful, I along with the disabled lady that I was with could have been hurt."

Cheryl thanked Police for their quick response. 

Police are now requesting any members of the public who may have witnessed the offence, especially a female who flagged down police, to make contact with the Geraldton Police Station. If you have any information please contact the station on (08)9923 4555. 


Pre-purchase GNFL Grand Final tickets

Heading to the GNFL Grand Final this Sunday at the Recreation Ground? Keen to avoid delays waiting in line to get in?


Simply call into the Department of Sport and Recreation Office, 270 Foreshore Drive between 8:30am-4:30pm Thursday 11th September and Friday 12th September to purchase your tickets.

CASH or CHEQUE ONLY, unfortunately no eftpos facility is available.

If you are pre-purchasing tickets, be sure to keep hold of them until Sunday, lost tickets will not be replaced and you will have to pay the gate staff again to get in, don't say you haven't been warned!

GNFL finals admission prices are the same as the semi-final and prelim-final held the previous two weeks.

Prices: $12 Adults, $9 Aged Concession Only, $3 Car, $3 Budget, $5 Kids 13-17, Free Kids 12 & Under.

Identify native plants with new Wildflower Brochure

Could you recognise some native plants?

Local organisation Chapman River Friends (CRF) is very proud to inform that their first Wildflowers Brochure has been published.

As a great handy tool for identifying native plants in Chapman River Regional Park (CRRP)-Geraldton and across the Midwest Region.

The brochure is waterproof to ensure its survival on bush walks.

Kids will love to find their preferred plants!

The brochure was prepared by CRF members with professional input and features around 100 of 300 species recorded in the CRRP.

Only $5 and available in Geraldton from Visitor Centre, Museum, Read-a-Lot-Books, Aussie Shop and direct from CRF :

Ladies Indulgence Evening!

The 2014 Ladies Indulgence Evening proudly bought to you by “Its All Sorted”!

Date: Friday 24th of October 2014
Time: 6:30pm until 11:30pm
Venue: Towns Football Club
Dress: Cocktail
Theme: Indulgence
Conditions: 18+

Ladies come dressed in your favourite cocktail dress for a night of glamour and indulgence.

Champagne on arrival with live music provided by popular local artist Yasmin Dost, accompanied by Clinton and Kieron.

Throughout the evening you will be treated to gourmet cocktail food - brought to you by handsome gentlemen, on hand to wait on our guests - plus gifts, a stylish photo booth, a bar available of course and more.

Lingerie, clothing, candles, jewellery, make up and many more products will be showcased throughout the evening, plus a few raffles for your chance to win some fabulous prizes too!

Tickets available at: or for more information please visit our facebook event at