Credit card parking payment facilities now available at Geraldton Airport

Parking at Geraldton Airport can now be paid by credit card. The facility was activated on August 13 and the new fees and charges as adopted in the City's 2014-15 Budget on July 1, have now come into effect.

Parking fees remained at the former rates until the credit card facility was activated removing the necessity for people to carry cash, and often, use the airport terminal café to withdraw money with their debit cards to pay for parking.

The new fees and charges for long term parking at the airport are now $15 per day with a minimum of $30 for the first two days, and $10 per day thereafter.

For short term parking the first hour is free and then $2 per hour thereafter to a maximum of $20 for 24 hours.

The City say fees generated from parking, and from aviation operations, are used to fund capital upgrades and ongoing operations and maintenance of the airport, removing the need to fund these activities from Rates.

The new car parking areas more than double the long term and short term car parking spaces, overcoming the problem of inadequate capacity that had been a source of complaint by the community in recent years.

The new car parks were built at a cost of $2.86M with additional works this year to complete landscaping.

To meet growing community needs the Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday August 26, awarded a contract for an extension to the Airport Lounge to local contractor, Crothers Construction at a cost of $1.861M with total project costs including customer facilities, amenities and furnishings of $2.1M.