Celebrating 100 years of the Upper Chapman Roads Board Building

This September the Chapman Valley Shire and Museum are holding a free community event to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Shire's original headquarters.

Previously known as the Upper Chapman Roads Board, the Shire's Roads Board Building has recently undergone conservation works to enable the installation of new heritage displays.  A DVD will be launched on the day of stories and recollections of Local Government and the Roads Board Building.

Preserving the heritage building, which is a focal point at the Chapman Valley Museum, was the motivational force behind the Museum's formation.

Spearheading the recent Roads Board preservation and promotion is Chapman Valley Museum committee member and volunteer, Mrs Pam Batten. Mrs Batten said the community event is a great opportunity to share stories, educate and celebrate 100 years of achievements, milestones, pioneers, overcoming adversity and the rich heritage of Chapman Valley.

 Mrs Batten said, “We hope community members will join with us to celebrate this special milestone.  Thanks to the assistance of the Chapman Valley Shire, Heritage Council, Lotterywest and Federal Government grants, the ‘Old Roads Board’ building will be reopened and the history of Local Government in the area, told via exciting new display material.  It will be a great day

The community celebration will take place on Wednesday 11 September from 9.30 am. There will be local store holders, bush poets, performances by Chapman Valley and Yuna Primary Schools, an official re opening of the Roads Board building and heritage installation, Vintage car display, and a mock council meeting. ABC radio will also be broadcasting their morning show live from the event. Morning Tea and light finger food will be provided. To assist us with catering please RSVP to community@chapmanvalley.wa.gov.au