Too much junk mail this election?

By Jason Smith

Geraldton residents have been complaining strongly this week about the high amount of election related material they have been receiving in the mail.

While no one can complain that the Durack candidates aren't taking the race serious, it seems that it's a fine line to walk between getting your message across and leaving a bad taste in people's mouths due to too much unsolicited mail.

To top it all off, Geraldton residents have even contacted Everything Geraldton complaining of telephone calls during dinner requesting people vote a certain way.

The battle to get in the public eye has been hard fought in Geraldton, especially between the Nationals Shane Van Styn and Liberal Melissa Price who are leaving no stone unturned in an attempt to get the winning vote. Other than the usual methods of lots of signage and mail outs, you may have even spotted ads in your Facebook newsfeed.

The signage on fences has also caused discontentment among some Geraldton residents who claim signs have been attached to their fences without their consent.