Upcoming Comedy Quiz Night
/Right Answer To The Wrong Question?
If you avoid quiz nights because your mind goes blank for every question, this is for you. Following the sell-out success of its first two shows of the season, The Comedy Emporium – Geraldton is planning its first ever Comedy Quiz Night.
Obviously not keen on short names, the Emporium crew have named it the Super Funny and Not Lame Fun Time Quiz Night . To be held on September 20 at the Geraldton Camp School it will be a limited seating showcase with only 10 tables of eight available.
Created in lieu of the regular sell-out bimonthly stand up shows in the Queens Park Theatre, it provides a new impetus for Geraldton’s new local comedy writing team according to Emporium director Julian Canny. “It was sad that we had to cancel the September show, but now we get the fun of writing and developing Geraldton’s first comedy quiz night,” said Canny.
“Super Funny and Not Lame Fun Time Quiz Night show is like a fundraiser, and we are going to spend it on cool stuff like our end-of-year show on November 8th!” Although The Comedy Emporium has sold out every show so far, the cost of getting performers to Geraldton (and Canny’s growing e-bay addiction) have caused The Comedy Emporium to need an injection of funds to keep its workshop programs operating for free on a fortnightly basis.
Canny said the show is designed for people who normally lose at quiz nights, a concept reinforced by local comic Lachlan Adams. “If you enjoy reading instructions on how to assemble furniture, watching da time TV, or have any structure in your life...then this show is probably not for you,” quipped Adams. the Super Funny and Not Lame Fun Time Quiz Night, September 20 at the Geraldton Camp School.
Tickets $20 per head, for tables of eight, available from www.queensparktheatre.com.au , No door sales Doors open 7pm, show starts 7:30pm. No BYO alcohol, Bar available. BYO food encouraged. For more information call 0458 306 111.