Be aware: trend in local burglaries

Local police have identified an emerging trend developing in Geraldton relating to burglary offences.

Police identified that offenders are knocking on front doors of residential premises under the pretence of returning copies of the local newspapers that they have found in the front yard or driveway.

It seems the intention is to distract the occupants whilst co-offenders are going to the rear of the premises, entering through open doors and stealing items.

Other identified methods of a similar nature are that offenders may attend the front door and ask for directions or request a drink of water – again with the intention of distracting the occupants and stealing property.

Police are requesting that if members of the public are subject to persons attending addresses for these or seemingly unrelated issues to immediately contact police.

Former Geraldton man charged over death of Indonesian woman

jake Former Geraldton man Jake Drage has been charged by Indonesian police with reckless driving causing death.

The 23-year-old could face a maximum of six years in jail and/or a maximum fine of $1,100 if found guilty.

Jake was in Indonesia on a surfing trip when the accident occurred.

In a previous interview with Jake's mother, Tiena, she described the incident to Everything Geraldton.

“He was on a motor bike, behind a little truck” Tiena says.

"They were facing up a hill and the truck came to a complete stop. Jake was concerned the small truck might roll back on top of him. There were no lines or markings on the road at all.

“He’s nudged his head and the front of the bike out a small amount, perhaps a foot, to try and see if it was safe to pass the stationary truck. All of a sudden a motorbike with two people on it was there and clipped Jake’s bike.

“The bike was being driven by a 16 year old girl, and her mother was on the back not wearing a helmet.

“Jake said the girl panicked when she saw Jake. Their bike crashed an the mother on the back of the bike was taken to hospital.”

Jake has been held in Indonesian Custody since the accident which occurred on June 30th. They are awaiting a trial date.



New Telstra mobile site turned on in Geraldton

Untitled A new Telstra mobile site has just been turned on in Geraldton and Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney, says the new site will  improve ‘in building’ coverage and increased capacity to important areas of the city.

The new mobile site coverage will provide improved in building coverage and capacity to areas such as Point Moore, Belair Caravan Park near Pages Beach, Durack Institute, the Geraldton wharf and fishing boat harbour plus importantly our two Geraldton hospitals.

Mr Blayney said Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager Tony Carmichael had advised him of the news today straight after the site was turned on.

Central Greenough declared gasfield free

Central Greenough has become the first community in WA to declare itself Gasfield Free in a clear statement to mining companies that fracking and other forms of unconventional gas extraction are not welcome in the area.
Spokesperson for Frack Free Geraldton Jo Franklin, said the declaration followed months of community consultation and doorknocking.
“We knocked on every door in Central Greenough to ask the residents if they would like to declare their road gasfield free. The result was an overwhelming yes with more than 96 per cent of people saying they supported the concept of becoming a Gasfield Free Community,” Ms Franklin said.
“Gasfield Free Communities began in northern NSW two years ago and have since spread virally around the nation with more than 3 million hectares of agricultural land already declared Gasfield Free in NSW alone.
“A Gasfield Free Community declaration means that gas companies do not have a social licence to operate in the area. Communities  around Australia are declaring themselves No Go Zones for gas drilling and exploration.
“Fracking is not safe and is not welcome. Communities like central Greenough are coming together to say “we will protect our land, our water and our future” by locking the gate to frackers and other gas miners.
“What we are witnessing is a mass social movement of ordinary people who are willing to stand up for their rights and the protection of their livelihoods and that of their grandchildren against the invasive march of the gas companies.
“Central Greenough is just the first of many communities in WA who are likely to declare their communities and their precious water resources off limits to fracking.”

Summer Deal With KiteWest!


Come and join the crew at KiteWest...  Book your KITE or Stand Up Paddle board lesson NOW!

Gift Voucher Discount: 15% OFF 2 Students 10% OFF Solo Student

Valid until 15th September 2014

For more information contact Ben on 0449 021 784 or e-mail or visit us at


Enjoy a guided wildlife walk

CRF_3-Guided-walk-17.08.14 Chapman River Friends present guided walks in the Chapman River regional Park.

Walks are adjusted to suit participants and last approx 1.5 hours.


Meeting places are:

  • SPALDING PARK - is the playground area off Chapman Road between the roundabout and the bridge, where the entry sign says "CHAPMAN RIVER REGIONAL PARK".
  • FAIRFAX ROAD CARPARK - is in the suburb of Moresby: heading north on North Coast Highway turn R at the roundabout into Chapman Valley Road, then R at Sutcliffe Rd South, R at Longva and R at Fairfax Road.

SAVE THE DATES AND NEW TIME! Tuesday 19th @ 3.30pm Spalding Park Sunday 24th @ 3pm Fairfax Road Carpark Tuesday 26th @ 3.30pm Spalding Park Sunday 31st @ 3pm Spalding Park Wear - bush gear: closed shoes, hats, sunscreen and BYO water bottle.

More information contact Jenna on 0417960737 or visit

CRF_1-Guided-walk-17.08 CRF_walk-flowers-1 CRF_walk-flowers-2

Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the Week

Screen Shot 2014-08-18 at 4.22.39 pm This week's bonded pair, Cats of the Week are available for $200 to the right home. Meet sisters Mia and China.

Mia and China are two beautiful sisters who were rescued together. They are currently in the same foster home and are inseparable. China is the more cuddly of the two and will sit on your lap for as long as you will let her. Mia is a bit quieter but still loves a cuddle and will play with you all day. Both are very friendly cats that will greet you at the door for a pat. They are both litter trained and will ‘sometimes’ sit for treats.  They are good with kids, love playing with toys and will chase a laser pointer for hours. They are also happy to just lay around if the people of the household don’t feel like playing.

If you would like to adopt Mia and China, or any of the other cats or kittens, phone 0487 193 244 to speak to a coordinator.

Blue Shaddy to rock Geraldton

image002 Before Blue Shaddy hit the East coast for a number of high profile music festivals including Queenscliff and Narooma’s Great Southern Blues in coming months, they’re set to explode on stage & set the dance floor alight again at Geraldton's Freemasons Hotel on  Saturday 6th September.

Australian Blues/ Roots/ Country band 'Blue Shaddy' are a band with connections, given that founding members, Jim McClelland, (guitarist singer/songwriter) Graham (Belly) McClelland (harmonica) and Sandy McClelland (bass guitarist) are family.

Born and bred in the Western Australian town of Kellerberrin these three have not lost that rustic, relaxed country charm that has endeared them to so many. Known for their infectious amalgam of blues /roots, come country played with an energetic physical presence and power that leaves you with a broad smile and a new found energy.

'Blue Shaddy's musical path was inevitable with brothers Jim and Belly sharing a small house on the family farm, and with television banned from the house, considered poison for the brain these two would sit at the kitchen table and trade Hound Dog Taylor and Sonnie and Brownie licks nightly for months on end.

A meeting soon after with like minded, and also musically spirited 'Sandy Naughton' found her also sitting at that same table going through what was to become the Blue Shaddy apprenticeship. Some 19 years later, Jim and Sandy have now married and along with Belly have maintained a passionate and unwavering commitment to their music, forging their way on festival circuit and gaining fans far and wide.

With these three as the driving force behind 'Blue Shaddy', a band is still not totally complete without a drummer.

Having had the pleasure over the years of playing with some of Australia's finest skin men, 'Dean Wuksta', Chris Oldman, Conrad Parker, Rick Eastman, and Arun Satgunasingam, 'Blue Shaddy' now joined forces with newest recruit, Callum Kramer.

Kramer also being a long term friend of the band played his first gig with 'Blue Shaddy' at 9 years of age, when the drummer at the time had turned up late. Kramer with wooden spoons for sticks and a bucket load of raw talent, filled in for the first set and the 'Blue Shaddy' team knew they had just found their 4th wheel.

With Kramer's skin work now being described as, a young 'Ginger Baker' combined with Sandy's rock solid commitment to holding down groove these two have moulded a tangible chemistry, allowing Jim and Belly the freedom to once again trade those licks and bring together their raw exuberance and understanding of each other’s musical talents. 'The result is a whirlpool of foot stomping infectious energy.'

Pre-sale tickets on sale now from the Freemasons Hotel Bar, $25 (or $30 @ door on the night).

Geraldton Dog Rescue Dog of the Week

bronson 2 Bronson has been in care for quite some time now which is surprising as he is a lovely dog. He is a large boy of approximately 18 months to 2 years of age. He gets along really well with other dogs, cats and is good with children. He has had some obedience training and knows all the basics as well as being house trained.

Bronson loves the beach and long runs with his foster family. He would be best suited to an active family or with another dog to keep him company and help him with some of his energy. Bronson has a beautiful nature and will make the perfect pet for the right family.

Geraldton Dog Rescue is a not for profit organization run solely by volunteers. All GDR dogs cost $350 and have been bathed and flea treated, vet checked, vaccinated, wormed, micro-chipped and de-sexed. If you would like to view a dog or become a volunteer please call 0400219719. Geraldton Dog Rescue can also be contacted via their website or you can find them on Facebook.


Domestic assault results in punctured lung

A 41-year-old female has been charged with aggravated grievous bodily harm after a male received a punctured lung during a domestic assault. At around 11:15am on Sunday, August 17, a domestic argument broke out between the male and female in Spalding.

During the argument, it is alleged that the female armed herself with a kitchen knife and stabbed the male in the left side of the chest resulting in a 4cm laceration and a punctured lung.

She was refused bail and appeared in court on Monday, August 18.



Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre to offer mentoring programs

Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre are pleased to offer “Introduction to Mentoring in the Workplace” training programs, to suit the specific needs of industry in supporting their staff to mentor colleagues, co-workers and trainees in a professional and meaningful way.
The program delivers knowledge, skill and attitude shifts, aligned to the highest quality and national framework standards. In addition it provides a flexible delivery that offers both accredited and non-accredited skills based training options.
Introduction to Mentoring in the Workplace training is meaningful, relevant, and designed to address a range of realistic scenarios faced by organisations wishing to increase individual, team, and organisational performance.
The training sessions can be delivered in a 2 full day program or equivalent, scheduled to allow for flexibility.
The workshops include extensive opportunity for interaction in the group, allowing participants to learn in an informal yet professional way. This will ensure the environment will foster group activity interaction and development of mentoring skills such as providing feedback, communication and interpersonal skills as well as managing the mentoring relationship.
Learning Outcomes
Gain an understanding of the issues and frameworks surrounding mentoring Understand and demonstrate practices of effective mentors
Following successful completion of the accredited version of “Introduction to Mentoring  in the Workplace” training, participants will receive the National Unit of Competency CHCORG627B .

Provide mentoring support to colleagues. 
Participants in the successful completion of the Non Accredited delivery will receive a Certificate of Participation.
To discuss course delivery dates, costs and customisation, call the Mentor Training Co-ordinator on 0428212329 / 08 9921 4477 OR email your interest to

Minister for Water to visit Geraldton after smell complaints

photo Minister for Water, Mia Davies MLA, will visit Geraldton and witness first-hand complaints arising from the Waste Water Pumping Station in Utakarra.

The suburb has been experiencing what some have described as a "foul stench" lingering in the area due to the waste water pumping station. Some residents in Wonthella have also complained of the smell.

Minister Davies has indicated her intention to visit Geraldton and the Utakarra Pumping Station on Monday, August 25 to evaluate the issues affecting residents – most significantly the noxious odours emitted from the Pumping station - and the Water Corporation’s response to the matter.

Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney has welcomed the decision by the Minister and said he was pleased that the Minister is responding to his representation of his constituents concerns in relation to the issue.


Driver caught doing 171 km/h

A driver has been charged with reckless driving after he was caught travelling at 171 km/h in a 110 zone. The incident occurred at around 2:20pm yesterday on Brand Highway near Half Way Mill Roadhouse.

Dongara Police conducted a traffic stop of the Holden Commodore and the male driver held a Provisional driver's licence.

The driver's vehicle was subject to a surrender notice under the hoon legislation.

Police seeking owner of stolen ring

image001 Local police have seized a gold ring during a search linked to Operation Telepathic.

A search warrant was executed and now local police are trying to find its owner.

If this is yours or you have any information please contact the local police station on 9923 4555.

Proof of ownership and other details are required for its retrieval.

Public submission invited on draft Public Open Space Strategy

POS strategy

The City has developed a draft Public Open Space Strategy (POS) for the Greater Geraldton urban area, Walkaway and Mullewa and the draft is now open for public comment.

The draft strategy is available for inspection during office hours at the Civic Centre, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton, Mullewa District Office, corner Padbury and Thomas Streets, Mullewa or an electronic version can be downloaded from the City’s website at planning/public-consultations.

The draft strategy will provide an overarching framework and strategic direction for the future planning and improvement of public open space over the next 20 years and beyond.

The public is invited to send submissions on the Strategy to The public submission period closes on September 26 2014.

New road coaches for regional passengers

Geraldton and Mid West travellers who use Transwa coach services will be seated in comfort in an entirely new fleet by 2016-17. Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney said this morning that passengers travelling throughout regional Western Australia will ride in style after the State Government committed $16.3million, including $15.1million from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program, to buy 23 road coaches.

“Transwa’s entire decade-old coach fleet will be replaced over the next three years and will be expanded to have 23 coaches on the State’s roads,” Mr Blayney said.

“Eight new coaches will be bought in 2014-15, eight in 2015-16 and the final seven in 2016-17.”

Mr Blayney said every one of the new five-star Transwa coaches were air-conditioned and outfitted with cold drinking water, toilet with baby change table, and DVD entertainment systems.

He said the existing coaches had already had their operating life extended by several years through an intensive preventive maintenance program.

“These vehicles have more than earned their keep, travelling an average of 1.4million kilometres each since they were purchased,” he said.

“In 2012-13, Transwa’s 144 services per week carried about 210,000 passengers throughout WA covering more than three million kilometres with the average passenger travelling about 310km per trip.”

The Royalties for Regions investment would improve services in regional communities and especially help senior passengers and tourists who were frequent bus users.

The Transwa coaches provide regular transport services to people in the 250 regional communities they travel between and are a vital link for tourists exploring WA.

The new fleet will be compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, ensuring optimum accessibility for less mobile passengers.