Council explains what's happening to all the playground equipment

Following several community enquiries regarding the missing playground equipment at parks around town, the City of Greater Geraldton has issued this press release: 

Play Equipment safety audit underway


Safety inspections of all play equipment located in public open spaces across the City are currently being undertaken.

Industry specialists are undertaking inspections of the play equipment to assess condition and level of compliance with current Australian standards. 

City of Greater Geraldton CEO Ken Diehm said the inspections are part of the City’s ongoing program of asset audits and renewals.

“In the past 18 months the City has been undertaking extensive audits of all the City’s assets which include play equipment in parks.  When the condition of the equipment raises concerns during the auditing process, fencing is erected around the play equipment to isolate it from the community and to ensure the safety of our residents and visitors is not compromised,” Mr Diehm said.

“Most recently the equipment at Pages Beach, Jenner Street Spalding and Back Beach has been removed along with partial closure and fencing of Glendinning Park Tarcoola Beach and Rundle Park Bluff Point as the installations have been found to be noncompliant.  Any further installations found to be noncompliant will be fenced or removed as required.

“After the inspections have been completed a detailed condition report will be presented to the City. The report will also include recommendations on the upgrade, or removal, of noncompliant play equipment.

“The City will then assess the level of play equipment use in parks and utilise this information to prioritise any upgrades or replacement of play equipment that hadn’t been previously identified for renewal this financial year.”

Should members of the community have any concerns about the condition of the play equipment in their area, they are encouraged to contact the City via email at or by telephone on 9956 6600 .