Apple Watch Review

REVIEW - Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is great piece of technology for those on the go or the tech savvy users.
It brings notifications, calls and emails directly to your wrist making sure you never miss that important communication.

I love this nimble device it's great but is a piece of jewellery that's essentially an expensive add-on to your already pricey iPhone.

I think the novelty of the device outweighs its flaws of daily charging and its inability to go underwater.

The many watch faces and personalisation of the device enables you to make it your own and gives you the power to add your own personal background watch face.  

With Facebook messenger, emails and fitness trackers including a variety of games the Apple Watch is a great device if you can afford to buy it.

Once the full version of Apple Pay comes to Australia (American Express Only) the watch will become a perfect all day use item giving the ability to wave your wrist near an EFTPOS machine, similar to PayWave on most credit cards.  

The entry level device starts with the Apple Watch Sport at $499.00, The Apple Watch starts at $799.00 and the high end Apple Watch Edition starts at $14,000 - yes I know that's expensive for a watch.  

If you want an Apple Watch you need an iPhone 5 or later model. 

The watch battery is great lasting a full day however you will need to charge it every night if you want it to last a full day.

Watch bands add another level personalisation enabling you to make the watch your own with a band that suits you or the occasion.  

I ordered an watch with the Apple Store app and it arrived within the week to Geraldton, I was very surprised at the efficiency of delivery. 

Will you be getting an Apple Watch?