The 50 Cent Swing will be back!
/The Merry-Go-Round when it was a swing. Picture: Phil Duperouzel
Geraldton's iconic Merry-Go-Round by the Sea, otherwise known as the 50 Cent Swing, has been removed but don't worry - it will be back!
The 50 Cent Swing is not actually a swing anymore after it was made a fixed structure in 2010.
A statement from the City said the Merry-Go-Round had only been removed for refurbishment.
"It has been cleaned, restored, galvanised and painted and will be returned as a fixed structure providing seating in the new youth space/Geraldton Visitor Centre area," a City spokesperson said.
"It will be fixed on a concrete plinth with interpretive signage about its history and surrounded by timber decking linking the two areas."
The location of the 50 cent swing, next to the old Railway building is currently under renovations.
The Heritage listed building, Geraldton’s first Railway Station located on Marine Terrace, will soon be home to the Geraldton Visitor Centre and the City are refurbishing the whole area.