Humpback whale in danger spotted entangled in rope off Horrocks
The Department of Parks and Wildlife is urging boaters and beach visitors near Horrocks north of Geraldton to be on the lookout for an entangled humpback whale.
The whale was first sighted north of Kalbarri on Sunday and again late yesterday by a beach fisherman off Lucky Bay. It has since been re-sighted by Parks and Wildlife staff 10km off Horrocks.
Geraldton district manager Rory Chapple said it has a rope entangled around its tail flukes and is towing two large orange buoys.
“It is currently travelling slowly in a southerly direction due to the gear it is carrying and appears to be malnourished,” he said.
“We encourage boaties to report any sightings to the department and refrain from approaching the whale or attempting to free it. A disentanglement team from Parks and Wildlife is in transit to the area and will undertake disentanglement of the ropes if feasible.”
People who see an entangled or beached whale should keep a safe distance from the animals and contact the department’s Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.