Midnight basketball new tournament starting August 8

Leadership Awards - Midnight BasketballMidnight Basketball’s tenth tournament concluded last month but another one is just around the corner! Another tournament will be starting up again with week one commencing on Friday, August 8.

Each eight-week program includes a hot nutritious meal for players and volunteers, life-skills workshops, bus rides home for each player, awards night after the grand final and of course a whole lot of fun.Come and volunteer for Tournament 11 and see which teams will battle it out at the end of the program.

Volunteers are wanted each night for team managers, bus drivers and bus supervisors, catering helpers, general assistants, scorers and so much more.

Fully organised by a local Midnight Basketball Community Committee, with members from Geraldton Amateur Basketball Association, Centacare, PCYC, School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA), Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) and the City of Greater Geraldton; the program enables youth to engage with sport in a healthy and safe environment.

City of Greater Geraldton’s Coordinator Community Development, Yvonne Lovedee, said the success of Midnight Basketball is made possible because of volunteers.

“Volunteers are the backbone of the Midnight Basketball program by providing a safe, happy and cooperative environment, they also provide the chance for youth to engage with a diverse range of community members who share their friendship, knowledge, and access to future opportunities,” she said.

“Without the support of our volunteers the program would not be possible.” Come and see how you can help, each night requires 15 volunteers."

For more information contact: Yvonne 0400 207 627 or visit the Midnight Basketball Geraldton website on www.midnightbasketball.org.au/Locations/geraldton/Pages/default.aspx.