Year one students upset after veggie garden vandalised
Year one students at Mount Tarcoola Primary School were shattered when they came back to school after the weekend to find that the veggie garden they had planted had been vandalised.
The garden had been planted more than three weeks ago with several different vegetables and teacher Kathy Taylor said it was heartbreaking to see how disappointed the students were.
“We had only really just got started on the project and the kids were absolutely loving it,” she said.
“But we’ve had a good attitude towards it and we won’t let this stop us, we will plant again!”
The perpetrators had got into the school and pulled out all the planted vegetables from the garden.
The veggie garden is part of the curriculum and works with the students on science, life and living, plants and learning about healthy eating.
On Tuesday the children got to put their thoughts and pictures on paper with many of them looking forward to getting the garden back up and running again.
“On the long weekend, somebody pulled out our plants. I felt sad,” year one student, Timothy said in his reflection.
Ms Taylor said the school had missed out on funding for a lockable shade house but will work towards putting some sort of security around the garden so it doesn’t become an on going problem.
If anyone has information about the incident please contact local police.
Here's what some of the students had to say: