Midnight Basketball calls for volunteers

122 After months of planning, the Midnight Basketball Geraldton Community Committee has successfully set up its first 8 week Tournament to be held on Friday nights at the Active West Stadium on Eighth Street.

The players are ready and now the Midnight Basketball Geraldton Community Committee invites all local community members to join in, help make it happen and be part of its success.

Midnight Basketball needs 15 volunteers every Tournament night to help with tasks such as helping to serve dinner, setting up workshop rooms, managing teams, scoring, refereeing and driving buses. Can you help?

Midnight Basketball is a national, community-run program held in a safe environment on Friday or Saturday nights for 12-18 year old 'at risk' youth.

Each 8 week Tournament night includes a hot, nutritious dinner followed by a compulsory life skills Workshop before the tournament basketball begins. A bus takes all players home to their front door around midnight.

“Volunteers are the backbone of Midnight Basketball across the country. They provide a safe, happy and co-operative environment and also provide the opportunity for youth participants to engage with a diverse range of community members who impart knowledge, kindness, friendship and access to future opportunities," said Tess White, Chief Executive Officer of Midnight Basketball Australia.

"The success of Midnight Basketball would not be possible without the support that Volunteers provide on every night of every Tournament around Australia.”

Volunteers commonly report that they find their volunteer experience rewarding because it is a contribution of time that is providing practical solutions.

Volunteers are finding that Midnight Basketball also benefits them.

“There is no doubt, I get as much out of the program as the players, as volunteers we also have just as much fun!” said Jessica Felix from Midnight Basketball Geraldton.

Another volunteer of last year’s tournament Bobby-Lee Martin, says that her role in the Midnight Basketball program had undoubtedly given her increased job prospects.

“I got to meet a variety of people from different organisations which helped me get my foot in the door for work in the youth sector. Midnight Basketball program has definitely benefitted me,” she said.

Come along and see how you can help. Each night requires 15 Volunteers who assist with tasks like helping to serve dinner, setting up the workshop rooms, managing teams, scoring, refereeing, and driving the buses.



Simone Maloney, Tournament Administrator, Midnight Basketball Geraldton

0428 846 773 geraldton@midnightbasketball.org.au



Kristy Geyson, Volunteer Manager, Midnight Basketball Geraldton

08 9921 1433  Geraldton@midnightbasketball.org.au