New Wandina Primary School officially opened last week

Wandina_crop Premier Colin Barnett officially opened the new state-of-the-art $8million Wandina Primary School in Geraldton last Friday.

The technology rich school first opened its doors at the beginning of term with 175 students from kindergarten to year 3.

Speaking at the school opening, Mr Barnett said Wandina would cater for the growing population in Geraldton’s southern suburbs, which included many young families.

Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney said it was a proud day to witness the official opening which fulfilled a commitment he made to the electorate as the Liberal candidate for Geraldton in 2008.

“I’m very happy to see it open. There was never any doubt in my mind that our expanding southern suburbs needed it,” Mr Blayney said.

“And I’m very happy to see that the school already has such strong community support - a new school in an area becomes a great place for people to get to know each other.

“While offering an advanced learning environment Wandina has a major focus on sustainability with students learning about the environment in the class and in practical ways by cultivating their own vegetable patch which they’ll harvest later in the year and learn to cook healthy food.”

Mr Barnett congratulated Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney for his dedication to ensuring Wandina Primary was built.

“This school sees the fulfilment of a long-held commitment to the area and was an election promise in 2008 so I am particularly pleased to now see this school open and working so well,” he said.

In order to improve the school’s energy efficiency, skylights have been installed in classrooms to eliminate the need for lights to be switched on all day. Specially fitted sensors switch them off when there is sufficient light.

The school’s brand new facilities also include a music room and classrooms are equipped with the latest technology.

Wandina’s school motto is ‘Inspiring Excellence Together’, and foundation Principal Di Miller has instilled a feeling of vibrancy that aims to create a setting for positive learning among students happy in their new environment.

The school will gradually expand with year 4 students being accepted from 2015 and by 2017, kindergarten to year 6 will be catered for.

The Premier said the State Government was investing $538million on major education capital works projects in 2014 to meet the demand from the State’s strong population growth.