Labor Party plans to stop funding for WindFarms

After already openly throwing in the towel in Geraldton by announcing they'll cut Oakajee funding in place of Perth's new railways, Labor have now decided that should they come to power at the next election they intend on stopping the proposed $600 million wind farm to be built by Verve in the Mid West.

Press release from the Nationals follows:

Labor’s shadow energy Minister Bill Johnston on Monday confirmed if Labor were elected to power, they would stop Verve from building new energy projects including the proposed $600 million wind farm for the Mid West.

This is on top of Labor committing to pulling $330m in funding from Oakajee which will also be matched by the Federal Government. This takes the total cuts in Geraldton by Labor to $1.26 billion.

“It just seems that Labor is hell bent on destroying Geraldton so it can build Metronet. I have never seen a party campaign so hard on stripping money from a particular city before. No wonder they are siding with the Liberals and have given up on their own principles.” Mr Van Styn said.

Don’t let Perth priorities destroy Geraldton. Only The Nationals can be trusted to invest in Geraldton with their program Royalties for Regions. Demand change!