Midwest Fishing Report by Tackleworld Geraldton

OFFSHORE The is no shortage of Dhu fish all over the coast with waters from the 10-30m marks north and south of town, and dont forget it is illegal to fish without a release weights.

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Squid can be found along most of the rock walls, the best time is on dusk, look for clear water and fish when the swell is down. 


Tailor Herring and Skippy are still on the bite around the new lookout, with the odd Soapy after dark, for those with Dingy and kayaks Pink snapper can be found on the channel drop offs at dusk.

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Tailor and small mulloway to 8kg have been caught from south of flat rocks right through to west bank.

North of town Drummonds car park is producing good mulloway and tailor to 50cm.

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Chapman river is the place to be if your chasing bream, with the Greenough river fish well for small bream the odd bigger getting caught in the snags.

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Come in and check or new butchery section with sausage makers, knifes, scales, vacuum packs and everything to do with butchery.

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City cut trees in CBD

photo 2-1 Noticed less greenery in the Geraldton CBD?

Several trees have been cut due to infrastructure damage.

Two trees at the West End of Cathedral Ave have been removed, two at the intersection of Cathedral Avenue and Marine Terrace, along with three trees removed from the Foreshore.

A statement from the City said, "the trees were damaging community infrastructure and they will be replaced with more suitable species."

One man's romp through a swamp

Swamp Juice will hit the Queens Park Theatre on August 19th and the shadow puppet comedy about one man's romp through a swamp has received rave reviews.

A review from the Edinburgh Spotlight said, "Gasps of wonder and amazement!"

With other reviews claiming it was, "One of the most spellbinding moments of puppet theatre I have ever encountered.”

Following on the award-winning Sticks Stones Broken Bones, Jeff Achtem presents imaginative shadow puppet stories made from bits of rubbish. His shadow adventures have no dialogue, and the visual look of 'live' cartoons.

In Swamp Juice, the puppeteer guides the audience through one man's encounters in a swamp; bickering snails, a neurotic snake and an opera singing mouse.

As the action builds to a climax in Swamp Juice, the shadows move off the stage and dance around the walls of the theatre. Then, the audience are given 3D glasses to experience the 3D shadow puppetry finale. It's a riviting and unforgettable illusion.

Swamp Juice will appeal to all ages above 7, and most certainly not just for kids.

For information about tickets head to the QPT website.

Enjoy a guided wildflower walk

CRF_ walk 3 Chapman River Friends (CRF) invite YOU to join one of their WALKS in the Park.

Dates are as follows:

Saturday 9th August @ 9am - meet at Spalding Park Tuesday 12th August @ 3pm - meet at the west end of Fairfax Road in Moresby Sunday 17th August @ 2pm - meet at Spalding Park

The walk are around 2 hours. Please wear closed walking shoes, hat. BYO water bottle.


NEW Wildflowers Brochures ($5.00) are available from Visitor Centre, Museum, Aussie Shop and Read-a-Lot-Books, or at the walks.

For more information contact Jenna on 041796073 or visit the CRF Facebook Page. 


Footpath works to start on Chapman Road

The City of Greater Geraldton has advised that footpath renewal works will be carried out on the Chapman Road footpath between Cathedral Avenue and the ANZ bank driveway.

Works will commence on Monday August 11, 2014, and is expected to continue for eleven days. The pathway will be closed to pedestrians during this time.

Anticipated hours of work will be between 6am to 6pm. Motorists and pedestrians are advised to take caution and obey all warning signs and direction from authorised City personnel and contractors.

The City say they regret any inconvenience and will endeavour to keep disruptions to a minimum.

Volunteers needed to get Midnight Basketball rolling

Calling all volunteers! Midnight Basketball’s 11th tournament kicks off tomorrow night (August 8) and there are still volunteering roles to be filled.

Why not come along and see how you can help. Each night requires 15 volunteers to assist on the night including workshop supervisors, scorers, scoreboard operators, bus drivers and supervisors, registration helpers, graders, catering helpers and so much more.

Midnight Basketball is a national, community-run program facilitated by the City of Greater Geraldton, which is held for eight weeks on Friday nights in a safe environment for 12-18 year olds.

Each tournament night includes a hot, nutritious dinner followed by a compulsory life skills workshop before the tournament basketball begins and a free bus ride home for all the players.

Yvonne Lovedee, City of Greater Geraldton’s Community Development Officer and Chair Midnight Basketball Geraldton, said each tournament night isn’t just fun for its players, but also for volunteers.

“Previously we’ve had volunteers state that the program is enjoyable and rewarding as they help provide youth the chance to engage with a diverse group of people who impart knowledge, kindness, friendship and access to future opportunities,” she said. “Without the support of our volunteers the program wouldn’t be possible, volunteers are the backbone to Midnight Basketball and provide a safe, happy and cooperative environment for the youth to engage in.”

For more information contact Midnight Basketball Media Manager, Samantha Walton, on samanthaw@cgg.wa.gov.au or to register visit the Midnight Basketball Geraldton website on www.midnightbasketball.org.au/Locations/GERALDTON.

Do you know the laws when it comes to child car restraints?

3359356531_cc23741436_b When it comes to driving with children as passengers, safety couldn't be more important.

Every year around 127 WA children aged up to 16 years old are killed or seriously injured, when the vehicle they are travelling in is involved in an accident. According to the Office of Road Safety, on average, 16% of those children would not have been in the appropriate child car restraint.

In many cases, deaths and injuries have been prevented by the correct purchase, installation and appropriate use of child car restraints.

Do you know the laws?

On October 1 2010, new laws came into effect that introduced rules for children in vehicles.

The laws reduce the risk of injury caused by the use of unsuitable restraints for a child’s size by specifying the type of restraint to be used at different ages and where children must be seated in a vehicle.

The laws require children from:

  • Birth to under 6 months to be restrained in a rearward facing child restraint (e.g. infant capsule).
  • 6 months to under 4 years to be restrained in either a rearward or forward facing child restraint with in-built harness.
  • 4 years to under 7 years to be restrained in either a forward facing child restraint or booster seat restrained by a correctly adjusted and fastened seat belt or child safety harness.

Also, children under 4 years are not allowed to sit in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows of seats, and those from 4 years to under 7 years are only allowed to sit in the front seats if all rear seats are occupied by children less than 7 years of age.

Children 7 years and over can be restrained in an adult seat belt or booster seat.

If you are unsure how to install a child car restraint, click here and for more information on child restraint guidelines click here.

Source: http://www.ors.wa.gov.au/road-safety-topics/road-issues/seat-belts


Thief charged with stealing $11

A 21-year-old male from Beresford has been arrested and charged with stealing after he stole $11 from a fast food restaurant. He entered the restaurant and approached the un-attended counter, reached over and started pushing random, various buttons until the cash register opened.

Police will allege the male stole eleven, one dollar coins from the till before being challenged by an employee. The male left the store with the stolen money.

He will appear in Geraldton Magistrates Court in September.

Foodbank to get new purpose-built facility

Picture: Foodbank There were tears of joy for Geraldton Foodbank Manager Pat Hodges when she found out that Foodbank Geraldton will be getting a purpose-built facility.

"This is the best thing since sliced bread, it really is," Pat said.

"I literally cried when I heard the news because this has been so long in the making."

Foodbank Geraldton Service the Mid West and Gascoyne and stretch as far as Carnarvon, Mt Magnet and Moora, covering over 250,000 square kilometres.

In just six years, Foodbank has increased 600% and they are outgrowing their current premises.

"We are really stretched for space here in our current premises," Pat said.

"We are having more and more people refereed to us for food so we are constantly busy with the amount of clientele we have."

Foodbank Geraldton has a group of 30-40 volunteers which pull the operation together to get food to those in need and Pat said everyone couldn't be more excited about the new facility.

The new facility will be funded by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.

Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the project was made possible with more than $2.14million from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions Mid West Investment Plan (MWIP).

“The current facility has many operational challenges, with safety a pressing concern.  The new purpose-built facility will allow Foodbank Geraldton to handle and distribute an increased volume of meals to keep up with the growing demand for emergency food relief in the Mid-West and adjoining regions,” Mr Redman said.
“There is opportunity to offer greater support to more people in need, through the local network of community support agencies that are dependent on Foodbank Geraldton.
“The facility will also provide additional volunteering and traineeship prospects, building sustainability in the region.”
Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney also welcomed the announcement.
“Foodbank in Geraldton does a wonderful job to service the whole community, and the region. I have been able to help Foodbank secure this land, so I’m very happy to see the go-ahead for this facility at last,” Mr Blayney said.
The facility will incorporate ample car parking and improved truck access, with space for forklift operation and client interaction.  There will also be dedicated storage spaces for fresh produce, frozen and chilled foods, which will reduce the excessive level of manual handling currently in place.
Foodbank Geraldton will tender for possible Mid-West contractors to construct the new facility, for which land has been provided on a peppercorn rent from the City of Greater Geraldton.
The new facility is set to open next year and will be located on the corner of Webberton Road and Crawford St.

Ex Serviceman among first to complete Veterans welfare counselling training

TIP course
A Geraldton ex Serviceman is among the first group of WA military motorcycle riders to complete Veterans welfare counselling training.
The eight riders, three of them Veterans, are from the Military Brotherhood Military Motorcycle Club (MBMMC).
After completing the course, conducted by Legacy and funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, they can now assist Veterans with basic welfare needs.
Greg “Doc” Smith, a Veteran of East Timor in 2001, said during a casual chat with the Geraldton RSL he discovered they didn't have a welfare officer.
"I am a new member, having transferred from Quinns Rocks, and mentioned I was doing the course and they grabbed me straight away," he said.
"My role will be to provide initial support for Veterans who need help with welfare issues. That mostly involves putting them in touch with the right service that can assist them, whether it's medical, financial or emotional."
Shane “Big Rig” Kempton, president of the national club's Perth North sub branch, was ecstatic with the outcome.
"We have only been up and running for nine months, so to have members who can be in the community to provide assistance to Veterans is a big step to ensuring their welfare," he said.
Even before the course, the club had assisted two Veterans who were in harm's way.
"We were approached by people on our Facebook page and we were able to refer the at-risk soldiers to qualified counsellors operating from Quinns Rocks RSL."
The club's new counsellors will be spread around WA, with another two in Kununurra and Lancelin.
"It's opportune three happen to live in the country," Shane said.

Goodness Awards recognise the best of Geraldton community

Goodness drawing at Awards What connects IGA, Rangeway Primary, community gardens and a Smartphone app for monitoring beach conditions? They are all previous Goodness Award winners!

The Goodness Awards are an inspiring showcase of local organisations and individuals creating what is good in, with and for our community. Award winners will share in more than $10,000 worth of prizes that can help them do more ‘Goodness’.

And the Goodness Festival needs your voice. Let the world know what you admire about others "Goodness", their contribution and their achievements, and nominate them for a Goodness Award.

Full details and the online nomination form are online at http://goodness.org.au/awards/. Nominations close on Monday the 18th August with the gala Awards night on 30th August. In 2013 more than 50 nominations were received, and all nominees, winners and supporters celebrated in style at a Gala event.

Nominations for the Awards can be for 11 different categories of Awards:

  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Health
  • Science
  • NRM
  • Zero Carbon
  • Zero Waste
  • Social Enterprise
  • Water
  • Digital

Dan Clarke was the winner of the Education Award at the 2013 Goodness Awards and said, “I was stoked last year getting the award, there are people in this town who seem to think what we are doing is worthwhile and it’s not just me that thinks so it’s our town that is celebrating this.”

Dan Clarke will once again be taking part in this year’s Goodness Festival where he and other local teachers intend to run a stall on the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative. Of the Goodness Festival Mr Clarke says, “What a crazy, beautiful thing to celebrate, I don’t want to celebrate anything more than goodness in our town.”

Further details of Dan’s award and the programs he runs are outlined online: http://goodness.org.au/dan-clarke-award-winner/

Absolute Cosmetics are visiting Geraldton on August 9th!

ProfilePicAbsolute Cosmetics' Dr Murray and Nurse Steph are running a clinic on Saturday 9th of August in Geraldton. They will be available for:

*Wrinkle Relaxers *Wrinkle Fillers *Lip Enhancements *IPL and Vein Treatments

Plus consultations on a wide range of cosmetic surgeries including breast augmentation, face lifts and liposculpture.

"We aim to provide natural looking cosmetic enhancement with our range of procedures, treatments and skincare. It is your face and body, only trust the absolute experts."

Absolute Cosmetic Medicine is one of the first full time clinics in Australia with international recognition for excellence under the medical direction of Dr Murray, who is a past Cosmetic President.

Call their office now on 9389 9099 to book an appointment or find out more information on their website: www.absolutemakeover.com.au

Female charged after fraudulent use of pensioner fuel card

Last month Police received a complaint from a 58-year-old pensioner regarding the unlawful use of his Country Aged Pensioner Fuel Card.

Inquiries were conducted and police will allege the fuel card had been sent to the incorrect address and was consequently used by a female offender to purchase fuel on 5 different occasions to the total value of $368.63.

The 44-year-old female from Wandina was charged with 5 counts of Fraud and will face Geraldton Magistrates Court on September 4.

Police crack down on drug driving

Geraldton is now one of WA's regional locations where Police have the capability to test for drug driving, targeting THC (cannabis), Amphetamine and MDMA (ecstasy).

Since 2007, WA Police have been testing road users for drugs by way of a preliminary road side mouth swipe.

In the 3 years since 2011, there have been over 26,000 preliminary roadside drug wipes, which have resulted in over 1580 positive tests.

WA Police have purchased 20 analysers and associated equipment. Seven of which have now been placed regionally throughout Western Australia.

Those found with drugs in their oral fluid, can be charged with driving with a prescribed illicit drug in oral fluid, which attracts a $500 fine for the first offence and any second/subsequent offence attracts a penalty of $500-$1000 and may be disqualified for holding/obtaining a drivers licence for 6 months.

Drivers found to be impaired by drugs, will be prosecuted for for either a charge of Driving while Impaired by Drugs or Driving under the Influence of Drugs. Penalties for the first offence is a minimum of a $900 fine and ten month licence disqualification. Repeat offenders can lose their licence for life and be jailed.

"Road safety is everyone’s responsibility so don’t drive after taking drugs and don’t allow friends to drive if you suspect they may have taken drugs, just as you would stop them from drink driving," a statement from the Police said.

Mid West Fishing Report by Tackleworld Country

OFFSHORE Screen Shot 2014-08-01 at 5.05.15 pm

Offshore fishing has been quiet this week but there have been reports of Dhu fish, pink snapper and Cobia caught in waters 40m -30m NW of town. African reef is still producing Dhu fish to 6kg and baldchin groper to 3-4kg, North of town is your best bet if you are chasing Coral Trout. Big Snapper are showing up on dusk on most lumps SW of town in 20-30m.

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The Harbour lookout is still producing good Skippy and herring and after dark big toothy critters are a challenge for anglers, squid can be found after dark.

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West bank has been fishing well with mulloway to 80cm, and tailor to 50cm weed has made fish hard from the sand banks but tailor can be found on most reefs. yellow fin whiting are getting caught at most beaches with Coronations holding 30cm+ fish on dusk.

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Greenough river is a little slow at the moment with a lot of small bream entertaining anglers, bigger bream have been taken by kayakers fishing the deeper holes and snags.

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Video of the week: Handling fish correctly




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Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the Week

RoccoBaileyColBlank This week's Mid West Cat Shelter Cat of the week is actually a bonded pair.

Bailey and Rocco are two wonderful boys who were rescued together, and since then they have been inseparable.

They both have sweet personalities, love plenty of cuddles and pats. They are happy to be independent or the centre of attention as they are very chilled out and easy to please. As long as properly introduced into your home, other pets are also issue for Bailey and Rocco.

If you would like to adopt Rocco & Bailey or any of the other cats or kittens, phone 0487 193 244 to speak to a coordinator.

Wildflowers Galore!

Picture: Rachel Wilson With an above average rainfall throughout Mullewa and the surrounding areas this year, the wildflowers are in full bloom.

Carpets of colour will fill areas in the Mid West and residents and tourists will be treated to yet another brilliant wildflower season with more than 11,000 wildflower species in full bloom.

Some of these species include vibrant clusters of everlastings, daisies, wreath flowers, hakea and orchids.

Now is the time to take the family on a Sunday drive and explore the country side. Wildflower season runs from July through to October, so better start checking it out.

Places to find Wildflowers include:

  • Mullewa
  • Eneabba area and Western Flora Caravan Park
  • Badgingarra
  • Lesueur National Park
  • Morawa
  • Canna
  • Perenjori
  • Coalseam Conservation Park
  • Mingenew
  • Three Springs
  • Carnamah
  • Coorow
  • Northampton
  • Kalbarri National Park
  • Mill Point Lookouk
  • Chapman River Regional Park

For more information on wildflowers contact the staff at the Geraldton Visitor Centre on (08) 9921 3999, email to info@geraldtonvisitorcentre.com.au, visit the website on www.geraldtonvisitorcentre.com.au or check out their Facebook Page. Or contact the Mullewa Information Centre on (08) 9961 1500.

Hitchhiker charged after stealing a credit card

A 34 year old female from Bluff Point has been charged after stealing a credit card and then proceeding to use the card around Geraldton. It is alleged that on Friday night the 11th of July the female and two others were at an intersection in Wandina when a motorist driving passed picked the three up and drove them into the town centre. It was in this time that they stole the victim's wallet from the centre of the car.

According to the Police the female then removed a credit card and a small amount of cash from the wallet. Since taking the card the female purchased various items from businesses in Geraldton to the value of over $1000. The female also made unsuccessful purchases of items to the value of over $2500.

Yesterday around 4:00pm the female was arrested and taken to the Geraldton Police Station where she was charged with;

1 x stealing 8 x fraud 4 x attempted fraud

The female will face Geraldton Magistrates court on 21 August 2014.

Police dog Bear captures male offender

A 19 year old male has been charged with unlawful damage and trespassing after yesterdays events. On Tuesday afternoon it is alleged that a male passenger was in a vehicle driving along North West Coastal Highway where the car was behind another vehicle as they came to a stop at a red light in Wonthella. The male passenger then exited his vehicle and approached the car in front and punched the drivers side window causing it to shatter. Fortunately the driver of the vehicle received no injuries.

According to the Police the next afternoon they were conducting patrols in Karloo bushland when they spotted the same man who committed the offence. When the male saw the Police he began to flee the area as Police called him to stop. Police dog Bear and his handler then chased the male through several yards in nearby housing.

It is alleged that whilst fleeing the Police the male entered a property rear of Solomon Circle and damaged the gate. He then proceeded the exit the front door of the property damaging the front security screen. Bear then captured the male on the front lawn of the property. The male was then taken into Police custody.

The 19 year old male was then taken to the Geraldton Police Station where he was charged with the following offences - 3 x Unlawful damage and 1 x Tresspass.

He will face Geraldton Magistrates Court today.