With the holiday season approaching, the City of Greater Geraldton is joining forces with the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)’s RoadWise Program to take part in the Road Ribbon for Road Safety campaign.
From November 16th 2014, to January 5th 2015, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of road safety over the Christmas/New Year holiday period, in Western Australia (WA).
To spread the word, the City is urging people to help raise awareness of road safety in WA to help eliminate accidents on the road during the festive season.
City of Greater Geraldton Deputy Mayor, Neil McIlwaine, said the Road Ribbon Road Safety message is an extremely important one that everyone should take on board.
“It goes without saying that accidents on the road, especially over the holiday period, can hit the community hard and we want to eliminate this happening,” he said.
“We don’t want to see any deaths on Mid West roads this holiday season.”
Local police are also reminding people of several important factors to take into account when they hit the roads this holiday period.
These things include a reminder to use seat belts, installing proper car restraints for children and infants, don’t speed, don’t drive while tired, don’t use mobile phones, don’t drink and drive, don’t drug drive and keep your vehicle maintenance up to date.
Police District Traffic Coordinator, Sergeant Peter Janczyk, said the Christmas and New Year period was one of the busiest times on the road and people need to be extremely cautious.
“As everyone prepares for the upcoming festivities of 2014 and 2015 we want you to always remember to slow down, avoid driving tired and don’t drink and drive,” he said.
“One death on the road is one too many and as a community we can put things in place to ensure that we keep road accidents to a minimum.”
The community is encouraged to take part in spreading the message by wearing a road ribbon which you can get for free from locations including the Geraldton Visitor’s Centre, the Civic Centre and Bright Stars Family Day Care in Tarcoola.
For more information about the RoadWise Program, visit http://www.roadwise.asn.au/road-ribbon-for-road-safety.aspx.