You wont get in to One Night Stand if you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs

“Do not attend the event if you are under the influence of drugs and alcohol as management of the concert will refuse you entry.”

That's the message to concert goers from Geraldton's Senior Sergeant Brad Bird. 

“We are taking a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour, drugs and alcohol,” he said.

There will be a large contingent of police from the district, specialist units and support units as well as sniffer dogs and mounted police. There will also be other covert resources to identify people that are under the influence of any illicit substances.

As well as a massive police presence, there will also be security guards and rangers conducting patrols of the venue surrounding areas.

Visitors that are staying at tent cities are also reminded that alcohol is not permitted. Police will patrol and those caught drinking alcohol at these locations may be fined and removed.

Everything Geraldton has had multiple people contact us asking about whether they'll be able to drink beforehand, thinking that "alcohol free event" just means the bar isn't open. But the message from event organisers and police is clear that anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol won't be allowed in. 

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn reiterated the messages from police saying he hoped everyone would enjoy themselves.

“This event will showcase Geraldton to the rest of Australia and I urge everyone to abide by the no drugs and alcohol rule,” he said.

The all ages, drug and alcohol free event presented by triple j will take place at Wonthella Oval this weekend, Saturday 9 April. Click here for more information. 

Pic: Our local little Art store is a tad excited about ONS - Kellie Mayer



Today Blayney tabled a petition to keep Greenough Axe Murderer locked up

 Blayney tables Axe Murderer Petition with 2548 signatures

Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney presented a petition with 2548 signatures to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly today, protesting against the parole of the Greenough Axe Murderer.

“I will be following up the presentation of the petition with a letter to the Attorney General, once again conveying the message that William Patrick Mitchell should never be released from jail.

“This petition has already been signed by about 10 per cent of Geraldton’s adult population and there are still more signatures to come.

“It is the second time I have petitioned on this matter. The people of Geraldton have again reacted strongly.

“Clearly the community doesn’t want this person released from prison,” said Mr Blayney

Scam Alert - You do NOT need tickets for Triple J One Night Stand concert

Everything Geraldton has just been informed that there are people trying to sell tickets to Triple J's One Night Stand concert in Geraldton. 

However, there are NO TICKETS NEEDED for this event. 

Entry price for the event is a gold coin donation, which will go to a local youth organisation. 

People have been selling their supposed unwanted tickets to unwitting concert goers. If you see anyone trying to sell tickets to this concert, contact Police on 131 444 and Consumer Protection on (08) 9920 9800.

Click here for more information on the upcoming concert this Saturday. 


This baby lost his mother, and now needs our help

This is Kobi Rumble. 

Kobi lost his mother in November 2015 when a truck veered into the path of the vehicle his mother was driving on NWCH near Drummond Cove. 

Kobi was in the car, but survived the accident, sustaining only minor injuries. 

But growing up without Mum is only one of the challenges that lies in front of young Kobi. 

Kobi was born 12 weeks premature, with a condition known as fibula hemimelia (more info). This means his ankle and foot bones aren’t developed and he requires ongoing treatment.

From the Go-fund-Me page set up for Kobi:

"Whilst the option from specialists at PMH is amputation, the Paley Institute in Florida USA treat his condition but to get Kobi and his Nan across we need to raise around $255,000."

You can CLICK HERE to visit the Go Fund Me page and make a donation. 

Or Donations can be made at any Bankwest branch:
Kobi Rumble
BSB: 306-012
Account №: 0915355

Friends and family of Kobi have also set up a Facebook page:

Mumps cases reported in Geraldton

Via Geraldton Neighbourhood Watch

Many comments confirm other cases have been reported in Geraldton too. 


Mumps is highly contagious and can spread rapidly among people living in close quarters. The virus is most commonly spread from one person to another through contact with infected saliva or respiratory secretions.
It takes between 12 and 25 days for the symptoms of mumps to appear after infection. As well as swelling on the sides of the face and along the jaw-line, mumps can cause chills and fever, headache, loss of appetite, and aching muscles.

Kwinana Police are seeking the public’s assistance in locating missing 49 year old Deborah Kay Bell

Kwinana Police are seeking the public’s assistance in locating missing 49 year old Deborah Kay BELL.

It is believed that Ms BELL is travelling in a silver Hyundai Tuscon registration 1EHF563 towing a 1991 Coromal caravan registration 8RS396 with her white and tan dog.

It is unknown when Ms BELL departed her home in Wellard or what direction she is travelling. She was last seen by a family member 19 March 2016.

She is described as being fair skinned, approximately 156cms tall with a solid build, brown/grey hair and green eyes.

Police have concerns for her welfare and ask that anyone who sees Ms BELL, or knows of her whereabouts is asked to call police immediately on 131 444.

Sam has been reunited with his mother

We've just received word that the 1 month old foal that was stolen recently has been reunited with his mother.  

The owners held grave concerns for the welfare of both the mother and Sam, the foal, who needed to be fed by his mother still. 

Sam was reportedly dehydrated, but mother was very happy to have him drink again from her.

Click here to read original story.  


Power will be off at Stirlings Central this afternoon after a truck hit a power pole

EG has been informed that Western Power are shutting down power to Stirlings Central in a few minutes and it will be off for the afternoon.

Staff at Stirlings Central said that a truck has hit a power pole, and emergency repairs are needed to be carried out. 

The Centre is not closing it's doors, though some retailers may not be able to operate without electricity. 

It's not clear what time at this stage power will be restored. 

Update 3pm: "Woollies sending customers out of the store because the back up power is not working."

What Southgate Dunes mean to me

Southgates was the go to place on a Sunday afternoon.

Grandad would see how many families and friends he could round up and we would all troop down to the dunes in a convoy. Although, sometimes it would be just me and him.

Each year that I grew older I would slowly learn the changing map of those dunes a little better.

For example, dog bush. The bush that stood alone in the middle of the sand, which must have had an unwritten rule that obligated all dogs to stop and pee on, it seemed.

I was taught the ritual of letting air out of the tyres, and then how to pump them back up at the fuel station. 

How to change gears.

I was shown how to change a tyre. 

To avoid driving on seaweed. 

Always stick to the left.

To always stop before continuing to ensure the other side was okay to go down, because once you start you have to commit.

I have numerous stories, unique and common. 

One time we were in a convoy and the biggest four wheel drive got stuck. Several others tried to pull them out and all got bogged as well. It was a mess. We had several cars stuck, and only Grandad’s little old Suzuki left. It started to rain. The tide was rising. People were panicking.

But not Grandad. One at a time he got the snap strap and pulled each of the four wheel drives out.

Lets just say, his little Suzie didn't get the brunt of a joke again.

Slowly as I grew up we went out to Southgates less and less. 

Until I had my own licence, my own little (but newer) suzie. 

I took friends out there, and then friends began to get their own four wheel drives and take us there. 

We taught each other the fundamentals of four wheel driving that we had learnt from family, debated the best tracks and all in all learnt how to have a good time. It was a haven from school, people and work. 

There was always bulldozers out there. They had threatened development for years. It became a conspiracy. I mean, none of us believed anyone that had been out there could actually destroy it. 

Now I hear it is a possibility. A plan. 

And all I can think is my Grandad’s rule:
Always check the other side, before going down. Once you start you have to finish the descent. 

What I want to see on the other side of this is Southgates as a place to take my own children and grandchildren one day. A place to teach them how to drive, and how to enjoy life.  A place to create memories and explore. 

But what I am seeing is something completely different.

So before we start to go down this road, can I just ask;

Is it something you can commit to, because once the wheels start rolling, where do we stop?

How Stripping Down To Your Underwear Could Save Your Life

If you’re anything like me, the thought of stripping down to your underwear in front of complete strangers is utterly terrifying. However, the thought of going under the knife to have a skin cancer removed proved to be scarier still, so I put on my big girl pants and booked myself in to Skin – A Universal Approach for my first ever Skin Cancer check.

Going into the clinic, I had no idea of what to expect. How long does a skin cancer check take? What exactly would they be looking for? Will I need to have suspicious spots chopped out of me right then and there?

Thankfully, the experienced staff were more than happy to answer any of my questions and they very quickly put my mind at ease (The process takes about 30 minutes, they were looking for any unusual spots, and no, I most likely would not need to have anything chopped out of me right then and there).

The appointment starts with a thorough check of your hair and face. Even with my incredibly long, unruly hair, the team took no chances and went through it to be sure there were no hidden lesions on my scalp.

Once that’s done, it’s time to disrobe for the most awkward (and possibly most useful) part of the experience: total body mapping. This is where you strip down to your undies and the nurse takes around ten images of various parts of your body with a machine known as the MoleMax.

The importance of these particular photos really shines when you have your next check-up, as they allow for quick identification of any changes or additions to your skin that you may miss.

After the photography is complete, the team moves on to the in-depth all-over skin check. Using a hand held device called a dermatoscope, the team look over every part of your body and investigate any moles they see. If there are any moles that look suspicious, they will take a photograph for closer inspection.

While this is happening, you’ll be asked a few questions about skin cancer risk factors and relevant medical history. It was during this time that I learned I have a higher chance of developing a melanoma in my lifetime, as there is a history of skin cancer in my family.

Statistically speaking, melanoma is the fourth most diagnosed cancer in Australia. The five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with a melanoma is 99%, but only if the cancer is detected early. If left unchecked, the five-year survival rate drops dramatically to only 15% (source).

It is recommended that you have a skin cancer screening once per year, or more frequently if you are at high risk.

Thankfully, my story has a happy ending and I have the all-clear for the moment. A few minutes of awkwardness in my undergarments is most definitely worth the peace of mind knowing that I am skin cancer free.

To book a Skin Cancer check appointment of your own, give Skin – A Universal Approach a call on (08) 9965 4737

Changes to rubbish collection during Easter period

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise of the following changes to rubbish collection and waste disposal over the Easter long weekend.


Good Friday 25 March 2016

No residential or commercial rubbish collection for the following Councils:

  • Shires of Irwin
  • Shire of Northampton
  • City of Greater Geraldton.

Bins normally collected on Friday will be collected on Saturday 26 March 2016.

Shire of Chapman Valley will have no changes to collection schedules.


The following landfill and transfer stations will be closed on Good Friday 25 March 2016:

  • Meru Waste Facility
  • Irwin Transfer Station
  • Northampton Transfer Station
  • Kalbarri Transfer Station
  • Nabawa Transfer Station

Easter Monday 28 March 2016 - Normal rubbish collections resume.

Here's the petition to Save Southgates

Here's the petition to Save Southgates. Be sure to share this with friends and family. 

CGG Mayor Shane Van Styn said via the Save Southgates Facebook page:

"The Hon Paul Brown MLC has helped me draft a petition to be tabled in Parliament, calling for an inquiry into the decisions around Southgates and calling for Southgates to be saved into the future. Please print it off and get them filled with signatures. "

Return signed petitions to Shane Van Styn, 58 Fitzgerald St, Geraldton. Faxed copies cannot be accepted. 

A developer is trying to get permission to subdivide our precious sand dunes

Mayor slams Minister’s plans for Southgates

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn has described the State Government’s plan to change an amendment which will result in the rezoning of Southgates Dunes for development and future urban subdivision as “nothing short of environmental terrorism”.

The proposed changes to Planning Scheme Amendment No. 4 went to council Tuesday night at the Agenda Forum after the Minister for Environment, Hon Albert Jacob, and the Minister for Planning, Hon John Day, reached agreement on the conditions to which the Amendment should be subject if it is to be implemented.

Mayor Van Styn has hit back at the proposed changes to the Amendment saying that any development on the land would destroy sand supply to other local beaches and are completely outrageous.

“We are flat out carting sand to Beresford to save our beaches (from Pages beach) and here we have a proposal that will make that problem a lot worse,” he said.

“The idea of destroying the sand supply to our northern beaches is mind blowing and it’s hard to believe that anybody could think that is in any way a good idea.”

The Amendment involves subdividing an area of around 780ha of land on Southgates Dunes.

The Local Planning Scheme Amendment in its current form poses significant risks for the City both financially and environmentally.

“The Southgates Dunes are iconic and represent Geraldton a much as our lighthouse,” Mayor Van Styn said.

“We also need to be reminded the proposed developer is the same developer that was responsible for the mess at Cape Burney,” he added.

If the motion to object the proposal is passed by Council next week, the City will immediately advise the Minister for Planning that the Council strongly objects to the implementation of Local Planning Scheme Amendment No. 4 in its current form.

“Here is yet another example, of Perth based planning bureaucracies making appalling planning decisions that are completely out of step with local sentiment and is another clear example of why local government should be the masters of their own planning,” Mayor Van Styn said.

“I call on all of our community to do all they can to protest against this outrageous proposal.”

Has there already been excessive mining at Southgates?

Many residents over the past several months have expressed their outrage to Everything Geraldton over how much sand has already been taken from Southgates. It's clear from the beach, and the road, that much of the natural and iconic dunes have been flattened. 

What's not known by most locals is that conveniently the level to which the dunes have been flattened is the exact same height that the EPA have said needs to be in place when/if any sub-division occurs. 

Some locals are questioning if EPA guidelines have been breached, or if too much sand has been taken already from the dunes, due to the obvious scaring that is clearly visible to all passers-by. 

The mining that is taking place at Southgates is for the lime sand to be used by farmers. It is used to increase the pH levels of soil. The mining, if done at low enough levels, is sustainable, as the dunes do grow each year. 


Everything Geraldton welcomes your feedback regarding "Save Southgates". Provide your feedback with the link below. Or email

If you would like to contact our local representatives, here are their contact details. 

Ian Blayney

Shop 2, 5 Chapman Road
Geraldton WA 6530
Ph: 9964 1640
Fax: 9964 2892

Paul Brown

Unit 3, 5 Chapman Road
Ph: (08) 9921 4818
Fax: (08) 9921 4972

Darren West

84 Marine Terrace
PO Box 578 GERALDTON 6531
Ph: (08) 9964 1001
Fax: (08) 9964 1002

Mayor Van Styn has set up a Facebook page called Save Southgates. Links below. Like the page and share with your friends if you're interested in getting behind it. 

Let's save Southgates! #savesouthgates

Posted by Save Southgates on Friday, March 18, 2016

Fire near Brand Hwy, south of Eneaba

Several community members have contacted us regarding a fire that is approaching the Brand Hwy south of Eneabba. 

The highway has been closed. Take the coast road or the Midlands rd. 

DFES are reporting that the cause of the fire is lightning. This photo was sent in earlier today by Becky. 

Becky just shared this brilliant lightning shot:
"On the way to Perth right now , 40k out of Badgingarra"

5 things Geraldton job seekers should do

Look, the economy around Australia isn't cranking like it was. China isn't paying us $200 a tonne for our dirt any more. So there's less money flowing downstream through everyone's wallets and there are less jobs on the table.  

But there's plenty of folks who could do a few simple things to help themselves when it comes to finding a job. 

1. Fix up your God damn Facebook profile. 

Honestly, every employer will do a search on Facey to stalk you before hiring you. If they're confronted with profile pics showing how cool you think being drunk is, questions about where to get the best weed in town, and bitching that shows you have no decorum, I can guarantee your resume will go straight in the bin. 

Hot tip: Check out the "View As" option to see what others see. 

2. Take a job. Any job. 

When I interview people, I always value someone who is doing SOMETHING over someone who's been sitting on the dole for 2 years waiting for the perfect job to come along.

In 2008 I couldn't find a job in my chosen profession in Geraldton. I couldn't leave town. So I took whatever job I could get, which happened to be at a servo. I scrubbed toilets and cleaned diesel residue for the next 9 months. I didn't LOVE it, but eventually I found other work. 

I am saddened when I meet people who won't take a job they think is beneath them, but are fine going on the dole.

3. Do some study. Get a qualification. 

The economy is becoming more and more automated. Unskilled labour is going to increasingly be done by autonomous machines, and will continue to move overseas. Invest some time in learning a skill that employers will find useful. We have a small but growing university right here in town, and a very bustling tafe, Durack Institute of Technology. Get in touch with them and see what they have on offer. If a Sudanese refugee who doesn't speak English as well as you can put the hard yards in and become a chemist (link), you can hit the books too.  

4. Network with the right people. 

I meet a lot of employers who know they could use some extra staff, but hate the process of hiring someone so much that they just keep putting it off. But when they meet someone they know and like, who they know is looking for work, they're more than happy to offer them a job. So start meeting the right people. That might mean joining a public speaking group, or getting involved with a local charity, joining Pollinators, getting along to a Rotary meeting, or going to the Council meetings, or whatever. Use your imagination. But the go-getters and business owners of this city aren't going to knock on your door and ask to hang out with you watching Netflix. Get out and meet them. 

5. Apply for everything. 

Subscribe to the Everything Geraldton Jobs email (link). Keep an eye on Seek. Hand out your resume. Post in the Employment Wanted section on EG (link). Apply for any job you can legally do. And don't wait until a job is advertised; As per tip 4, plenty of business owners never even get that far. 

Bonus tip: Be positive. 

Nothing hurts like rejection. It attacks your psyche, it makes you question your self worth, it makes it hard to get out of bed and try again. But do whatever you have to do to get your head right, otherwise your own thoughts will kill your chances of finding work. Find whatever works for you...  pray, meditate, talk to encouraging friends, listen to a motivational speaker. These things may not get you a job directly, but they may make the difference between an employer thinking they like your energy, vs them thinking they want nothing to do with you. 

Geraldton firm wins $8m contract to build Tasmanian Police boat

Sarah Taillier for the ABC:

A Geraldton-based company that has secured a bid to build a new police boat for Tasmania has described the contract as a win for the mid-west WA region.

Click here to read story.