Check out activities for the Sunshine Festival

The 2014 Geraldton Sunshine Festival is nearly upon us! Running from Saturday, October 4th to Sunday October 12th, there's something for the whole family! Check out the events below and for more information visit

Saturday, October 4th

Noon-6pm - Kids Fun and Activities
This year’s festival, places a whole new emphasis on family-friendly fun with plenty of free activities, games, activities and entertainment.

The bulk of entertainment will occur in Geraldton’s Maitland Park to ensure a hive of activity in one setting. There will array of exciting stalls, displays, live music, performances and loads of fun for the whole family, including your chance to meet The 501st Legion – Star Wars Storm troopers and crew! 

2-2:30pm - Toll Truck Pull Competition
Enter your group, club or team in the Toll Truck Pull competition for a chance to win $1000!

This is a fabulous team building event to take part in or just watch and cheer on. Teams will compete against each other to pull the Toll Mining Services prime movers 100m in the quickest time. Come down and cheer on the teams while you wait for the MMG Float Parade to start. Thanks to the MWCCI Future Leaders for coordinating this event. While this taking place grab a nice cold refreshment, hamburger or sausage sizzle in-between all the action. The event will take place on Cathedral Avenue in front of the QPT. Entry forms available at

3:45pm onwards - Twin River Guard Medieval re-enactment Display & Show
Step back in time and relive history with the Twin River Guard medieval re-enactment group. The display includes arms and armour, and various arts and science examples of the period as well as interactive activities. Come along, interact with medieval re-enactors, witness Viking battles and harsh medieval justice meted out, and yell for your favourite combatant or jeer at their opponents.

-Combat display Saturday October 4 - 3.45pm onwards
-Static display from Saturday morning through to Midday Sunday
-Maitland Park, Cnr Maitland St and Cathedral Ave
-More details contact Twin River Guard direct - 0417 952 916

2:30pm - 3:30pm - MMG Float Parade
The 56th Sunshine Festival Float Parade is a highlight of the festival as entrants’ parade through Geraldton’s main street in a whirlwind of sound, colour, fun and laughter.

The parade will take the same route as last year – and commences from the foreshore near the Mid West Ports (formally Geraldton Port Authority) building, travelling along Marine Terrace, Lester Avenue, Cathedral Avenue, Carson Terrace and into Maitland Park.

Winners of the MMG Float Parade and Toll Truck Pull will be announced at Maitland Park at the conclusion of the parade and judging.

Sunday, October 5

9am-4pm - Water Corporation 21st Dragon Boat Classic
This is the 21st event to hit our shores; it’s an exciting family fun day at the beach. The community really gets behind this event and the colourful team spirits make it a wonderful and entertaining spectacle. For more details or to register your team contact the Geraldton Yacht Club on 99641664 or download the entry form @

9:30am-3:30pm - Patchwork and Craft Fair
Exhibition of Locally made Quilts, quilt challenge display, many new and various trading stalls. Major raffles, light refreshments available, free admission. Held at the Netball Stadium on Eighth Street. 

10am-11am - Brass on the Grass
What a fantastic way to start a Sunday!  Be entertained by the Geraldton City Band. Experience the BIG Brass band whilst soaking up the morning sun on our beautiful foreshore.

10am-2pm  - City of Greater Geraldton Community Safety Day
This is a free, fun interactive event for children, families and community providing a range of safety information to encourage a safer community. Kids’ activities on offer are paper plane & flying competition, trivia quiz and a colouring in competition. There are plenty of prizes to be won. A bouncy castle and the PCYC food stall will be present and a rock climbing wall supplied and organised by PCYC!

10am-3pm - Inline Hockey Demonstrations
Join the Geraldton Inline Hockey Association as they provide exciting demonstrations of the game in action! Stop in at the information marquee, grab a sticker or find out how to become a member. It will be held on the Geraldton Foreshore Basketball area. 

11am-1pm - Chapman Animal Pet Parade - Theme "The Circus Ring"
Roll Up… Roll Up… with your best friend! Think fancy dress, clowns, acrobats, dancers and magicians. Perhaps your pet has the fluffiest tail or longest ears and was born to entertain? Come and join in the fun and see if your pet has what it takes There is a category to fit every pet.  Please remember to have your pet on a lead, in a cage or restrained in some way. Don't forget a hat and sunscreen! $4 per entry. Location: Maitland Park.

2pm - 3:30pm Cleanskin Cowgirls with Australian writer Rachel Treasure
Geraldton Regional Library invites you to join one of Australia’s top ten bestselling authors, Rachael Treasure, as she talks about her latest book, Cleanskin Cowgirls. (Books will be in sale on the day – cash only $32.99). It will be held at the Geraldton Regional Library and afternoon tea will be served. RSVPs are essential. RSVP by Friday, October 3rd to  or  9956 6659.

Monday, October 6th

10am-11:30am Draw like da Vinci Workshops
In this hands-on workshop artist Marina Baker helps you to discover the dynamic power of da Vinci’s innovative drawing techniques, composition and his ability to register human emotions and gestures.

  • WA Museum - Geraldton, 1 Museum Place Batavia Coast Marina
  • Age: 8+
  • Entry $5 per person
  • Bookings essential on 9921 5080


Tuesday, October 7

8:30am-11am - Colour Decor Pavement Art - Theme "Bigs and Magical Critters"
It’s a Sunshine Festival favourite for our budding young artists. The possibilities are endless…Come on down and enter for your chance to win a prize or to view an array of designs and talent as showcased at this very popular annual family friendly event. 

  • Registrations from 8.30am. Artwork commences from 9.00am – 11.00am
  • Entry per person: $2.00
  • Various age categories  
  • Stow Gardens, Town Beach near the Yellow Submarine

10am-11:30am Draw like da Vinci Workshops
In this hands-on workshop artist Marina Baker helps you to discover the dynamic power of da Vinci’s innovative drawing techniques, composition and his ability to register human emotions and gestures.

  • WA Museum - Geraldton, 1 Museum Place Batavia Coast Marina
  • Age: 8+
  • Entry $5 per person
  • Bookings essential on 9921 5080

12pm-4pm - Festival Goes Country - Create your own clay brick sculptures
Head out to the Bootenal Family Tavern for family fun with music, sausage sizzle and lots of unfired clay bricks to make sculptures in the gardens.  This favourite annual event is relaxing for the whole family.  Bring extra hand tools, a hat and a great attitude. This event is proudly supported by Geraldton Brick and the Bootenal Family Tavern.

Free entry, held at the Bootenal Family Tavern, Edwards Rd. 

2pm-3pm - Lego Workshop
Held at the Geraldton Regional Library. Bookings are essential, call 99556 6659. For ages 8+.

Wednesday, October 8

8:30am-11am - CWA Sandcastle Competition
Thanks to the CWA Bluff Point ladies, this annual event is a firm family favourite. To help create your master piece you are encouraged to bring your spade and bucket, your beach friendly decorations and your creativity. Don’t forget to be sun safe. Entry is free and will be held on the Geraldton Foreshore in front of the Yellow Submarine.

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

10am-3pm -  Geraldton Bullbars SciTech Science Roadshow 
Learning for life & the wonder of science with 15 amazing interactive shows and displays will be fun for all ages.  It will take hours to see and experience the wonders of science with the SciTech Team. It will be held in the QEII Centre Upper Hall and entry is a gold coin donation.

Thursday, October 9

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

10am-3pm -  Geraldton Bullbars SciTech Science Roadshow 
Learning for life & the wonder of science with 15 amazing interactive shows and displays will be fun for all ages.  It will take hours to see and experience the wonders of science with the SciTech Team. It will be held in the QEII Centre Upper Hall and entry is a gold coin donation.

10:30am-11am - Rhymetime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

6:30pm-7:30pm - Twilight Storytime
For all ages at the Geraldton Regional Library.

9am start -  Let’s Party Little Miss and Masters Sunshine Pageant 
Enjoy the Junior Festival Quest – a pageant for the young and young at heart – watch as cute contestants show their personalities and shine. Must be pre-registered. Entry forms must be in by October 3 to Lets Party. For ages 0-7. Evennt held at the QEII Seniors and Community Centre. 

5:15pm-6:15pm -  Act Belong Commit Have-A-Go ‘Community Drumming’ 
Join in and be part of the Sunshine Festival community enjoying themselves. Chairs, drums and percussion will be supplied. This event highlights Mental Health Week. Geraldton Foreshore next to the Lifesaving Tower. No registration require. 

Friday, October 10

9:30am-10:30am - Storytime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

10am-12pm - PCYC Teddy Bear Picnic
Bring your favourite fluffy friend to the PCYC Teddy Bear Picnic. Lots of interactive games, face painting and the fabulous teddy parade. Sausage sizzle, fruit and drinks for sale. For ages 0-5, held at Maitland Park. 

11am-11:30am - Rhymetime
For ages 0-3 at the Geraldton Regional Library.

9am-12pm -  Super Impossible Promises – Kids Club 
The theme is “Super Mario”. The Geraldton Anglican Cathedral aims at having lots of fun. There will be singing, drama, games and craft. Register at or call Sam on 9921 3052 or 0412 147 223. Ages kinder - year 6. Cost is $2 per day which includes craft and morning tea. Held at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral, 101 Cathedral Avenue. 

Sunday, October 12 Festival Finale

11am-1pm -  Geraldton Sand Sculpture Workshops 
Join free workshops to learn the art of sand sculpting and be eligible to enter the Geraldton Sand Sculpture Competition on Australia Day 2015. Event is free and the minimum age to enter is 14. It will be held at the Geraldton Foreshore near the Water Park. Register with Steve Davidson via e-mail or visit

4pm-8pm - D-Trans Festival Finale
Come and join us at Maitland Park to celebrate the 56th Sunshine Festival finale with a hub of activities, free entertainment, displays, dances, performances, stalls and more… Held at Maitland Park.

7:30pm start - 2014 Iluka Skyshow 
For twelve years Iluka have sponsoring the Sunshine Festival fireworks.  Grab your picnic rug and join the crowds at Maitland Park as the Sunshine Festival puts on another magnificent skyshow over our beautiful city. Held at Maitland Park.

Entrepreneurs learn and launch at Startup Weekend

Geraldton Startup Weekend was held on the 19th and 20th of September, providing a structured fun and fast way for local people to launch new ventures or projects.

A mix of participants from business, government and community formed teams and used new tools to form, test and then present their ideas for new ventures. 

The benefits go beyond the prizes for the winning team, as this sort of event grows capacity in the Midwest region to grow new ventures for a diversified economy and stronger community.

Simultaneously on the same weekend, there were similar events held in Morocco, Brazil, United States, Peru and across Europe.

Startup Weekend is a global movement that inspires people to act on their entrepreneurial ideas by enabling them to meet collaborators, learn how to validate and build an idea and make compelling presentations to potential partners, funders or customers.

Since 2007 more than 700 cities have hosted Startup Weekends, all following the same ethos of “all action, no talk”.

Rather than being competitive and results-focused, Startup Weekend is actually focused on collaboration and learning about the process. The Geraldton Startup Weekend event attracted pastoralists, comedians, project managers, digital trainers, facilitators, photographers, and gardening gurus who each had an idea, or a desire to learn. 

After the Friday night pitches where people present themselves and ideas, a limited number of teams were formed around the most popular ideas. Mentors, presenters, educational videos and toolkits are then provided to all the teams to guide their work over the weekend.

 By the time the final presentations came round a day later, teams had:

  • Exploded vague ideas into ten thousand variations, then narrowed back down to a single focused business proposition.
  • Formed sub-teams to work on different aspects of the venture.
  • Tested propositions with potential customers through calls, surveys, and text messages.
  • Researched competitors, market size and then made decisions about features of the product and its pricing.
  • Prepared and presented a 3-minute summary to judges.

 The winning team “Express: Impress: Progress” did exactly that, turning a general idea that could have been relevant to community groups or businesses, into a very specific proposition for scalable group training in communication skills.

This idea proved very popular with the target market, even when surveyed on a Saturday, with 97% of those surveyed about the service interested in using it in the next 6 months. 

Based on a polished final presentation, the winning team shared in more than $1500 of prizes including a place in the Catalyst program, thanks to MMG Golden Grove, a co-working space, thanks to CityHive and pro-bono business support thanks to Lifetime Services.

The next steps after Startup Weekend for the teams and individuals are to use those new resources to progress their ideas. Several have committed to taking their ventures further through the Catalyst program where there are longer time frames to develop their ideas!

Pollinators have committed to run Startup Weekend again in 2015, with some of the participants from this year likely to facilitate the event. There have also been expressions of interest in running similar events within specific sectors (e.g. Tourism, Youth and Environmental issues), and inquiries can be directed to the team at Pollinators Inc.

Geraldton Startup Weekend in Geraldton 2014 would not have been possible without the support of many organisations and individuals, including:

  •  Local sponsors MMG, Lifetime Services and 3M,
  • Global sponsors including Google, .co and Amazon web services,
  • Mentors, coaches, speakers and judges including Alan Bradley, Jason Smith, Melissa Hadley Barrett, Brendon Davies, Jen Hanrahan, Euan Beamont, and Wendy Burr
  • Organisers and facilitators including Yvette Hollings, Jo Blayney and Andrew Outhwaite, and the Goodness team who helped with the initial planning.

Life is ridiculous according to Hughesy

Comedian Dave Hughes AKA Hughesy has no problem coming up with fresh material because, “everyday, life is ridiculous!” 

The well-known Australian comedian will bring his Pointless Tour to Geraldton next month and audiences are in for a treat.

“I never run out of new material because everyday life is funny,” he said.

“Like is ridiculous no matter what way you look at it.”

Known for his Aussie accent and laid back approach, Hughesy has been doing stand up for over 20 years and says he is in the form of his life.

“If you make the decision to rock up to the show it’s gonna be worth it,” he said.

“I’m doing stand up almost every night of the week so the audience is going to have a great time.”

Drawing from his everyday life for inspiration, Dave’s 3 young kids get dropped into his comedy acts a lot.

“I love making joke about my children, it helps me cope,” Hughesy said somewhat seriously.

“My kids think it’s all about them, honestly.

“It used to be different in my day. Back in the 70’s my parents would say that’s the way it is and there would be no further discussion, but now my kids are in charge.

“I don’t know how it has come to this but I’m not happy about it.”

Hughesy doesn’t like being ruled by his kids but it isn’t going to change.

“It takes so much to beat them. It’s easier to live under the fear of a dictator rather than try and have a revolution,” Hughesy said.

When asking Hughesy what makes for the best audience, he gave Geraldton some tips.

“The Geraldton audience needs to laugh at things that other audiences don’t laugh at,” he said.

“Me saying hello needs to be the funniest thing they’ve ever heard in their entire life.”

But Hughesy assures us there will be some ripper jokes throughout the show.

The 43-year-old started his career over 20 years ago in a pool hall in Northbridge.

Since then, Hughesy has co-hosted TV shows, worked in radio and been a regular at the Melbourne Comedy Festival.

“I realised I had made it during my third gig at the same pool hall in Perth,” Hughesy said.

“I got a massive laugh from the audience and no doubt after that I was addicted to comedy and I was never going to stop.

“I went from struggling to fill a 60 seater room to performing at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and that’s when I thought, I’m not gonna have to borrow money off mum and dad anymore.”

Hughesy said he also played a big role in starting the career of fellow Australian comedian Rove. 

“Rove started the week after I did at the same club and he says that I inspired him to get into comedy because he thought if that guy can do it, anyone can,” he said.

But all jokes aside, if that’s possible, Hughesy’s passion for making people laugh is amazing.

He even answered some of the questions that our Everything Geraldton readers asked him. Here’s the answers:

Courtney asked: Can he whistle through his front teeth?

Hughesy: No I can’t and I can’t whistle at all. Maybe there’s too many gaps and they’re not close enough together to create the certain velocity you need. I’m a whistleless person which is one of the greatest challenges of my life.

Roshelle asked: Best and worst part of being a father of three?

Hughesy: Best part of being a father of three is that you finally have something to die for. But the fact is often you’d be happy for that day to be today…

Charmaine asked: How did you start in comedy?

Hughesy: I started in WA, in Perth in a little club called the Laugh Resort, which was a pool hall in Northbridge. I had an inkling I was funny so I went for it and died in the ass on the first night.

Annette asked: Will he marry me!!! Lol OMG seriously can’t want to see his show.

Hughesy: Look I wont because I’m already married. But I appreciate the offer and she didn’t need to do the “lol”. That could have been a serious offer.

Hughesy will be at the Queens Park Theatre on Wednesday, October 8th. Visit the QPT website for tickets.

A ten day explosion of art, culture and community

From humble beginnings GFEST comes of age in 2014 with a 10 day celebration of arts, culture and community. Add a fabulous 60’s theme - what a ‘GAS’ (GFEST ARTS SPECTACULAR)! For the first time, from 3rd to 12th October, GFEST brings the gorgeous De Parel Speigeltent to Geraldton's Queens Park  as the hub of a program that promises something to delight and surprise just about everyone.

Jointly presented by GFEST, ACDC Community Arts and City of Greater-Geraldton, GAS features exhibitions, workshops, film, markets, world class performances and events for all ages.

Everyone will have the chance to experience the Speigeltent, with family friendly activities each day, and a diverse range of performances every evening. Across the City high quality art exhibitions will feature the cream of local and state artistic talent. 

The 10 day Spiegeltent program features:

  • Official VIP Mad Men style Cocktail Launch with Triple J Unearthed band Boom!Bap! Pow!
  • Gidget's Go Go Beach Bop – all ages 60s style family beach party with games and fun; alcohol & smoke free event.
  • Argentinian Tango and Ballroom Dance Night – featuring our twinkle toed and very talented MLC Paul Brown.
  • Two great comedy nights – with The Comedy Emporium – including a crazy Midnight Cowboys session where anything could happen.
  • Groove Lounge – featuring live jazz and blues bands – Blue Mercy and Hunter-Lloyd, plus dance performances.
  • Grrrowl Nightclub with local DJ powerhouse Bassway and a line up of DJs plus great light shows, sexy fire dancers and more;
  • our signature GFEST eXtravaganza cabaret night with Whisky A Go Go theme with Famous Sharron, Sideshow Superstars, burlesque, drag shows and bewitching circus acts.

Plus daily art, dance, poetry, yoga and circus workshops in the Speigeltent.

Festival Director Raina Savage said, "We can't wait to share this unique venue and program with the people of Geraldton."

"We have nurtured this vision for years, and now, with the huge support of the City of Greater-Geraldton, Lotterywest and our other sponsors, we are finally able to bring it to life."


For the first time Geraldton will experience the magic of a Speigeltent – one of the few remaining Belgian 'mirror tents' hand crafted in Europe during the elegant and glamorous art deco period last century. 

A perfectly round structure, with interior walls lined with brass and leather booths, stained glass windows, an elegant wood and brass bar, patterned dance floor, all contained under a jaunty circus tent roof. Speigeltents are a staple of major fringe festivals throughout Australia & overseas, and are passionately loved by cabaret, circus and vaudeville performers.

The Spiegeltent will be the venue for a 10 day program of arts performances, events and workshops – with something for everyone. 


The Speigeltent won’t be the only unique venue during the festival. Surrounding it, and continuing the Swinging 60s theme, the 'Go Go Garden' ]is an alfresco bar and dining area which patrons can enjoy throughout  the festival. Light sculptures, circus themed artworks, and giant projections on the surrounding greenery, will create an enchanting venue to enjoy craft beers and fine wines, and sample fresh, organic local food.

The Go Go Garden will have its own program of events – kicking off with GerMANIC Oktoberfest event – with DJ Victor spinning edgy Berlin beats from 2pm- 8pm on Saturday 4th October. There will be live music every evening and some special events including Midnight in the Garden on Wednesday 8th October, featuring fire dancers and aerial performers.

Ms Savage said, “There will be amazing things going on in the Spiegeltent every day – but you don’t have to go inside to enjoy the atmosphere. The Go Go Garden will be an ambient, relaxed and very cool place where people can just come and hang out and enjoy the beautiful Geraldton spring evenings.’


To cap off the festival, this year's signature GFEST eXtravaganza travels back to the Swinging 60s- to the famous Whisky A Go Go Nightclub on Sunset Strip.

Special guest stars this year include our fabulous MC – Famous Sharron – a real crowd pleaser; the incredible King of Swords – Aerial Manx; the Godfather of Modern Sideshow Shep Huntly ; go go goddesses Coco Poppin and Scarlet O'Harlot – from Sugar Bue Burlesque – and making their burlesque debut our very own House of Jezebelle dancers. There are sensational circus feats from Natural Wings Aerial dance and our own amazing PCYC Gidget Superstars and of course, no GFEST is complete without a raucously outrageous drag Show – with 60s Divas, beach bunnies and boots that were really made for walking! Dress to impress with beehives, miu mius, mop tops and stove-pipes.Ticket $50 or $60 at the door, available online or at ACDC, 33 Marine Terrace Geraldton.

For THE FULL PROGRAM and tickets check out the website     


Building industry puts the boots on to nail prostate cancer

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Master Builders Geraldton Branch is inviting its members and others in the industry to join them for breakfast.

In Australia, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and the second most common cause of cancer-related death in men.

Master Builders and Totally Workwear will be hosting a BLUE BOOTS BREAKFAST on Thursday 25 September 2014 at 75 Flores Road, start time is 7am with a gold coin donation for breakfast.   Steel Blue will donate $10 to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia for every pair of BLUE BOOTS sold.  Additionally we ask that your workplace join in and dress in blue for the day, it’s fun and raising  awareness and having a checkup could save a loved one’s life!

Master Builders Regional Manager, Di Gilleland, is one person who clearly sees the importance of “getting the message out there” to builders and others in the industry as a high priority.  Working in a male dominated industry she too has been on that other side when her husband Dennis was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009. 

“Fortunately having a checkup and seeking a second opinion Dennis has now received the all clear and is making the most of a healthy lifestyle, free from cancer," Mrs Gilleland said. 

“At the time it was like a horror movie. I remember us all being in total shock and then the realisation that there were just so many other men out there in the same situation; it just blew us away.

“With Steel Blue offering this generous donation I saw it as a win-win situation, raising awareness of prostate cancer and for the opportunity to raise funds for research to hopefully one day find a cure for this terrible disease.

“Remember if you are a male and over 40, now could be the right time to have your prostate checked,” Mrs. Gilleland concluded.

To attend the Blue Boots Breakfast, phone Penny Rae at Master Builders on 9921 5061 or email 

GFEST eXtravaganza!

Travel back to the Swinging 60s and the famous Whisky A Go Go Nightclub in the spectacular Spiegeltent! Dress to impress with beehives, minis, mop tops and stove-pipes.

MC Famous Sharron – introduces a stellar lineup:

  • King of Swords
  • Aerial Manx
  • Sideshow Superstar Shep Huntly
  • Coco Poppin
  • Scarlet O'Harlot of Sugar Bue Burlesque
  • And a raucously outrageous drag Show – 60s Divas with and boots that were made for walking!

Tickets $50 or $60 at the door, online or ACDC, 33 Marine Terrace Geraldton.

Elizabeth Pedler to reside in Geraldton as part of artist program

Artist Elizabeth Pedler will be in residence at Central Greenough from September 22 until October 20, 2014 as part of the City of Greater Geraldton’s Central Greenough Artist in Residence Program.

During her visit, Elizabeth will be creating a new body of work and inviting the community to engage with her and practice in a range of arts.

Based in Perth, Elizabeth’s artwork takes on many forms including new ways to generate participation and interaction in art spaces that use materials such as mirrors, light, sound, styrofoam beans and even conversation.

While in residence Elizabeth will be creating a series of artworks which respond to the sensory environment of the Central Greenough buildings to create subtle but affecting experiences for the audience. 

As she is yet unacquainted with Geraldton, Elizabeth will be inviting members of the local community to join her for a meal and to share stories about life in the area.

Elizabeth will be presenting an artist talk at ACDC Community Gallery as part of the Sunset Salon series, discussing her art practice and the processes of making art. 

There will be workshops open to all members of the public to collaborate on sensory perception and participation. More information on these workshops and the Sunset Salon series can be viewed on, or contact ACDC. 

At the completion of the residency period, Elizabeth will be opening up a space at ACDC for an exhibition from October 17 – 19 at 12 - 6pm each day, Elizabeth will also be present during these times to answer questions about her new works.

On October 18 there is a potluck event open to all audiences to join the Elizabeth for a shared meal and celebration.

More details on these events can be seen on the Queens Park Theatre website:

For more information about the artist, visit

2014 Australasian Safari coming up


This year the Australasian Safari will make its way through Geraldton and the Midwest region.

The event is part of the Australasian Safari adventure and competitors will traverse outback roads and tracks via a route that takes in a great variety of geographical challenges.

The inclusion of varying vehicles types, participating in either a competitive or touring element, allows for a spectacle like no other.

The competition's aim is, “to provide the best, safest and most challenging long distance off-road race in the Asia Pacific region”.

The Australasian Safari will make it through the following places:

September 20th - Geraldton
September 21st - Murchison
September 22nd - Gascoyne Junction
September 23rd - Gascoyne Junction
September 24th - Exmouth
September 25th - Exmouth
September 26th - Carnarvon
September 25th - Kalbarri

For more information, visit the Australasian Safari website

Get ready for the G-FEST Arts Spectacular

Get ready for the G-FEST Arts Spectacular from the 3rd - 12th of October!

A ten day explosion of art, culture and community.

The Fringeworld De Parel Speigeltent makes it's first ever appearance in Geraldton in Queen's Park for 10 days of art and cultural events.

We have a range of exciting shows for the whole family! Check out our flyer or visit our website for more information. We hope to see you all there!

Russian National Dance Company to hit Geraldton

World-renowned Russian National Dance Company will be hitting the Geraldton stage next month with a "dazzling masterpiece".

KOSTROMA is a spectacular and beautiful evocation in dance of ancient Russian culture. This mesmerising event unites centuries of dramatic musical and dance tradition.

The show features 45 elite dancers, masterly techniques, 600 lavish costumes and over 15 scenes. 'KOSTROMA' takes the audience on a bewitching journey from the Arctic north to the southern Steppes, the peaks of the Caucasus to the depths of Siberia.

The show is named after the place of its birth and the cradle of the Romanov dynasty, an ancient Russian town situated on the banks of the great Volga river.

The internationally acclaimed Russian National Dance company was founded in the early 1990's by its director and producer Elena Tsarenko with Art Director and Chief Dance Master Yury Tsarenko.

The company lives and breathes the traditions of their land.

The premiere performances of KOSTROMA were presented in, Moscow, London, Paris and Rotterdam. KOSTROMA has been appearing in the Cosmos Concert Hall, Moscow since 2005.

The French call it ‘A Russian dance miracle’, the Netherlands know it as ‘The spirit of Russia’. This theatrical production with its famous image of 'The Girl in Silver', has already won the hearts of audiences in over 25 countries.

KOSTROMA will be at the Queens Park Theatre on October 11th at 7:30pm.

For tickets visit the Queen's Park Theatre website or visit the Queen's Park Theatre box office. 

Help out with a Bucket Brigade on McHappy Day!

McHappy Day - Image - Bucket Brigade - 2014 (small)

McHappy Day® is coming up fast and Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) is calling on Geraldton community groups to get behind the big day by forming a ‘Bucket Brigade’ on Saturday 18th October, to help raise more than $3 million for the charity.

The event will take place at McDonald's restaurants in Geraldton and local groups including local businesses, dance groups, the fire brigade and ambulance services, are encouraged to get involved by volunteering their time to help collect donations in fundraising buckets at their local restaurant on the day.

This year’s fundraising target equates to over 23,000 nights’ accommodation in a Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. Funds raised on the day will go towards a range of RMHC programs including Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, the Ronald McDonald Learning Program and Ronald McDonald Family Retreats Program.

“One in eight people either have been or know someone who has been affected by childhood illness so I am sure there are people in the local community who can relate to the heartache and stress of having a child with a serious illness,” said Mike Hanlon, licensee, McDonald's Geraldton.

“The Bucket Brigades are a simple and easy way for people in the community to get involved and help families with seriously ill children. We are very passionate about reaching our target of $3 million this year."

There are currently 14 Ronald McDonald Houses in Australia but sadly hundreds of families are turned away each month as there is a shortage of rooms to accommodate them all. All funds raised on McHappy Day goes directly to RMHC, and are used to help these Houses expand in order to help more families remain close during challenging times.

A number of Australian celebrities will be doing their bit for McHappy Day to help raise awareness and funds across Australia. Why not join them?

To form a ‘Bucket Brigade’ or get involved at your local McDonald’s please contact the McHappy Day Project Office by e-mailing

The Biggest Comedy Show On Earth, In the SPIEGELTENT!


You won’t want to miss The Comedy Emporium’s show on October 10th, with your favourite local comedians and THREE headliners performing in the one and only Spiegeltent! It will be the biggest comedy show on earth (or at least in Geraldton)... In a tent.

“This is absolutely the most amazing venue you will ever get to be in!” says The Comedy Emporium’s Coordinator Emma Howell, “Oh - the comedy will be pretty good too.”

The Comedy Emporium has partnered with Gfest to perform in the Spiegeltent and produce this once- off show.

“You can even get tickets cheaper to both events! Comedy show tickets are only $25 if you get your Gfest ticket at the same time,” says Emma. “The tent can only fit so many people... So make sure you get your tickets ASAP! There will be no repeats.”

There are three headline comedy acts ready to go - the theatrical John Robertson from the UK, the hilarious International Touring Comedian Matthew Dyktynski and the wonderful Joel Bryant who was awarded best show at the 2013 Brisbane Fringe Comedy Festival! “I am not really sure how we can afford three headliners, but it will be an amazing show even if it means I have no job next week,” says Howell.

Your favourite local acts will be on show again, with teenage comedian Jackson Canny looking forward to the show.

"Last time when I performed I forgot my set, which made it even funnier?" He said.

There will also be two comedy first timers to sacrifice, and one of the originals to welcome back - James Butson. “After two shows absent it will be great to have my comeback in a tent where I can really clown out to my crowd!” Said James.

Doors open 6.30pm, live music from 7.15pm, comedy from 8pm. For more information and tickets head to or QPT.

Tickets on sale now for $29 each presale $35 at the door. For enquiries please ring 0458 306 111. No BYO alcohol. Bar available.


John Robertson in The Dark Room, publicity photo

John is a Renaissance man with a Black Plague wit. A comedian, playwright, YouTube visionary and clown, he's performed everywhere from rained- out bomb shelters in Hungary to legendary comedy clubs in London and packed theatres in Sydney. He's had fans dress as him, been concussed by well- meaning punters and generally made the world a louder, more frightening place.

"Brilliant - you could do worse than see John's show, but you'll rarely do better." - Chortle AU Trivia: John's sadistic YouTube game "The Dark Room" has been played over 4,000,000 times worldwide. He has stage- dived off the roof of a theatre with Brendon Burns and a purple puppet. He will either carefully construct material, or make shows up as he goes. He owns many swords. Likes Star Trek, frock coats and top hats. Also pro wrestling. Doesn't drink wine. Comedy through fear. John is also the official MC of the Supanova Pop Culture Expo, Wai- Con Anime Convention and Madman National Cosplay Competition. Wherever he goes, he brings the nerd love, manic slapstick and smart cynicism.


Joel Bryant

“There’s something wonderful about watching an intelligent and articulate person, point out how bizarre the world is.” “I couldn’t get offended... I was too busy laughing.” “There’s a beautiful message in what you do.”

Joel thinks they are the loveliest things ever said about his show. Joel has established a reputation as a quality act as well as having worked with acts of the calibre of Anthony Jeselnik, Ted Alexandro, Greg Fleet, Fiona O’Loughlin, Chris Wainhouse, Geraldine Hickey, Steddy Eddie and Austen Tayshus to name but a few. With the rare ability to adapt his act and establish an instant rapport with all, Joel never fails to leave audiences filled with his infectious energy and passion. Joel dreams of a world where we laugh because it’s funny... Not because we need to. He enjoys gardening, beer, a good hug and pondering why we treat each other like shit. When he grows up he plans to stamp his feet and yell “No!”


Matt D

Matt Dyktynski is a comedian. Matt is an actor. Matt is also a Cancerian. Matt can cook reasonably well.

As an actor Matt Dyktynski has starred in films such as Love and other Catastrophes, Takeaway and the critically acclaimed, Japanese Story and in TV series like Shockjock and Raw FM. As a Stand-Up Comic, Matt spent years based in London, becoming a regular on the highly demanding UK circuit. All over Britain and Ireland and with gigs as far flung as Poland and Croatia, Matt has weaved his warm style to drunks everywhere and now is home in OZ looking forward to making his own people laugh and hopefully getting out of the gig alive.

“... has a show that other stand-up comics would kill for.” Malcolm Hay Time Out. London.

Big Sky and the Wild Blue Yonder beckons to a literary line up

Popular crime thriller writer Michael Rowbotham credits the Geraldton Big Sky Readers and Writers Festival for the release of his latest book Life or Death. According to a recent interview in the West Australian newspaper, he said it was while he was taking part in last year’s Big Sky festival in Geraldton, Western Australia, that fellow guest author Toni Jordan reckoned he was incapable of writing a love story. He set out to prove her wrong, and it seems, has succeeded.

This sort of camaraderie at Big Sky is what makes authors and guests want to return, and this year sees the return of author Liz Byrski and Geraldine Mellett as MC, for the festival from September 12-14.

First time guests taking a leap of faith into the Wild Blue Yonder – the theme of this year’s Big Sky Readers and Writers Festival – are well known comedian and writer, Tim Ferguson (fresh from a Doug Anthony Allstars show in Perth), children’s author Sally Murphy, Pemberton chef Sophie Zalokar to keep the foodies entertained and fed, Annamaria Weldon who will provide poetry in the pub at the Hampton Arms Inn, Gabrielle Carey (co-author with Kathy Lette of Puberty Blues), who is infatuated with the late Geraldton-born writer Randolph Stow – the list is long and you can find the full program of authors and events at

A reading of Annamaria Weldon’s poem Birthbed from her book The Lake’s Apprentice will be read on ABC Radio National on the same day she conducts a workshop for the Big Sky festival.

Two other guest authors, Dawn Barker and Sarah Drummond, are both shortlisted in the WA Emerging Writers category of the WA Premier’s Book Awards of which winners will be announced on September 22.

A book launch for Search for HMAS Sydney: An Australian Story will be held at the WA Museum -Geraldton on Saturday September 13. The book has been edited by Finding Sydney Foundation past directors and commemorates the 645 lives lost when the HMAS Sydney II was sunk in 1941.

The festival has a diverse line up of events – held at various venues – for all ages including youth.

Geraldton Crime Forum

Federal Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Federal Member for Durack Melissa Price, want to hear your thoughts on what action can be taken locally to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the Geraldton community. Date: Thursday 18th September 2014 Time 11.00am for a 11.30am start Location Queens Park Theatre, Cathedral Avenue GERALDTON WA 6531 RSVP: By COB Monday 15th September 2014 PH: 08 9964 2195 or via email to 

For any enquiries, please contact Melissa Price’s office on 08 9964 2195.

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TOBY returns to Geraldton


TOBY is finally home from her REACH FOR THE SUN EUROPEAN TOUR and will play in Geraldton later this month.

Perth’s songstress TOBY has recorded her new album at Bear Creek Studio, Seattle USA. The project was recorded over two sessions in early December 2013 and then again in late January 2014. Toby worked with acclaimed producer Ryan Hadlock and engineer Jerry Streeter.

Ryan Hadlock is an American record producer, best known for his production work on platinum-selling album The Lumineers by The Lumineers. He has also produced ‘Soko’ - I Thought I Was An Alien, and is currently producing Australian’s Vance Joy’s latest album. Ryan engineered ‘Modern Girls and Old Fashioned Men’ by The Strokes. Some of Bear Creek’s famous clients have included James Brown, Lionel Richie, Eric Clapton, Heart and others.

Toby Beard is the woman behind this album. Toby is so much more than just “energetic, raw, and feisty.” She is power defined. Her voice has the potential to create a musical revolution. Toby is simply an incredible performer. That’s not just referring to her powerful, sexy, awe-inspiring voice. Nor is it referring to her energetic, rocking, guitar work. It’s about her energy, her spirit, her soul. This has all been captured on the new studio album.

TOBY was honoured to work with some incredible musicians on this album. On drums, Portland based Joe Plummer. Joe has been drumming with The Shins since 2009. He also is the drummer for Modest Mouse and now Cold War Kids. Bassist Adam Trachsel and violinist Lauren Jacobson both performed on the Grammy nominated album The Lumineers.

Josh Neumann on cello has been a member of the Brandi Carlile band for eight years and has recently recorded with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Toby also worked with The Shins bassist Yuuki Matthews. Seattle based players Charles Wicklander (keys) and Kimo Muraki (electric guitar, trumpet, banjo and backing vocals) also make their mark on the album. Perth’s own Daryl Eagle plays the haunting electric guitar line in the emotionally charged song “Three Days”.

The full album will be released in Australia later this year, after TOBY returns home from her four month tour in Europe/Canada/USA, performing nearly 60 shows in total.

Gig details: Where: Freemasons Hotel, Geraldton When: Saturday 20th September 9pm Entry: $10

Family focus for Sunshine Festival

The Geraldton Greenough Sunshine Festival Committee has locked in plans for the most family-friendly festival in years.

This year’s festival, from October 4 to 12, places a whole new emphasis on family- friendly fun with plenty of free activities, games, activities and entertainment.

The bulk of entertainment will occur in Geraldton’s Maitland Park to ensure a hive of activity in one setting.

Festival chairman Julian Canny said the committee had strived to create an “intimate” family feel for the festival.

“The aim this year is to create the jam-packed family festival atmosphere that people love," Mr Canny said.

“And this year Maitland Park will act as the main festival precinct with most of the events happening across throughout the park, including some of GFests exciting programming."

Highlights on the festival program include the MMG Float Parade on Saturday October 4, which this year places a new emphasis on individual participants and those in Gophers as well as the traditional float entries to create a colourful carnival atmosphere.

Mr Canny envisages this year’s the Iluka Sky Show would draw large crowds to Maitland Park and invites everyone to head down early and to bring a picnic blanket. The show starts at 7.30pm on Sunday October 12.

He said the fireworks spectacular would lure people of all ages and backgrounds.

“The fireworks show plays a key role in the festival’s bid to celebrate the tight knit social fabric of the community,” he said.

Families will be spoilt for a choice of entertainment with everything from the Family Fun Day at Maitland Park on Saturday the October 4 to the Toll Truck Pull, CGG Community Safety Day, Stirling Central Brass on the Grass, Chapman Animal Pet Parade, Lets Party Little Miss and Master Sunshine Pageant, Gunadoo Family Fun Day, Tomato Festival, Colour Décor Art Pavement Competition, PCYC Teddy Bears Picnic, Festival Goes Country, SciTech Science Roadshow and more.

The Geraldton foreshore will also see some of the action with the ever-popular 21st Dragon Boat Classic, the CWA sandcastle competition, Act Belong Commit Have-A- Go Community Drumming, CGG Sand Sculpture workshops and the Inline Hockey Association sessions.

“The festival has been 56 years in the running and never fails to bring us together as a community,” Mr Canny said.

“This year’s festival, with its emphasis on one main festival precinct and providing an intimate family feel, promises to be particularly special.

“I’d encourage everyone, young and old, to come and enjoy the myriad of entertainment and celebrate together what makes our wonderful region so special.”

The full festival program can be found on our website 

65th Annual Chapman Valley Agricultural Show

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The 65th Annual Chapman Valley Agricultural Show will be held this Saturday, September 6th at Nanson Showgrounds.

The show is set to be one for the whole family and includes everything from the Beaut Ute competition, artwork, knitting, show jumping, novelty events, food, games, a shearing competition and heaps more!

Gates open from 7am with the show going through until 8pm.

Admission to show:

Adults $10.00 Including Competitors and Exhibitors Children under 16 years Free

Membership price:s Adults $10.00 & Juniors $2.00 Active Foundation Adults $5.00 Pensioners will be admitted free upon presentation of Pension Card. Aged and War Pensions only.

For more information and the full show booklet, click here.

Construction professionals have the chance to meet with NBN Co

NBN Co will present a Call to Industry on the 9th of September. In conjunction with Master Builders Midwest branch – Geraldton, the sessions will give Geraldton’s construction professionals the chance to meet with NBN Co New Developments representatives.

The construction of the NBN in Geraldton will mean new construction projects can be prepared ready for high speed broadband. A group presentation runs for about an hour commencing at 11am, to provide information and to allow questions to be asked and answered.

From 1pm and through 4pm, NBN Co will remain available, for one-on-one sessions for those who would like more detail to support regular and multiple construction activities.

All sessions will be a friendly open interaction that will offer insight in to topics such as pre-qualifying which addresses have the NBN already under construction in the area, the easy online tools that make applying for fibre easy, and; technical guidance about preparing buildings and subdivisions for the NBN.

Sam Dawe and Scott Edwards from NBN Co invite construction professionals to attend the event, proudly supported and held at the offices of Master Builders West Australia.

WHEN: September 9th, 11am to 4pm. WHERE: Master Builders Association, 4 Walton Close Geraldton

New technologies reveal more of maritime mysteries

Picture: An impression of the Zuytdorp ashore. Artwork by Stanley Hewitt (WA Museum). Adjunct Professor and Curator of Maritime Archaeology at the WA Museum Dr Michael (Mack) McCarthy will reveal new and exciting developments occurring behind the scenes at the Museum in an engaging lecture presented in Geraldton on Wednesday 3 September.

As part of the WA Museum’s 2014 In the Wild West lecture series, Dr McCarthy will present Wreck update: Behind the scenes in Maritime Archaeology, featuring some of Western Australia’s most historically significant maritime sites, including the wrecks of the Zeewijk, Batavia, Zuytdorp and Gilt Dragon.

“Technological advances have enabled us to examine the marine environment in new and exciting ways, allowing for deeper layers of understanding to develop around our significant maritime sites, which in turn sparks new questions and new research project ideas,” said Dr McCarthy.

“The fate of the Gilt Dragon survivors has been re-examined due to new revelations; new research has been undertaken into the whereabouts of the elusive fifth Old Dutch wreck the Aagtekerke; and we’re partway through a major project surrounding the Batavia site.

“It’s an exciting time for maritime archaeology as our knowledge base constantly grows and evolves.”

Regional Manager of WA Museum – Geraldton Leigh O’Brien said hosting lectures from the In the Wild West series is an engaging way to share important and relevant stories with the local community.

“There are shipwrecks scattered along our vast coastline and the Mid West and Gascoyne communities feel a real affiliation with these wrecks, and are keen to hear about new developments,” Ms O’Brien said.

In the Wild West is a six-month lecture series delivered to regional and metropolitan locations across the State.

The Wreck update lectureswill take place at 7pm on Wednesday 3 September, at the WA Museum – Geraldton; Bookings can be made on 9921 5080 (Geraldton), or at

500km walk to raise money for burns unit

10647570_10152653875697432_1160546116_n Locals will embark on a 500km walk to Perth next month to raise money for the Burn’s Unit of the Children’s Hospital in Perth.

The event has been dubbed the 'Firey's 500 Charity Walk', and a statement on their Facebook page said that the Burn’s Unit needs no ready explanation to its purpose.

"The Volunteer Emergency Services Hardship Fund is to assist the imitate families of Volunteers from the four Emergency Services within the Department of Fire and Emergency Services when a life is lost in the line of duty," The Facebook page said.

"We the Brigade, are a group of motivated volunteers who provide an important service to the local community.

"We are now seeking sponsorship from anyone interested in being a part of this exciting opportunity, by either sponsoring a walker for a set amount per kilometre covered, or a direct donation. Bank Details will can be given upon request."

Many will embark on the enduring journey and one of those people will be Geraldton teenager Laura McKeating.

"Being a volunteer firefighter, this is a fundraiser that is very close to my heart," she said

The 19-year-old said she is nervous about the journey ahead of her but is urging the community to back the great cause.

"Yes I'm very nervous, especially as it gets closer because you never really realise how far it is until you start walking," she said.

"Please donate, a little bit goes a long way."


The walk will commence on 6th of September 2014 from the Geraldton Volunteer Fire & Rescue Station in Webberton and finish in Perth on 16/17th of September 2014 at the Fire Service Museum on Murray Street.

You can head to the Facebook page and donate by clicking here.