Time to prepare for bushfire season
/The City of Greater Geraldton is reminding residents now is the time to begin preparing properties for the coming bushfire season.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said works undertaken now could later save properties and lives.
“Despite all the rain we’ve been having lately the bushfire season is just around the corner so we all need to do our part to prevent bushfires and protect our properties,” he said.
“A well prepared home and property is more likely to survive a bushfire or ember attack, will be easier to defend and less likely to put your neighbours’ homes at risk.
“Rolling up your sleeves now will go a long way to preventing the loss of your home or even your life to a devastating bush fire.”
In the weeks leading up to the 4 October 2022 firebreak deadline residents can start preparing their properties by cleaning gutters of leaves and twigs, cutting back trees and shrubs and cleaning up fallen leaves, twigs and other debris around the yard.
If you are choosing to employ local contractors this year to get the property compliant, now is the time to contact them to ensure any required works to get the property compliant with Local Government law is completed before the deadline.
All firebreak measures must be in place by 4 October 2022 and maintained to 1 May 2023.
On 5 October 2022, fire prevention work inspections will begin and property owners who have not completed the necessary works will be fined $250 for non-compliance.
Owners of vacant or undeveloped blocks under 0.4ha must have them mowed or slashed and all Wattle bush removed.
Occupied or developed properties require a three metre clearance of all flammable material around structures and buildings and Wattle bush managed.
Larger blocks will also require a mineral earth firebreak installed along the entire external boundary of the land.
For more information on preparing for bushfire season head to the City’s website here or pick up the 2022-23 Firebreak Notice from the Civic Centre on Cathedral Avenue.