Road closures for HMAS Stalwart III Freedom of Entry March

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise that the following roads will be closed as the City welcomes the ship’s company from HMAS Stalwart III during their Freedom of Entry March on Saturday 25 June.


  • Chapman Road from Durlacher Street to Snowden Street

  • Foreshore Drive from Cathedral Avenue to Forrest Street

  • Forrest Street from Foreshore Drive to Anzac Terrace

  • Durlacher Street from Foreshore Drive to Marine Terrace

  • Marine Terrace from Durlacher Street to Chapman Road

Road closures will be in place from 2pm to 4pm.


The City apologises for any inconvenience during this time and will endeavour to keep disruptions to a minimum.


If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email