Gero Rate payers Action Group Letter to the Editor

Hello Rate Payers,

Your ratepayers action group (GRPAG) has been granted a special meeting on 11th June at Queens Park Theatre 7 PM. We are providing a forum for you or ANYONE  ……  to attend and ask questions and provide feedback to councillors.

Those wishing to have questions answered on the night must submit them before 5th June to the City chambers.

We are asking council to live with within the level of rates our community is able to afford.

 Several topics are listed for discussion  including

  1. A CGG rates  freeze for 2018-19
  2. A discussion on finances related to specific topics. Do we need 14 councillors at a cost of around $450,000???  Perhaps a reduction from  14 to 7 councillors
  3. A need for the transparency  and disclosure of financial details  for major contractors
  4. Availability of information to rate payers.  Transparency except in special circumstances.
  5. Council finances..The need for resolutions relating to their analysis and propriety over the last 5 to 8 years

Please read this information and plan to attend on 11th June, to protect your assets.


Dr Barry Thompson