WACRH signs on to the Community Respect and Equality Agreement to prevent Family Violence in Geraldton
/The WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH) is one of the first organisations in Geraldton to sign up to the Community Respect & Equality (CRE) Agreement for Workplaces.
The CRE Agreement enables workplaces and community organisations to stand together to say #violenceisNEVERok. It provides a framework and support for organisations to raise awareness of family violence, how it can be prevented, how to support staff experiencing violence and how to develop internal policies and procedures to embed these actions within the organisation.
Led by Desert Blue Connect and a strong Reference Group of local organisations and agencies, the CRE Agreement is a key component of CRE Strategic Action Plan for the Prevention of Family Violence in Geraldton.
The Midwest has among the highest rates of family violence in WA, with 2819 incidents recorded by the WA Police in the year to June 2017. These are alarming statistics, however, family violence is preventable and there is something that everyone can do to work towards making our community free from family violence.
Professor Sandra Thompson, Director of WACRH says “As an organisation, WACRH is deeply committed to improving health outcomes. Family violence contributes more to the burden of disease of women aged 18-44 years than any other risk factor, including smoking and road accidents. A number of our own staff and friends have been personally affected by family violence, so WACRH as an organisation was keen to sign on to the agreement and work towards its prevention. We also see the consequences and impact of family violence in some of the work we do in the community.”
"WACRH staff have already started looking at how we can implement the Agreement internally as a whole of organisation process. A WACRH Working Party has planning underway to ensure that internal actions and policies align with the CRE agreement. We want to demonstrate WACRH’s organisational support for the prevention of family violence and give visibility to an issue where silence means the problem of family violence that exists in our community is under recognised.” Professor Thompson said.
To find out how your workplace can be part of the Community, Respect and Equality Agreement call Desert Blue Connect on 9964 2742 or visit www.communityrespectandequality.com.au
If you are in immediate danger call the Police on 000
If you are feeling unsafe or are worried about a colleague or friend you can contact:
WA Police on 131 444
The National Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Counselling Service 1800Respect - 1800 737 732
Desert Blue Connect Geraldton – 9964 2742
Sexual Assault Crisis Line – 1800 016 789
The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline - 9223 1188 or free call 1800 007 339
The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline - 9223 1199 or 1800 000 599
Kids Helpline (for young people to the age of 25) - 1800 551 800.