Motivational Speakers Jade and Tristan Lewis in Geraldton this weekend

Sun City Christian Centre is hosting Jade and Tristian Lewis over the weekend for a range of different events.

Jade and Tristan are both really powerful motivation speakers who visit schools and prisons for drug and alcohol awareness and prevention.

With the rise of drug and alcohol problems, it’s a great opportunity for Geraldton to hear from them. They have 3 events organised that people can attend. All events are held at the Sun City Christian Centre at 14 Assen St, Karloo.

Friday 5th August – 6:30-9pm
Sun City Youth invites all youth ages 12-17 to attend a free drug and alcohol awareness and prevention presentation by Jade and Tristan Lewis. Jade & Tristan Lewis' Mission - "Through real life, practical and motivational presentations and workshops, Jade Lewis & Friends Inc assist schools, businesses, youth and community groups to empower their people to be successful in all areas of their life." For more information call Fredrick 0417 555 664

Saturday 6th August – 8am
Sun City Christian Centre is hosting a men's breakfast with guest speaker Tristan Lewis. There is $5 entry and everyone is welcome. Tristan Lewis is a mentor, motivational speaker and an inspiration to many people. His story is living proof that no matter what your past is, there lies an amazing future if you make the right choices. He is a fantastic role model and a testament all people can live a free and successful life away from the past. He is happily married to Jade and is a great father to their three children. Contact Gavin Box or Laurie Dines for more information on (08) 9964 1000

Sunday 7th August – 10am
Sun City Christian Centre is hosting Jade & Tristan Lewis who will be sharing their testimonies. This is a free event and everyone is welcome. Jade & Tristan Lewis are mentors, motivational speakers and an inspiration to many people. Their story is living proof that no matter what your past is, there lies an amazing future if you make the right choices. They are a testament that all people can live a free and successful life away from the past. Contact Graham or Cathie Fabian for more information on (08)9964 1000