Royalties funding allows Bundiyarra to develop tourism experience

Regional Development Minister, Terry Redman, leaves his mark with local children at a family fun day at Bundiyarra last month, ably aided by Nationals Member for the Agricultural Region, Paul Brown, right.

A unique Aboriginal tourism experience will soon be offered in Geraldton.

Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation (Bundiyarra) is about to reap the reward of community consultation, strategic planning and solid hard work that has resulted in more than $270,000 in funding through the Liberal National Government’s Regional Grants Scheme.

Regional Development Minister, Terry Redman, announced the funding on July 27. The Regional Grants Scheme is designed to improve and develop infrastructure and services in the regions, through the Royalties for Regions program for community, public and not-forprofit organisations.

Mr Redman said the funding of $272,000 has been awarded to Bundiyarra to help the corporation develop an urban Aboriginal tourism venture.

Bundiyarra CEO, Marchelle Retallack, said the Bundiyarra Board is thrilled with the funding and it allows the corporation to realise a long-held aspiration to expand and be more self-sufficient while offering a unique experience to tourists.

“The Board and staff have worked hard alongside community to make this happen and now we will be able to progress our plans to develop the grounds and offer a unique cultural centre for greater community and a tourism experience around the dreaming tracks on the Reserve,” she said.

“This funding is the icing on the cake; we have been successful in all funding applications submitted this year allowing Bundiyarra to develop a community garden, created by an enthusiastic team of participants through the Work for the Dole Scheme.

“We also received funding through the WA Waste Authority for recycling to avoid creating waste by including natural recycling methods which will make the community garden a stand out. In total we have received $672,000 for the development of a Cultural Centre,” said Ms Retallack.

The Bundiyarra Environmental Health Services Team also received funding through the WA Department of Health to continue for a further four years. This service is vital to the greater community in educating residents in hygiene and keeping their homes pest free.

The Bundiyarra Irra Wangga Language Centre has been equally successful with receiving funding for a further four years through the Australian Government – Department of Communications and the Arts.

“However, this Royalties for Regions funding will allow us to really power ahead with our development and start to build some of the infrastructure that has been designed by community and local architects Eastman Poletti Sherwood,” Ms Retallack said.

A big day is planned at Bundiyarra on August 11 to celebrate the Royalties for Regions funding.