Regional Vision Revised
/The Northern Agricultural Catchment Council (NACC) is excited to announce the 2016 update of Northern Agricultural Region’s NRM Strategy is now delivered on the NARvis website. The update is the culmination of input gathered from a range of community workshops and stakeholder surveys carried out over the past four years.
NARvis aims to provide valuable information, resources and links to support and inspire positive action, along with showcasing the updated regional aspirations and goals – which will provide strategic direction for future projects and NRM funding in order to maximise the benefits from these investments.
NACC would like to say a massive “THANK YOU” to everyone who has contributed in one way or another towards helping to make the regional aspirations and goals a true reflection of the community’s vision for the region.
Project Coordinator and NACC Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Coordinator Emma Jackson said “While NACC has facilitated the update of the NRM strategy, we couldn’t have done this without the valuable input and direction of a vast range of stakeholders.
“NARvis has been developed by, and for the benefit of, the regional community. It has been awesome to have so many different people involved in the project,” she said.
What’s new on NARvis:
Revised regional aspirations and goals.
Updated regional climate change information and projected impacts, based on the most recent modelling by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and CSIRO, along with mitigation and adaptation options, including inspiring case studies.
New Aboriginal History and Culture theme page, to further recognise and support the important contribution of our region’s Traditional Owners in managing natural resources.
These improvements are reflected in the recently released NARvis Summary Document Version 2
What’s next for NARvis:
Continuing to showcase more regional NRM projects and case studies on the NARvis website, and count the contribution of these projects towards achieving the regional goals – members of the community working on projects can contact NACC directly, or Share Your Project with NACC via the online form.
Developing strategies and working towards achieving the goals identified on NARvis. Find out how you can get involved, from recycling to applying for a grant, and everything in between!
Continuing to review and improve NARvis and the regional goals as community priorities change.
Please jump online and check-out the Northern Agricultural Region’s NRM Strategy – visit: There are videos to help navigate the site, and opportunities to leave a comments at the bottom of any of the webpages, to help in the further development of the strategy.