This dog will help 6 year old Jamie by alerting his parents to seizures

Hello, firstly we would like to introduce ourselves. We are Brent and Michelle REID.

We are fundraising on behalf of our 6 year old son, Jamie.

Jamie was born with a rare brain condition called Bilateral Frontal Polymicrogyria. The result of this is uncontrollable epilepsy (150-350 seizures a week), Autism, Global Development Delays and Intellectual Disabilities.

Jamie has been selected as a suitable candidate for an Autism/Seizure assistance dog. The dog will assist Jamie and the family by alerting us to seizures prior to them occurring. The dog will also assist Jamie personally with his Autism. The assistance dog is trained to disrupt autistic melt downs and ensure Jamies safety when out in public. The assistance dog is trained to be tethered to Jamie allowing him freedom to walk freely without the need to be placed in a trolley/stroller or strong hand grip. Jamie has a penchant to want to get out and run and without the knowledge of his own safety. The assistance dog will be with him at all times and when required will stop Jamie to ensure his safety. This is extremely important in situations where there is water, as Jamie has a fixation with playing with water.

The dog is also trained to be able to track Jamie and locate his should he get out and wander off.

The assistance dog will deliver peace of mind, comfort and safety for Jamie. The opportunity it will give Jamie will be outstanding as it will offer him a greater level of independence that a normal 6 year would enjoy. The assistance dog will open his world and like most special needs kids allow him to feel normal and like he fits.

As part of the process of placing the dog with Jamie, we have agreed to fundraise towards the dogs training. The training of each Smart Pup costs $25,000.00 and as a not for profit organisation they rely on fundraising to be able to provide an assistance dog to the candidate family.

This is where we are asking if you would be able to assist in any way possible to help us achieve this opportunity for Jamie.




All donations made are charitable donations to Smart Pups. To let them know that your donation is in support of a particular Smart Pups family you can use ONE of the donation codes provided below when completing a direct Bank Deposit or PayPal transaction. Donations without a donation code will be allocated to the general Training Program to help Smart Pups cover the balance of the training costs for our families.


a) FULL NAME CODE: Jamie Reid or
b) ALFA CODE: jmrd or c) NUMERIC CODE: 55209

To donate via direct deposit - Smart Pups Westpac | BSB: 034198 | ACC: 415185
To donate via PayPal - Click on the BIG RED Smart Pups Donate Button on the website at

NB: The three donation code options are provided in an attempt to meet the different code restrictions set by each Banks IT system. A direct Bank Deposit does not attract any fees. If making a donation via PayPal you must manually type the child’s name in the ‘NOTES TO SELLER’ field at the time you make the transaction. Please be aware that, as there is no fee waiver in place for charitable donations, PayPal will charge Smart Pups an administration fee on each donation.