Update on Barrett Dr T Junction
/New comment from Victor Tanti on "Near miss - Barrett Drive T Junction":
Good news regarding this dangerous intersection from Main Roads:
'We are improving the service at the intersection of Brand Highway and Ackland Road through the installation of traffic signals.
Currently, this non-signalised intersection experiences significant delays during peak travel periods. The right turn movement from Ackland Road onto Brand Highway is at low-level of service, resulting in increased congestion for commuters. This has a flow-on effect to Barrett Drive for roadusers attempting the same traffic movement.
Signalising the intersection will provide direction and safety for road users by allocating and reallocating right of way. The will also significantly improve the performance of Barrett Drive intersection by giving breaks in the traffic flow and room to cross Brand Highway safely when exiting.
Works are expected to commence in May and completed by August.'
The plans were recently presented to Council and met with approval.
V Tanti
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