Crossing Australia 2016
/Steve Grace has a dream to cross Australia from Shark Bay in W.A. to Byron Bay NSW on his Harley Davidson motor bike, sharing the Gospel.
Brian Sonneman and Wayne Anderson have a dream to fly out to remote Indigenous communities and install Christian satellite TV and Vision Radio. We also desire to share the Gospel wherever we go.
On Sunday the 18 October 2015 Steve Grace held his Shed Tour meeting at Sun City Christian Centre where God brought our vision and dreams together.
Brian Sonneman:
"We are believing that Steve Grace Ministries and Chariots of Fire Ministries can complete this mission together to fulfill the vision that God has given Steve and Brian."
"Our mission is to take the Gospel to all communities, bring unity back and stop suicide. This has already happened in Mulan in the Kimberley with the Christian media running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
"We can only achieve this vision with funding and support from our extended family of Churches and businesses around Australia."
If you wish to help and sow a seed in this Mission then go to our home page for more information:, email or call Brian Sonneman on 0428889804."
"We are planning for this mission now and it can only happen with your support. We are now waiting for the final plan and times. In God's timing. Thank you for your support."
"With your HELP, WE can Stop Suicides in Remote Indigenous Communities."
"We are also looking for major sponsors for this mission. If you feel God's call to commit to this project, call Brian on 0428 889 204."