Coastal management funding now available
/Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney has welcomed the Barnett Government’s announcement that the Page Content management of one of Western Australia's most valuable assets has received another boost with $1 million in State Government funding available in the next financial year to help local coastal managers to sustainably manage their stretch of coastline.
“Minister Nalder is calling for submissionsfor funding in the latest round of the Coastal Adaptation and Protection (CAP) Grants.
“He is looking for projects that embrace the sustainable management of the coastline, which will be highly regarded.
“The Government wants to support local coastal managers as they seek to better understand the Western Australian coastline they are responsible for and work to adapt to the challenges presented.
"With a better understanding of the risks posed by coastal hazards, local managers can make informed decisions leading to more sustainable coastal management," said Mr Blayney.
Administered by the Department of Transport, the grants program was introduced in 2009 to refocus coastal management efforts by local coastal managers and provide financial help for thorough investigation of local coastal hazards including erosion, accretion and inundation.
As part of the program, the department also provides technical advice and other resources, including coastal data to help managers deal with coastal change.
Last year, 11 local authorities shared $1.057 million in grant funding to deliver projects benefiting local communities.
These included $44,000 for the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River to investigate erosion of the coast from Prevelly to Gnarabup and more than $54,000 in funding for the City of Albany to develop an adaptation and protection strategy for the southern coastline from Emu Point to Middleton Beach.
Coastal managers are invited to apply for grants up to 50 per cent of the total cost of a coastal adaptation project. Activities include monitoring, adaptation planning, asset management, adaptation and maintenance.
"The program builds partnerships with local managers that will preserve and enhance coastal values and assets into the future for the benefit of the wider community," the Minister said.