Grandparents Support Payment

Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney said today that he supports the important role the Government plays in providing much needed support for Grandparents who care for their Grandchildren on a fulltime basis.

“The Barnett Government has implemented a range of strategies to support Grand-carers, including the Grand-carers Support Scheme delivered in partnership with Wanslea Family Services.

“This Scheme was launched in November 2013, and is currently paying 1347 individual grandcarers with $1,196,800 in payments for 2481 grandchildren.

“Eligible Grand-carers are able to receive an annual payment of $400 for the first grandchild and $250 for each additional grandchild in their care.

“The Department of Local Government and Communities provides over $256,000 in recurrent funding for the Grandcare Service to provide a telephone information line offering one to one support as well as group activities for Grandcarers.

“In addition to the direct support payments to the Grandcarer, and the telephone line, additional service such as respite activities, counselling services, training workshops, home help and school tutoring, are offered.

“Grandcarers make a valuable contribution to the community and the Barnett Government continues to recognise the sacrifices and the great work these Grandparents make in order to provide a safe and stable home environment for their Grandchiildren.

“I am very pleased we are able to provide them with continued support, “ said Mr Blayney.