Santa is coming to Stirlings Central Shopping Centre

We hope you’ve been good, because we have a very special guest – Santa!

And he has a free gift waiting for you!

So write a list, check it twice and come and tell him what you would like to add a little sparkle to your Christmas.

Santa will be Stirlings Central Shopping Centre Monday 12th December to Saturday 24th December from 10am to 2pm daily, and on Thursdays he will also be there 4pm until 7pm.

Have your presents wrapped for a gold coin donation, and all proceeds go to the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army Gift Wrapping Station will be at the Stirlings Central Shopping Centre from 19th December 11am to 2pm up until Christmas.

While you’re at Stirlings Central Shopping Centre getting your photo taken with Santa and your presents wrapped, you can also enjoy some FREE Christmas Activities. Kids can come and decorate their very own Christmas decoration. There’s no need to book, just bring the kids down. The Christmas Craft Activity Workshops are on – 
Saturday 18th December – 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 21st December – 3pm to 6pm
Friday 23rd December – 3pm to 6pm

Don’t think you will get all your Christmas shopping done in normal business hours?

Well Stirlings Central Shopping Centre has you covered. They understand we all need some extra time to prepare for Christmas, so they are open longer over the festive season just for you, including Sunday from 10am to 3pm.

*Please check with individual stores in the centre for their trading hours.

For more information please go to the Stirlings Central Shopping Centre’s website -