Promotion: Who Will? HILL WILL!
/As your next Mayor I will:
- Work to ensure that rates do not increase above CPI.
- Reduce Council dependence on Federal and State Government grants.
- Reduce council costs and waste.
- Encourage more tourism to the City.
- Improve sporting, recreation and community facilities.
- Encourage the development of a community recycling strategy.
- Reduce crime and vandalism.
- Eliminate duplicated services provided by Federal and State governments.
- Offer duress alarms to seniors who live alone in City of Greater Geraldton.
- Support a ‘Buy Local’ policy for local government tenders and contracts.
- Ensure that the Mayor is elected by the people of Greater Geraldton and not inhouse by Councillors.
- Encourage the establishment of community resident and progress groups.
- Be available and approachable for all residents.
- Encourage land owners to improve their real estate interests in the CBD.
Vote for a Mayor who will deliver:
Shane Hill · 0412959495 · ·
Authorised by Jenny Walsh, 10 Duboulay St Geraldton WA 6530