The Quick Step Revived
/Waltz your way into a coastal project with this new grants program.
The Coastal Quick Step grants, introduced by NACC for the first time this year, have been designed for community projects which can be completed within six months.
The grants have been designed to service community groups for smaller scale, one-off projects costing up to $1000 and will be available throughout the year.
NACC Coastal and Marine Program Coordinator Dr Mic Payne said the Quick Step Grants would help fund coastal management activities and enhance community skills and knowledge in rehabilitation, restoration and conservation of the Northern Agricultural Region’s coastline.
“The two-tiered grant structure is designed to be flexible and to meet the needs of the community as it is solely for community groups,” he said.
“We look forward to a range of quality projects that continue to improve the management of our coast as well as complement the good work being achieved through similar grant programs such as Coastwest.”
In 2014, coastal grants were distributed across a variety of projects, such as the installation of interpretive signage at Guilderton, workshops on seed propagation and rehabilitation of coastal vegetation in Geraldton, Dongara and Lancelin.
The coastal grants program is part of the Coastal and Marine Program that NACC is delivering on behalf of the Australian Government as part of the National Landcare Program.
In line with the Coastal Quick Step grants, round seven of NACC’s Coastal Community Grants program is now also open.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available for larger projects for organisations dedicated to improving the management of the region’s unique coastal environment.
The grants program enables community groups, local governments and other eligible groups such as educational institutions and not-for-profit organisations to get involved with helping revive and restore their local environment.
Applications close Friday 11 September 2015