Public comment sought on DRAFT Mid West Business Development Strategy
/Mid West Development Commission Chair Honourable Murray Criddle today announced the release of the Mid West Business Development Strategy draft for Public Comment.
The document is designed to provide capacity building initiatives for Mid West businesses and input is being sought from businesses and industry on the recommended priorities/actions identified in the strategy.
The four week Public Comment Period will commence on September 1 and conclude September 28 2015.
The strategy commissioned by the Mid West Business Development Strategy Project Steering Group* is a direct result of the the Mid West Regional Blueprint (Blueprint) process.
“The Blueprint identified that in order for the region to grow, a focus is required on building the capacity of our business sector,” Mr Criddle said.
“More than 5,000 small businesses are at the heart of the Mid West economy employing approximately 45% of all private sector workers. Small businesses are the vehicle through which many people enter the workforce, with many having the potential to develop into the larger businesses of the future,” he said.
The draft strategy identifies eight key business development priority initiatives that include:
- the creation of a new entity/function as a peak body to facilitate and attract investment and regional marketing across the Mid West;
- the development of a skills development program that supports critical business issues;
- formation of a maritime cluster and the development of strategic business plans to implementand guide this process;
- development and introduction of a program to support high growth potential businesses (skills and human capital);
- a program to support rural and remote enterprises to increase their competitiveness and profitability, in particular develop modules to support Tourism and Hospitality businesses in the region;
- investigation of the use of an innovation voucher program to support the development of critical clusters;
- the development of a program to support head works and private sector investment; and,
- a program around connecting Mid West businesses to the State’s North & East.
“The strategy once finalised, will help guide future planning and investment with regards to building the capacity and growth of business sector in the Mid West,” Mr Criddle said.
“The Project Steering Group is keen to hear your views on the draft strategy and its identified priorities, so I urge you to take the time to review it and provide comment.
“Feedback will be collated in a summary document that will be released when the strategy is finalised scheduled for November 2015,” Mr Criddle said.