Local woman has a go at becoming a councillor
/Renee Ellis has decided to nominate to be elected as a local Councillor for the City of Greater Geraldton in the upcoming elections in October.
Renee is an experienced lawyer with several years of social justice advocacy in regional and remote Australia, including various management and leadership roles.
In February 2015 Renee was appointed as a member of the Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Reference Group which provides counsel to the Department of Regional Development and the Minister on matters relating to women's interests, regional sustainability and community cohesion.
Renee also is a board member for the Geraldton Resource Centre, and runs her own Legal Business
However, one of Renee’s great passions is encouraging other women to take leadership roles and find their voice.
‘I think it’svital that women are able to represent their own needs and have their voices heard in every aspect of community, social, business and family life’
Since moving from South Australia Renee has noticed a stark difference between the support and encouragement to take up leadership roles women received in South Australia to that ofWestern Australia.
One thing that does stand out to Renee is the gender imbalance in the City of Greater Geraldton Council.
‘Currently there are two female Councillors amongst twelve Councillors, and one Mayor. That is not even 20%, when women in Geraldton make up over half of the population. It makes me really sad to think that women aren’t seeing leadership roles, like becoming a local Councillor within their reach’.
Having previous experience as a Councillor in Port Augusta, South Australia Renee understands that being a Councillor can be a greatly rewarding and empowering experience.
‘I honestly would love to see more women running for roles in the Council at these upcoming local Government elections and I would encourage any woman who is considering running, or is curious to hear more to contact me, I would be more than happy to help and support other women on their leadership journey’.
Renee can be contacted at reneeellis@live.com.au or https://www.facebook.com/ReneeEllis2015
Anyone who would like to nominate for Council can also contact the Electoral Commission or find information on the Department of Local Communities Website at http://dlg.wa.gov.au/.