Sleep In Your Car 2015
/Dozens to Sleep in Their Cars for the Homeless
Fusion Australia will be hosting ‘Sleep in Your Car 2015’ in August to raise awareness and funds for homelessness in Australia.
Held during or just after Homelessness Prevention Week, the event hopes to create understanding of the plight of those living without a home by having participants experience homelessness first hand.
In Geraldton on August 15 from 7pm participants will spend the night sleeping in their cars at 225 Lester Ave.
There are over a hundred thousand people who are homeless every night in Australia - 48% of these are under 25 years old. ‘Sleep In Your Car’ aims to raise funds and increase awareness about the homeless.
For the first time, Fusion, in partnership with GRC and GRCEC, will run the event in Geraldton “We are so excited about the opportunity for people to sleep out and make a real difference for the thousands of people that don’t have a home or a bed tonight,” said event organiser Alison Hilton.
So far 14 individuals have volunteered to give up their bed and sleep rough on August 15. The Geraldton team hopes to have 30 participants sleeping outand to raise at least $3000 from this local event. Money raised supports Fusion’s homelessness programs, GRC (Geraldton Resource Centre) and GRCEC (Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre).
Activities on the night will include games, a sausage sizzleand the sharing of information about homelessnessin the Midwest and beyond.
Participants over 18 raise a minimum of $100(under 18 raise a minimum of $50). The reason for this minimum is that we want people to do this that are committed to raising funds and creating awareness for homelessness.Fusion is running the event nationwide, with people participating in at least nine different locations.
For further information or to register, visit or call 0423 895 979.