Karl Monaghan Photography – Two Day Landscape Photography Workshop
/Do you have a passion for photography? Are you always looking at expanding your skills and wanting to capture the perfect photo? Then this workshop might be for you. Award winning and accredited professional photographer, Karl Monaghan, and renowned nightscape shooter, Stephen Humpleby, are holding a two day landscape photography workshop on July 4th and July 5th 2015. With expert advise and training, you will learn how to photograph a variety of seascapes and turn them into a work of art.
The workshop will be held in Greenough and will be covering a wide range of techniques and processes including:
- Creating a Catalogue
- Using Lightroom Modules
- Develop Module and RAW Image Adjustments and Local Adjustment Tools
- Importing Images
- Using Various Editing Tools – Gradient, Clone, Blur
- Sharpening and Output
- Using Adjustment Layers, Highlights and Shadow Control
- Black and White Conversions
- Cloning and Removing Objects
- Manual Focus in the Dark
- Light Painting – you will also be shooting the Milky Way and Star Trails
- Editing Techniques for Night Photography
This workshop is only $480 and you will return with a wealth of knowledge and skills for producing fine photography. The workshop is limited to 15 participants so to secure your spot, visit the website where you can read more about it and register online. For more information, contact Karl Monaghan on (08) 9921 3001 or karl@karlmonaghanphotography.com