MWDC call for action on telecommunications review

Call from Mid West Development Commission for Mid West residents
“Don’t miss your chance to have your say on regional telecommunications”

The Mid West Development Commission (MWDC) is urging all who live in the Mid West to embrace the opportunity to have your say about the state of affairs of telecommunications in the region.

The Federal Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee last week released the 2015 Regional Telecommunications Review Issues Paper for public comment, inviting submissions from the public and interested stakeholders on key issues affecting people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia.

Telecommunications was identified as one of the five key areas of the Mid West Regional Blueprint, needing a major focus to enable the region to grow. 

MWDC Chair Murray Criddle believes that this is an important opportunity for Mid West residents to influence how the Federal Government supports the growth of telecommunications services to regional Australia.

“The Regional Telecommunications Review comes at an important time for people living in all parts of the Mid West, with telecommunications infrastructure being upgraded through the rollout of the National Broadband Network and the Australian Government’s $100 million Mobile Black Spot Programme,” Mr Criddle said said.

“I strongly encourage individuals, businesses, peak bodies and other interested organisations to make a submission or even just a comment to the Committee.  It’s easy and of course, you can make your submission online.

“What the Committee is keen to hear about is how the Australian Government and other levels of government, industry, and the community can support access to telecommunications services to meet the needs of people living in this region.

“The Issues Paper asks 13 key questions, however, even if you aren’t prepared to address all 13 questions, I urge you to simply write down your views, highlight issues and opportunities and send them in.

“This is our chance to be heard and we need to tackle it head on!” Mr Criddle said.

The Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee reviews telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia every three years.  Importantly, the last review -- conducted in 2011-12-- had 35 recommendations made, all of which were adopted and implemented by the government.

“The Commission is also forming an Advisory Committee led by our Digital Economic Strategy Manager Rob Smallwood that will participate in the consultations in which we hope to highlight specific areas of interest and discuss key issues in our creation of a regional digital strategy for the Mid West,” Mr Criddle said.

 The issues paper is available at with submissions due by Wednesday 15 July 2015. The Committee will report its findings to Government by 23 August 2015.