Crime prevention forums to improve community safety
/In response to calls from the community to improve community safety the WA Police and the City of Greater Geraldton will be holding a series of crime prevention forums next week.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Ian Carpenter, said the City was keen to host the forums which will provide the latest information on crime prevention techniques to residents and the business community that will enhance community safety.
“Preventing crime, results in greater community safety and during the forums the WA Police will be presenting the most up to date information on various crime prevention techniques such as designing out crime and the latest from Eyes on the Street,” he said.
“Presentations at the business forum will also cover issues around retail theft and armed robbery.”
Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend the forums being held on Wednesday June 17 and learn what they can do to help prevent crime.
“Preventing crime is everyone’s business and by learning how to do somethings differently or better at these forums we can all work together to make the City region safer,” Mayor Carpenter said.
The Community Forum open to all residents will be held from 2.00pm-3.30pm at the Geraldton Yacht Club and the Business Owner Forum will be held from 5.30pm-7.30pm at the Geraldton Yacht Club.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP your attendance by Tuesday 16 June to Neryl Beer on 9956 6720 or via email