Be a part of the green transformation
/Be a part of the green transformation by joining in upcoming community tree planting events.
Get out those gardening gloves and help the City of Greater Geraldton come closer to reaching the community’s Million Trees target.
The City is urging the community to be a part of the green transformation by joining in community tree planting events which will be held throughout the month of June.
Three tree planting days will be held on Saturday June 13 at the Greenough River Estuary; and Saturday June 20 and Saturday June 27 in the Chapman River Regional Park.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Ian Carpenter, said the City was dedicated to planting more trees and shrubs around Greater Geraldton.
“We asked the public what would make Greater Geraldton a better place to live and greening our City was the top priority,” he said.
“Community Tree planting days are about restoring the City’s priority natural areas which include both areas surrounding the Chapman and Greenough rivers.
“The outcome of this was the Million Trees project which has seen over 135,000 trees planted in our region to date.
“We would love the community to continue to help this number grow.”
If you have planted trees or shrubs on your property you can add them to the Million Trees growing tally by heading to the City’s website to make your tree count.
The three planting days will be held from 3-5pm, no gardening experience is necessary. Wear suitable clothes and bring your own gloves, water bottle and hand spade if you have one.
Community tree planting days are supported by the State NRM Office and the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council.
For more information contact visit the City’s website at or phone the City on 9956 6600. You can also follow the Million Trees project on Facebook.