Champion Croquet player comes back to Geraldton May 9,10,11 - 2015
/Martin Clarke, who started his croquet career at Geraldton, is returning to the Geraldton Croquet Club to play a demonstration match, coach local players and join in club games. Anyone is welcome to come along on Saturday morning around 11 am to watch a demonstration match, and the game will be explained to those who have not had the opportunity to learn about it before.
Martin has won events in Geraldton and represented WA three times whilst residing here in the early – mid 90’s. Since then, he has represented WA many more times, captained Australia, and played in several World Championships and competitions in locations all around the world, including most recently in the Golf Croquet World Championships held in New Zealand earlier this year.
In Golf Croquet, Martin is currently ranked no 1 in the state, No 4 nationally and No. 62 in the world.
If you are interested, come along to see what this most flexible sport is all about, or contact coaches on 99383619 for further information.
The club is located in the South West corner of Maitland Park, entry is from Maitland Street.